Baby Muggas storytime

Baby Muggas storytime

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>This dialogue.
>This whole story so far.













Nice ultimate spread.

6 survived. So there's one more ultimate mutant out there.

golden sniktbub

Great, this old bit again...

>Bobby don't use your Ice powers!
>Warren whatever you do make sure you keep your fire wings on!
Jesus they really just let that bar burn down.

>Its a fighting issue with little story progression



Last issue, this bar was full of normal patrons who couldn't see the young x-men because of psy-shenannigans. Now this fight breaks out around them, wrecking the bar, and none of them will stay behind to help out.

>people ever thought that x-men are not complete cunts.


This have to do with all mutants being super soldiers in the Ultimate edgy crap verse?

>miss sinister
wait, isn't sinsister turn back to man long time ago?

They were never the same person

Fuck off with that "1610 was destroyed" bullshit. It was restored as all the other Earths were. Ewing, deliver us from this evil.

No, this has to do with Jimmy being Magda Lensherr's son.

>Magneto literally raising his wife's son again

this atrocious dialogue reminds me of issue 1
>worried about getting into peoples minds without permission
Since when?


wow it's great that they explained every question you could have so explicitly in that last panel. if it had no narration i wouldn't know what I'm meant to think or what information and thoughts were conveyed sprang from the story.

how did he change his claws?

It reads like imitation Claremont, since Bunn doesn't usually write that way.

WELP. Didn't see Miss Sinister coming. I thought she was dead?

>It was restored as all the other Earths were
We don't know if that's the case yet. I'm sure Ewing will do his best with what he's got though.

jimmy is a mary sue char. he claws are actually psionic and can change into anything be never break

PFFT, Magneto is getting cucked and doesn't even know it.

That's why they're different mutants. The "familiar" feeling Magneto gets from him though comes from the fact that Jimmy's mom is Ultimate Magda.

Jimmy has Colossus' powers but on his bones only. He can turn the metal on his claws on and off. Likewise, he once used that power to cover his teeth in metal.

>Miss Sinister
>Ultimate X-men
Well, I may not like the O5 but at least all the other characters appearing in this book are up my alley.

I think Miss S is going to end reverse engineering the 1610 X-Gene and create a bunch of artificial mutants.

also Poor Magneto now raising his wife's adult son.

x bump

So there are three Iceman now?

Ultimate Bobby doesn't seem to be one of the ones brought over. Based on the bottom left panel, it's only Jimmy, the Maurauders, and one other

no that's just a splash showing off the Ultimate Universe but if you look at the bottom left corner there's 6 pods for but we've only seen 5 Ultimate X-Men so there is one more Miss Sinister has.

No. It was destroyed says the maker. Other universes also got resdestroyed.

Ewing has a new ultimate universe.

So its probably a big deal.

Probably ultimate jean.

So Ultimate Wolverine slept with Ultimate Magneto's wife? Lol I guess people weren't kidding when they said that universe was shit.

It looks like those 6 on the right with Bobby melted.


Why? Is he banging 05Jean too???
She does DPs with Magnus and Hank in front of Scott???

Things that came to 616 from The ultimate Universe
- miles and his supporting cast minus Ultimate Gwen, Mj or May
- The maker who has the whole ultimate u on his person
- a handful of ultimate x-men
- Ultimate thor's Hammer which is in the hands of whoever the war Thor is

I for one am glad that Asshole Universe is gone.

I think earth-712 was one of those too.

issue 5 and they are already bringing in a shitty filler artist.
Nice going, marvel, no wonder you are failing

It's double shipping, what do you expect. There's a handful of artists that could do a two week turnaround

Too bad a new version is coming to get u.

Supreme power, New universe, old man logan, few more.

Old Man Logan universe was nuked too?

Oh, that's right. Jimmy, here, is the son of Ultimate Wolverine and Magda, ultimate Magneto's wife.

Haha this better turn into some Jerry Springer shit.


Is Miss Sinister an slut?

Well shit that's a blast from the past.
Didn't think we'd ever see her again, considering there's not much of point to her character now that Sinister is alive and kicking.

I dig her costume.

What do you think?

blond snikt

I wonder, what can happen if she ever met Cyclops? You think she will go full tsundere like Mr. Sinister?

Probably the same reaction as Essex except the sexual undertones become overtures because who can resist Best Boy?

>Doujin never

>She meets young Cyclops

I sincerely hope no-one's buying this shit.

So glad, Miss Sinister is back. She's that special kind of rule 63.

The one that is actually good?

the Issue with Ms Sinister is that Mr Sinister can be and has been a woman if he wants. He has "full control of his molecular structure", he is a shapeshifter + telepath.

pic related is Mr Sinister as a female

He is really thirsty for Scott, isn't he?

he is a Scott and Jean shipper. That is his motivation.

You ain't fooling me Essex wants Summers dick.

Miss Sinister happened a few years before Gillen's run. He never shape shifted into a women before that or even had the inclination to do so. Also both examples aren't really a result of shapeshifting so much as full on clones with Sinister's mind implanted.

>The maker who has the whole ultimate u on his person
pretty sure that's a hologram he's ust using to illlutrate his explanation of where he came from

Yeah its like Skrulls suddenly being agender instead of having two clear genders because of Runaways.

Eh I wouldnt go that far.
Renko was an odd one-off offshoot and Kate was a ruse to fuck with Scott.
It's telling Gillen's Sinister's species was all male.

Are other writers trying to give Bendis a loophole to use.

She is going to cuck Jean isn't she?

Maybe jean shouldnt have been such a cunt

Actually, no. Sinister is the biggest Jean and Scott shipper ever. He is obsessed with using their DNA to make the ultimate Mutant of Mass Destruction.

Sinister ran the orphanage where Cyclops grew up. You could say he was a father figure to young Cyclops.

What does that say about Cyclops? His two father figures were powerful and manipulative telepaths.

Miss Sinister is the creation of Mike Carey.

Yeah, sinister ultimate level of obsession with Cyclops DNA would be to turn into a woman and get impregnated by cyclops (without him noticing) and then brag about it in front of an extremely embarrassed Tyke

Well, there's a woman now so...

I'm aware. She was only used for a few issues though. The Original Sin arc iirc. The Liu used her in her X-23 run. She hasn't been used since then. It's been like 6 years.

Just leaving this here.