Why is Kurt Russell so fucking awesome?
Why is Kurt Russell so fucking awesome?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because he's /ourguy/
because walt disney transferred his power to him before he died
Because he's not a libcuck
snake plissken is practically solid snake so theres that
The hair
Because water is wet and the sky is blue.
The really fucked up thing about Stuntman Mike was that he could easily hook up with the hottest chick in the bar, but it meant literally nothing for his sexually depraved mind.
t. reddit roastie
he hated roasties, he's literally /ourguy/
But Pam wasn't a roastie like the rest of them, she was pure.
^shut up retard
how many loads did she swallow for this part?
Well, he is a serial killer. He's more interested in making her a corpse.
god DAMN the second half of death proof is so weak compared to the first
Yep. Goes from 70's kino to modern pandering. Sad.
Fucking based, solid arguements, these gun control people think that if you give people flowers instead of being able to access weapons wont want them to still kill people...... same people that oppose a wall though....wtf...
Who gives a shit when second half had prime MEW.
>another Sup Forums shilling thread, trying to "culturally win the racewar through the internet"
sage goes in the options field
How does he manage to look so normal and bad ass at the same time?
>Fucking based, solid arguements
he literally sperged out and revealed his power level
>going from a diplomatic approach, "it's a movie xD" bullshit, to "WE'RE GONNA SHOW THEM"
is he a cuckservative?
It's the eyepatch.
>another retard brings up the pol boogeyman for no reason than to be incredibly stupid
What, do you think the Jazz threads are trying to promote transgenderism? Or the Call Me By Your Name threads are trying to promote homosexuality?
Someone just wanted to make a thread about Kurt Russell and if a couple posters bring up his politics, whatever. You're the one that is obsessed with pol and politics acting like this has some agenda behind it. Clearly your the one with the agenda , idiot.
suuuure, that's why you're not SEETHING right now
Can't you read doughboy?
coz you are thisty David Geffen.
Kurt Russell says for you to fuck off back to babby/pol/, numale.
no u
How is sperging out using a hockey arguement that he would stop people trying to do things against him again?
You gotta try way harder than that, laddie.
>How is sperging out sperging out?
He's thoughtful, professional, and a family man. Everything the modern world hates.
That shiny jacket needs no scorpion.
>He's thoughtful
he's a dumbass...
you mean one-dimensional
did he ever play anything other than the standard macho hollywood bullshit hero? And don't bring up Carpenter, we are talking about him as an actor, to get ahead of you
>a family man
since when is that a value, lel? So if an actor/actress is single that means there's something wrong with them?
>Kurt Russel
>an actor who has played in legendary movies
>known across the globe
>I am pleb for not liking him
do you know the definition of pleb, or is it a term you remember from browsing ED? What am I talking about, you probably don't even know what ED is
is this evolved reddit formatting?
you sure obliterated my argument and made all of your fanbase love you
You have to be over 18 to post here, son.
what the fuck is wrong with you
>you sure obliterated my argument
Sure thing, kiddo.
>I'll just spout catchphrases, that's a good trick
Seriously, though - what is Kurt's appeal? Is it his acting skill? His charisma? His role choices? The fact that he's been around for like 60 years, and is STILL acting? What does he do that makes us like him?
probably that he's rightwinger like you and you're trying to shill him hard while smear other actors for their more liberal take on things, with petty attacks on their appearance and violation of their privacy, like a gossip granny
you cannot deny this
>he's rightwinger
A-are you ok, user? Where did the bad man touch you??
If you honestly think he's right wing, you're delusional, lad. You should get out of your mom's basement more often.
how can you seriously get so btfo? Are you doing it intentionally? Are you a masochist?
Oh dear! Your feefees got hurt when Kurt said that laws won't stop bad people from hurting others?
Are you six?
Yer bein' trolled, kiddo. You're bad at this.
He's a libertarian, you stupid cum guzzling liberal.
This, my God, this: why do lefties all assume Kurt's on the right, when he's always been firmly in the middle, telling both sides to suck his dick.
Her boyfriend at the time was the director for the other half of the Grindhouse thing. So to answer your question: a lot of loads.
Is there a single person on this earth that doesnt love Kurt Russel? I think hes probably immortal.
Good actor, good looking, plays interesting and memorable characters.
would suck his dick no homo
>Good actor
Left wing liberals are all very uneducated, angry, and hold a firm and unwarranted conviction in their beliefs.
I wouldn't say so, it had a great climax and the turn of the women fighting back against him was fun
But the whole second half was basically just one note - there was no mystery, no interest: just the wait for the inevitable and predictable 'climax'. Plus, it was stuntman vs. stuntwomen: there was no real sense of risk or threat, as there would have been with a car full of 'normal' girls. The last half held no tension.
The most impressive thing to me about Kurt Russell is he's been in the business since he was a kid, and has somehow remained one of the most grounded and normal people in Hollywood. He's a guy you don't hear anything bad about, and listening to him in interview, he has a clear disdain for phoniness and empty platitudes.
>The last half held no tension
The car chase was very tense. The girls were just nowhere near as interesting as the first batch of girls.
he is one of those few Actors that is impossible to hate. Bruce Campbell is another one. You love him in everything he is in.
meh, i never for one second thought blonde was gonna fall.
her name is Zoƫ Bell you heretic
Me neither in the context of the movie, but it was still a great stunt. I perked up when she let go of the belts and was riding on the hood with nothing to hold on to.
the BEST movie of all time
And I never for one second felt any emotion for her 'plight'. Hell, I was cheering for Kurt through the whole second half - and that's NOT what the movie was going for, was it?
It's fun, but it's not even the best Russell/Carpenter movie of all time.
few friends and i went to a halloween party a few years ago, it was a costume party so we all went as different kurt russell characters
Now now, he's right, and this isn't a Thing thread....
Should have went hard mode and dressed as Executive Decision Kurt Russell aka a simple tuxedo, but I bet you all went the Carpenter or Captain Ron route.
It's a shame spaghetti western is dead, because he's the perfect Frank (Henry Fonda).
because he's american
>I bet you all went the Carpenter or Captain Ron route
those were already taken so i went as his version of wyatt earp
Just seeing that image makes me want to clutch a blanket. Fuck, I love The Thing so much.
Based. Have an Ana Kasparian.
No film in which a doggo dies can be considered "good"
Just remember what ol' Jack Burton always says at a time like that
You shouldn't have said my name...
Finest horror movie, finest sci fi movie, finest action movie, finest dramatic movie - all in one!
It is one of those comfy movies.
You'd be wrong, then. Plus, Jed is the movie's main villain.
I handled the original film in its canister when it was shipped to criterion.
Doggo's cannot be villains because they are good boys
Cujo, or the non-Disney Frozen movie.
Cujo was a good boy who was very sick
>combinations of all of the above
How does he do it so flawlessly?
Because he never turned into a Hollywood weirdo.
im as straight as they come but russell is hot af
He cheated a lot on his wives though, but I guess he's only human
she's very talented
He's manliness at it's best
>Prime Russell will never star in a MGS movie as young Solid Snek
>STILL haven't watched Used Cars
Fuck me will I ever find the time?
He was the best best friend in burn notice