Titans #12 Storytime

Bad Omen!










This is why you're gonna get cucked Roy

Damn. I fucking love the art on both these covers.




Main Rocafort cover is great but the variant is shit.



Damn it already happened

This is either the writer abandoning years of Wally history and dumping his long running relation with Linda or a complete waste of time filler drama until they get back together.
Both options are garbage. Writing is bad.



Pack it up boys, Roy's character is never gonna recover from this


How much you think he'll hit the bottle and we'll have alcoholism drama from this? Or would that not be cliche enough for this comic?



Why did they waste Rocafort's art for an issue like this?

I'm a sucker for that type of, I don't know what you'd call it? Cartoony maybe? Artstyle so it looks great to me.
>Donna a fucking cutie



The best case scenario is that he goes and hangs out with Jason for awhile but I already know he's gonna relapse

I am honestly upset that they have apparently gotten rid of Omen's mask. It made her look so much cooler.



>“JUDAS AMONG US”! As Omen begins her investigation into the identity of the team’s traitor, the Titans launch a full assault on H.I.V.E., who they believe hold the key to restoring Bumblebee’s broken mind. Meanwhile, tensions rise when Roy discovers Wally and Donna’s blossoming romance—which threatens to tear the Titans apart!

Place your bets.

Why are they pissed off at Dick? He made a deal with Deathstroke to train his daughter so he wouldn't go after them? How is that bad?


Dan Mora's Donna is indeed amazing.

Now I know Terra isn't on the team but I have a gut feeling the Judas traitor is Terra.

Roy's already about to put three arrows into the back of Dick's head it seems


Bad writing. Same reason Wally doesn't care about Linda. Same reason pointless three way love triangle drama is happening. Same reason Roy is going to relapse. Abnet isn't exactly a top tier writer.

It is Garth.

I don't know. The Titans betrayed by someone not Terra? Sounds as likely as an a big crossover event where a Titan doesn't die.

>Same reason Wally doesn't care about Linda.
Except he cares about her but she rejected him. Donna is a rebound.

Dick still hasn't told them yet. They don't know what deal he made, which means Dick is still keeping the deal so that Slade doesn't resurrect the old one. Which means Dick is more based than team deserves, baka.

Fuck this stupid company.

It's going to be Garth, he doesn't have any drama in these issues. I bet it'll be the big plot twist in that Trident arc that comes after the next issue.

Terra is too busy in Deathstroke, she has nothing to do with this story.

I mean all jokes aside it's clearly Lilith right?

>Terra is busy in Deathstroke
Busy betraying the Titans!

Are you arguing that what you posted isn't bad writing or just a more accurate description of the bad writing?

Can't Omen read his mind and know what the deal was?

That issue was really mediocre. Bullshit shipping and writing that didn't sound like something any human would say.

It is only bad writing if you are a "not muh" nostalgiafag.

No. I think the wording is a bit awkward for that. I think that they'll cycle through members who she thinks it is, and it'll either end with Garth, Nightwing fucking up, or Terra returning.

I think it's awkwardly worded to try and throw the scent off her.

Nightwing has a solo that controls his character. He isn't going to do anything in Titans.

And Terra isn't part of these generation of characters anymore. She is in Tim's gen now.

Meh. I thought like that at first, but the omen isn't the danger. The danger is what the omen brings. But I guess that it could be the paranoia of knowing that someone will betray them causing the death of a teammate.

But why

Did Garth just imagine him railing Lilith? Pretty Hot.

Wally's love for Linda allowed him to transcend time and death, they were married, had two kids together......and now he's like "welp, time to bang some strange"?

First the pacemaker bullshit, now this.

Abnett, I KNOW you're fucking better than this.

>Dan Mora's variant is shit
shit taste

I'm okay with this
And I'm okay with that. Wally needs some golem to bang

>People are mad Wally is getting amazon pussy


>It's the "Oh, MY!" guy
He's even making the same face!

Does it count as cheating if she isn't really a person? It's just elaborate masturbation at that point.

Wait, what the fuck? If she could've manhandled Psimon psychically why didn't she fucking do that when they fought before instead of letting him pull his crap?

This should be genuinely hard for Wally. Imagine waking up to find out that your kids never existed and your wife doesn't even know you.

It's kinda hard to just be rational and "take it slow" all over again. You'd feel urgent to fix the timeline mistake or whatever, and either end up estranging the girl or becoming a hopeless mess.

He just looks so hilarious standing there.

Although Wally should have totally known that Roy liked Donna. No bro code for the speedster chad!

Oh, you're one of those people who liked One More Day. Didn't think you existed.

>you're one of those people who liked One More Day

Maybe you should stop generalizing people. This isn't a bad pair.

She is hiding her power level from the team for reasons.

Yeah but Omens are often portrayed as the source of the very dangers they warn against. Look through mythology and folklore you see countless situations where someone is warned of a threat, then in an attempt to counter or avoid that threat they create the very situation that sees the danger come to fruition. I reckon that Omen will come to doubt her friends, their integrity. That doubt then grows to mistrust and eventually that mistrust leads to her fracturing the team.

Eh. Didn't care for the drama this issue. Thanks anyways, OP

Fucking hell, are any of the team books decent?

Love these designs

Does it matter? Roy's a cunt.


Cap it.

oh Roy

He's been shit for like 7 years user

I reckon so. It will turn out she's not just missing memories, but is also got a time bomb memory waiting to activate. easy to excuse too.

fuck off
also this is how you make Roy go back to snorting kids

it's Wally, that's why he's becoming increasingly ooc

that or what said, Titanstroke 2.0


RHATO is the closest thing to a decent team book.

Feels weird to say to that when it was the worst team for for all of new 52

The most decent team book will be Deathstroke next month.

Garth, Omen or Bumblebee.

Garth seems like the least suspicious member which makes him perfect for a surprise betrayal.

Omen has been hiding her true potential and Psimon might have messed with her head somehow.

Bumblebee is missing her memories, she could be a sleeper agent.

It's going to be Wally, the man who's love for linda allowed him to transcend a reboot and come back, no way is he just going to drop that for Troy, regardless of how good the puss is. The Wally here isn't the real Wally it was possessed by something in the speedforce during the Lazarus contract

I can't see Wally betraying his team. Both Wally becoming antiheroes would be a little too much.

Roy ;-;

fucking wally

it's omen it's obvious, psimon gave it away it's just that omen is a sleeper agent for hive with blocked memories.

Would that be bad writing or plot? I enjoy the plot but hate the dialogue. It could be debated they are one and the same I guess.

Roy, you idiot. You have your flaws, but you also have your good points, silly. She's not like royalty or something.

That hurts.

But on the other hand... Donna likes redheads, eh?

the only love you need is hard core drugs

>Train. Hit me
Oh baby

Bee, because she doesn't want to stop being what she is.