Your thoughts on this show? How does it compare to other TF cartoons?
Transformers Prime
>Takes itself so seriously it becomes incredibly boring
>CG animation restricts all action to brown deserts and any instances of cities are completely devoid of people to save costs; even the New York episode had to take place in a subway tunnel
>Item Collect plot line
>Decepticons are killed off so soon after being introduced that a villain roster is non existent beyond 3 or so characters
Not as dull as any of the anime shows, but certainly the most boring Western Transformers cartoon ever produced.
Not perfect but good.
It's hard for me to compare one TF series to another because largely they all have something different to offer, rarely do two TF shows have the same tone or themes, it's usually very different stylistically or thematically aside from the general theme of "good" vs "evil"
>Your thoughts on this show?
Honestly I think it was a decent show. Not without its problems but I definitely like it overall. I also seem to have a minority opinion that it improved after s1. S1 just had too many moments of characters acting out of character or going balls retarded in the last 5 minutes of an episode to maintain the status quo. The example I remember most being Arcee beating Megs, then going
>Optimus wouldn't want me to kill
And so they walk away leaving Megs totally imprisoned and at their mercy not even trying to bring him into their custody. Then like 2 episodes later she's campaigning to kill a comatose Megs.
>How does it compare to other TF cartoons?
Beast Wars is probably always gonna sit on top for me. But it's around a similar standing to the G1 animes and Animated for me.
Which Sup Forums might crucify me for.
Rescue Bots I like for what it is around a similar level, but I nee to get back to it to be sure. Not watched since s1 ended.
And it's above above USG1, newRiD, Unicron Trilogy, CarRobots and Beast Machines.
>CG animation restricts all action to brown deserts and any instances of cities are completely devoid of people to save costs; even the New York episode had to take place in a subway tunnel
This bothered me too. The show is, arguably, the best looking of them all, good CGI animation and character design, but the backgrounds and settings were all so dull.
My favourite Starscream and Ratchet were in this so....
The first season was decent and everything after was eh to awful. It took itself way too seriously.
Those hooker pumps though...
Writing has it's awkward moments but is fairly solid overall.
General blandness of backgrounds is somewhat upsetting and character animation and designs are great and kinda make recent RiD look like shit in comparison
The show's best girl.
Arcee ( and her hypnotically pretty eyes) and the spooder can't even compete.
>Animation and designs
>More 'mature' themes
>Less focus on human characters after s1
>Coked up on Dark Energon Megatron
>Stiletto-heel, scum of the universe, Starscream
>Morally questionable and vengeful Arcee
>backgrounds and city devoid of people or life
>had to stick with status quo
>video-gamery plot of 'collect the artifacts'
>took itself TOO seriously at times
All in all I think It's one of the better shows. It has much better and consistent animation than previous cartoons + both Welker and Cullen reprising their roles as Megatron and Optimus. It isn't full of shitty fillers and human villains like TFA.