Has anything ever gotten ruined as fast as Alan Moore's exceptional run on Rob Liefeld's comics?

Has anything ever gotten ruined as fast as Alan Moore's exceptional run on Rob Liefeld's comics?

>Moore writes some of the best comics ever
>soon as he leaves
>Youngblood: Bloodsport
>Youngblood: Imperial
>Suprema by Liefeld
>Youngblood by Liefeld again
>Supreme by Larsen

At least we'll always have the original issues.

is Liefeld one of the best people at accumulating talent ever

Yes, but he's also very good at pissing them off because he has very poor impulse control.

At least someone else now goes by Suprema.

Supreme: Blue Rose was a nice little bookend to it tho.
Also at least we had the Prophet revival which was fucking great.

No what the fuck's wrong with you?

At least Youngblood 2017 is looking a bit above decent so far

As long as Rob stays the fuck away from it.

So far from what I can tell he's only writing the backups. He probably has some input on the story, but it's not utter dog shite yet so it can't be too bad.

I know, all i'm saying is that since rob cannot produce either scripts or art on time the moment he tries to take over the relaunches always die. And he didn't even mange to produce a backup for YB #2 so I just want him to not touch it.

>Top: Fuck yeah that's a nice redesign
>Bottom: Okay but where'd all her meat go. Why did she skip leg day

>nice redesign
>Rob Liefeld art
>balloon boobs
>gorilla arms
>pornstar expression

It's looking good. I was very fond of the Joe Casey relaunch but this has potential too. I'm sort of so-so on yet another "all-new team plus Shaft" type of YB but I'll see where it goes.

I wanna say I really like it but can't judge by 2 issues. At the very least I like the help! concept and am intrigued to see where the mystery goes. Kinda don't like how Shaft went from "Don't be the new Youngblood" to Hardrock coercing him in an instant.

I like Gunner/Vogue so far. She has kind of an interesting character thing going in my opinion. New Sentinel's deal about being a disillusioned fan of the old team who helped to ruin their image was kind of mediocre to me. And I guess Doc Rocket and Suprema are pretty much like their Moore versions. So I like the team fine, I just haven't seen enough of it either to make a judgment call.

I hope being president doesn't exempt Diehard from action, though.

>Normal people/Creative people

the only comparable one I can think of is G-Mozz's Doom Patrol followed by Pollack
some others: JSA after Johns
Flash after Johns (Wally run)
WW after Azz
Authority after Millar

What are the must-read comics from the Extreme/Awesome line?
I've only ever read Moore's Supreme/Judgment Day

>Authority after Millar

Authority was amazing under Ellis. Millar turned it to dogshit.

Supreme 41-56
Supreme: The Return 1-6
Supreme 63 (the last issue Moore wrote, DO NOT READ BEYOND THIS POINT because Erik Larsen took over writing and instantly turned it into shit.
Youngblood 1-2
Awesome Adventures 1
Alan Moore's Awesome Universe Handbook
Judgment Day Alpha, Omega, Final Judgement, Sourcebook, Aftermath
Glory 0
Glory 0, 1-2 (published by Avatar)

That is literally all of it. There's nothing more to read.

Moore himself ruined it. Everything on his Supreme run after the Supremium Man arc was garbage.

I unironically enjoy Millar's Authority because it's so over the top edgy
you could even say, so bad it's good

I honestly see nothing wrong with the image on the right.

first time i read blue rose i thought the original supreme exploding out of the citadel caused the events of supreme blue rose.

"so bad it's good" is the definition of enjoying something ironically

Are you fucking blind?