What are good masculine movies?

What are good masculine movies?

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What military technique is that?

It probably means stop. But obviously arnolds also posing his bicep.



Will we ever get sleeveless hero kino again?



primitive technology


its really funny how skinny his right arm looks with two bulges sitting on it from sides

You monster now i can't unsee his tiny upside down drumstick arm

fortunately its this single scene of the movie
also when Poncho tells Arnold what he saw in the chopper, when Dillon comes to them, the sound of the movie skips and changes

>Dudes figuring shit out

The Thing remake by Carpenter was just downright enjoyable


Lord of War

>muh ebil gapitalibum :DDDD

Trivia: The only woman in that movie was on the game show someone was watching on the tv.

Good movie.

I have all his videos. I'm planning on marathoning them soon. 3 hours 41mins of pure comfy.


The Last Jedi, obviously

Best of the Best

Why is this not on the list?


the 'hey look at me im definitely not flexing but seriously look at my arm'

how insecure was this guy, successful jacked movie star and yet he still needs to flex as hard as he can while pretending like he isnt


Get the fuck out of here soyboy...

lmao. its all steroid fluffed up muscle, he really isnt that strong. its all for show no go.