Hey, Sup Forums! I'm headed to the market today! Want anything?
Hey, Sup Forums! I'm headed to the market today! Want anything?
I want your Mossy. I could use a second one for target practice.
How about you go to a place full of blacks instead?
Since I'm not a clapper I didn't hear about this guy's shooting, but I saw his manifesto video posted on /r9k/ yesterday so I decided to check it out.
I'm someone who's been through many different forms of suffering, so I can usually understand the depths of people's pain, but watching his video even I couldn't understand the level of self-hatred and isolation he was feeling. Listening to his voice, watching his mannerisms, reading his suicide note, etc. all painted a picture of someone who seemed to have transcended even robot-tier levels of anxiety into something completely unfathomable.
He shouldn't have killed those people, but then again the world he lived in was so utterly fucked that it's hard to say that he alone was at fault for the way he was.
America, get your shit together.
A gallon of milk, a loaf of bread, and a stick of butter.
go ask your mom for a list of those places
I don't know man, will you remember?
How quaint, you blame the country as a whole for issues. The fault lies within him and his family alone. What could this country have possibly done to stop this? Keep Danny phantom on the air
I mean, it's not a coincidence that it's almost always in America where these mass shootings happen. That's not to say that other countries don't have their own fucked up problems, but the conditions in American society are there for people like Randy Stair to resort to mass-murder as a way of coping with suffering.
Can you please post the link? I really want to hear what he had to say