Tfw you like a movie so much you make a music video out of it through the simple power of your own autism

>tfw you like a movie so much you make a music video out of it through the simple power of your own autism

What's it like to hold hand of someone you love? Interlinked.

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It was a beautiful, dark movie. I do not give a shit what anyone says. I was a little worried about the Joi thing until I realized she was calling everyone Joe because Joe is short for Average Joe - it is just her pleasing everyone in this advanced, depressing era. When I realized gosling's robot wasn't special or truly in love with anyone but just, another robot doing it's job, I shat myself. The utter darkness of this movie makes me have hope. Weird, I guess. But I'm so fucking done with the american good guys-are-always-winning theme. Good music video!

>Just finished watching this for the first time
>Didn't have anything spoiled, just knew that Sup Forums jerks off to it
>Think that she is unknowingly the spy the whole time for Wallace
>Don't trust her throughout the movie, she just seems too perfect
>"Break the antenna"
>"I love you!

So she was actually perfect the whole time Sup Forums? She really was best girl..

Pic meant for

She was programmed to be. That's why he snaps seeing the ad


>Makes autistic music video
>Doesn't put classics such as Finger eleven, in the end, or wake me up

Op fucks up even in the simplest shit

>2010's movie
>synthwave starts playing

what genre is that music?

synthpop or whatever

Not bad OP. Pls make one with something less obvious than synthpop like Prurient or something


btw pretty cool video with the Samsara clips

thanks man

Why post that when you made this?


Make your own videos.

Anyone have that Real Human Bean mashup with the ending?


>uses Perturbator for BR2049 kino
>track is not Sentient
Next time Lad

>using a song everyone already knows

No thanks.

it's not the worst hobby in the world, I make like 1-2 a year when I have the time

dis nigga has some good taste

Better than the song you used.

Well that's like your opinion, fag.

Video is good. I just don't like the song. No big deal.

Why would I use a song already popular and has a music video that is decent?

This is actually extremely well done. Great content.

wow dude i really liked the way you put in a bunch of good clips in a random and shit order and compiled it with a song, wow you are as creative as the motherfuckers doing livestreamfails compilcations

>being deaf and can't hear that he matched visual ques with certain points in the song


Has there ever been a movie on Sup Forums shilled as much as Blade Runner: 2049?

It's amazing how many threads started appearing on here again a couple weeks before the dvd gets released. You would think people would start making threads about it after they got to see the movie again rather than before. hmm...

>certain parts
wow nigger are you even trying ?


Put your earphones in you fucking shitty phoneposter.

>anons who are too autistic to go to theaters to watch it finally torrent the movie
>some retard thinks it's shills and not that it is a good movie

Fuck off chaim.

Self shilling fag. I'll self shill too; There's a download link in the description, slightly better quality and better sync,
tried to make it like in the movie