>"Not him but.."
>am him
"Not him but.."
Other urls found in this thread:
Op here. I am gay btw
I am gay, but this isn't fucking me.
another man is
>see two anons arguing
>pretend to be one of them and start typing retarded shit
not me but all me
>see the same image constantly spammed in waifu threads
>look up the image in the archive
>notice the same filename for the image popping up left and right
>search by filename
>see this
>shame the autist who posts it any chance I get
>movie has white people in it.
>Shut it off and give it a bad review on Rotten Tomatoes
Jesus that guys a nutcase
>Mess up spoiler
>Close browser and leave the room
>Make a typo in a very condescending post
>"You must wait longer to delete this post"
>that first one of him replying to black cock
go on...
>two anons arguing
>pretend to be one of them and start typing stupid shit
>tell people to check my repeating digits
>there aren't any
>destroy computer and throw it off the bridge
What are the chances that he isn't a Pajeet?
fuckin hell, beat me to it- almost word for word too. Good job, user.
go on...
>want to post in these kind of threads
>spend more than 10 minutes thinking but nothing comes out
>make funny post that gets lots of replies
>people accuse me of samefagging
>there's nothing i can do
>Not just typing t. reddit whenever you can't think of a retort
>finish watching a movie
>immediately come to to Sup Forums afterwards and start a thread asking "did i like it?"
>someone replies to me that I'm seething
>anything I say in my defense will only make it worse
I've seen this happen, don't worry user, we can tell when people are just jealous of some sweet (you)s
Based neckposter
suggest they have consumed a high level of soy