What are the best Half In The Bag episodes?
also which one is the one where the keep freeze-framing on Jay that his red / angry / doing a weird face?
What are the best Half In The Bag episodes?
what was so funny about the 'IT BROKE NEW GROUND' bit? Was Jay too self-aware?
I think you're referring to this, OP
this is my favorite
>It's a "Mike isn't present but Josh is here" episode
Jack & Jill
Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Man of Steel/Justice League
There are a lot of throwaway movie reviews where they get into interesting discussions. It Follows is a good one.
Yesterday I re-watched the old episode where they discuss a shitty rom-com with the female guest star who was also in a BotW episode.
It's 20 minutes of Mike relentlessly mocking this poor woman for admitting she enjoys shitty rom-coms. Must watch.
man of steel review. it's always nice to see someone share your hatred for a movie
How about a link
I think that used to be Jay's girlfriend. I doubt that relationship lasted long with all the assblasting Mike did to her.
This bitch is retarded
She was never Jay's gf as far as anyone knows. She's just a friend and actress that has been in a few of their projects.
Their best was the Jack and Jill breakdown. It's was Plinkett but fuck that we need a whole fucking breakdown of the nightmare.
do you imply that Mike brainwash Jay to make him gay & his "secret" cumdumpster???
Will Mike go to heaven when he dies?
Jack and Jill is the most kino episode.
He will go to Valhalla
Recently rewatched the Ghostbuster (2016) HitB. Love the episode, but drunk Mike makes me sad. Alcohol is a fucked up beast.
I like the Man of Steel review for really hitting on how shit Snyder was.
No just that women go: "why didn't you defend me" when they get BTFO because of their inane and stupid comments.
>check date of upload
are all of them single rn
I dunno about them, but I am
2$ say it's Jay's spitroast.
Wow this is very useful
there must be at least payfag on here, right?
If you're this desperate to know, join yourself, you freeloading faggot.