>Wants to fuck his sister
>Kills his best friend
>Gets btfo the moment he opposes someone with actual power
>Moral hypocrite
>Borderline vegetable from frying his brain with drugs
Why do people idolize this retard again?
he never fucked over nobody who didn't have it comin
cocaine, lots and lots and lots of cocaine
Carlito's Way is better.
frank was better
They didn’t until much later, Scarface was initially hated by critics. Later due to the popularity of Grand Theft Auto and the whole “Gangsta mentality of rising to the top from rags to riches” stuff it gained a niche popularity, nowadays it’s mostly celebrated for its classic 80s vibe and comparisons to GTA Vice City
I agree. Carlito is Scarface for the more mature individual.
He died because he was a hypocrite, plain and simple. He talked about respect but he NEVER respected anybody but himself.
Shit ending.
Did he really want to have sexual relations with his sister?
chi chi, get the yayo