What do you all think of Andromeda? I'm getting through the second season now

What do you all think of Andromeda? I'm getting through the second season now..
I think that for a mid '00s show it's got a lot of depth - especially for a sci fi. Most of the episodes aren't simply "monster of the week" and end up tying up tightly to the main story thread.
I found the characters to be quite good as well, with deep flaws and funny quirks.
Comparing it to Stargate, I'd have to say the characters on this are a bit less entertaining, but more deep and less unambiguously good. Even from a position of moral superiority and good intentions, they still make mistakes and fall victim to their own character flaws.

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In addition, I think that the setting/worldbuilding is pretty good. A bit simplistic and rubber-forehead alien reliant, but regardless well done.
My favorite race is probably the Nietzschians. They register to me as a more bestial and brutal take on the Vulcans.
The Magog are also not half bad for an evil alien species.
Otherwise it has a feel of its own, though I wish they'd play up the "dark ages" vibe a bit more.

It felt like something that was constantly about to get really good but never did.

that said I never actually watched every episode and it's been years.

I remember I wanted to fuck that little purple alien girl when it was on tv

I never got into Star Trek but this always seemed to be a better Star Trek to me. 5th Season is fucking garbage though. Just stop at the 4th, it's the perfect ending anyways.

>I'm getting through the second season now
You've hit peak Andromeda

>During the production of the second season, Wolfe claims that he and the studio quarreled over the non-episodic nature of the show and the studio's requests for "more aliens, more space battles, and less internal conflict,"[2][3] eventually resulting in his departure. Actor Kevin Sorbo confirmed the statements, saying that Wolfe, "is a genius, but was developing stories that were too complicated."[2]

i remember they find kevin sorbo and the blond annoying dude made a reference to hercules
>he's built like a greek god or something
that's literally all i can remember

Nietzscheans were based af

pick of alienfu.