Why did the handmaiden decoy order the Queen to clean the droid?
Why did the handmaiden decoy order the Queen to clean the droid?
Because it's funny
No one should suspect who the Queen is, special preference could tip a spy off. Besides, it could be an ego thing. I know if I was a qt Queen decoy I would order the real one to lick my pusy.
get out of her fraud pusyposter
why do you get a kick out of nitpicking kids films?
That was unscripted.
Natalie made Keira cry on set so as revenge she "got carried away" in character as the Queen and ordered her not only to clean R2 but also give her a foot massage. George liked this improvisation so much he kept it the first scene but sadly not the latter.
Decoy pusyposter*
>I know if I was a qt Queen decoy I would order the real one to lick my pusy.
You just know there's at least one Star Wars fanfic made by some random autist with this exact premise
She was fucking with her. That's why she's was smiling when ordering Padme around.
When it comes to decoys why not use clones that could look exactly like her?