Damn, that was a beautiful movie. honestly bros

damn, that was a beautiful movie. honestly bros.

>tfw straight but their sexy scenes gave me a discreet boner ;_;

Never too late to experiment, user. Trust me being in that kind of relationship is unforgettable.

Femboys are the future, OP.

>>tfw straight but their sexy scenes gave me a discreet boner ;_;
well you're not that straight then

>tfw life isnt worth living because you can barely talk to people let alone have a relationship as beautiful as theirs.

Keep trying user, you’ll find the special someone to care for you.

of course you can user, but you have to keep trying

Thanks anons


yep, I thought that too, their intimate scenes were very aesthetically pleasing.

when I watched it I thought it was going to be a male 'Blue is the Warmest Color', and it kinda is. But what is most interesting is that it doesn't have the explicit sex scenes that Blue is the Warmest Color has and nonetheless it's just as sensual and erotic, perhaps even more, due to the subtlety played upon their desire

I liked Armie's performance, he's a good actor

i wont watch this movie because im afraid i'll like it

Its okay to like good movies

Jewish fags in beautiful Italian scenery, could it be more (((Oscar))) bait ?

they have great feet. love that they are barefoot on 90% of the movie. 10/10

ugly twinkazoids kys

It's always the ass-fucking (((art))) films that always win oscars.

Gay love is the only true love. Only a man can love, understand e respect another man.

This, but unironically.

it didn't give me a boner, but it did give me a huge urge to eat a ton of peaches. but the peaches where I live are not as luscious as in this movie. holy fuck


>tfw cockyboys

It's okay to like a cute twink

I bet he's hella tight.

oscar baits are never this gentle and subtle. nor they are ever this good

no one is
gender is a spectrum sweetie

Well you don't have to worry because it will not win anything more than Adapted Screenplay

so much this

very intense movie. loved the soundtrack. but sufjan stevens songs made me genuinely depressed for a couple of days