Is he the greatest living (comedy) writer/director?

Is he the greatest living (comedy) writer/director?

>No one has delivered so many films with such a consistent level of quality
>Other juggernauts like Alfred Hitchcock fail to match this consistency
>He focuses on multiple settings doesn't only indulge typical Los Angeles, New York and Midwestern United States fetishisms
>His comedic style influenced the modern greats (and not just the Jews)
>Able to capture the atmosphere of a variety of time settings including the future
>Perfected the mockumentary
>Never made a single fart joke

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if movie making had batting averages Allen would be benched for life

why do all of his fans just like his faggy shit? Am I the ONLY one who likes his "funny" stuff and owns Sleeper and Take the Money and Run and those are my favorites, the ones I love?

I loved Sleeper but never saw Take the Money and Run. My personal favorite is probably Sweet and Lowdown

me again, it's him showing off his slapstick/absurdist humor, not a lot of his later intellectual navel-gazing/jokes that take you ten minutes or ten days to get later style humor. He was a real wacky comedian before all the melancholy, and I laugh my ass off.

>I hate Woody Allen physically, I dislike that kind of man. Oh, yes. I can hardly bear to talk to him. He has the Chaplin disease. That particular combination of arrogance and timidity sets my teeth on edge. He is arrogant. Like all people with timid personalities, his arrogance is unlimited. Anybody who speaks quietly and shrivels up in company is unbelievably arrogant. He acts shy, but he’s not. He’s scared. He hates himself, and he loves himself, a very tense situation. It’s people like me who have to carry on and pretend to be modest. To me, it’s the most embarrassing thing in the world—a man who presents himself at his worst to get laughs, in order to free himself from his hang-ups. Everything he does on the screen is therapeutic.

nice, thanks Orson from the grave

My fav of his is Manhatten, am i a pleb?

Coens are the greatest living directors. You can't dispute this.

I liked Hail Caesar! so much I went on here and begged Hollywood to make more like it, less capeshit, more like it.

>Anybody who speaks quietly and shrivels up in company is unbelievably arrogant. He acts shy, but he’s not. He’s scared. He hates himself, and he loves himself, a very tense situation. It’s people like me who have to carry on and pretend to be modest. To me, it’s the most embarrassing thing in the world—a man who presents himself at his worst to get laughs, in order to free himself from his hang-ups.

His analysis is pretty spot on but I do have to wonder, does this come from personal experience. To understand that personality so well, I can only imagine that Orson Wells might have had a personality like that in his life. Or maybe he knew too many people like that.

that make you the rare "Patpleb", congrats.

I may actually have to agree with this statement, although their films are a collaborative effort and there is no denying Allen's influence on their work
I hated Hail Caesar

>hating on the kind and genius man that is Chaplin
Get out of here Welles

>spits venom at Woody Allen for being arrogant
you know I bet there's ten times as many creative people in Hollywood now who are just as arrogant as WA was, and most of them with a tenth his talent too

>implying I will ever watch this kike soycunt's soy films
he's no Polanski

>hated Hail Caesar!
how weird

MUAAARGHHHH the french

Maybe it was the ending but I felt like the entire thing was underwhelming and had no real continuity.

>not a kike soycunt pedo manlet polock

I hate pedos and I hate kikes but I can't deny his skills as a director.

it definitely had a linear plot in every possible way and left no character un-transformed

what's your favorite movie of his?

Macbeth comes to mind, maybe not the objectively best of his works but I really like it.

hmmmmmmm, I'll have to see that.
If you had to chose between watching China Town or The Ninth Gate tomorrow night which would you pick?

Mel Brooks is the only responsible response.

Blazing Saddles
The history of the world
Robin hood men in tights

Stupid goys

you had to play the ace card huh?

Miike Takashi is the greatest. Nobody - living or dead - has his range

Repulsion. You uncultured swine

I watched Annie Hall and it was unfunny boring shit. The only time I laughed was when he sneezed on the cocaine, and that wasn't even scripted.

I'm only swine on my father's side
I did that once to meth, it wasn't funny at all to the people around me

he said that before allen made his greatest films
and really, he was in casino royale (1967) with him, he has no right to criticize anyone if his last movie was the fucking transformers movie

It started out as a sort of noir and veered off into an ill-conceived communist side-plot that took over and led to an unfunny anticlimactic ending.

One of my favorite monologues. I think about this shit all the time.

Look, any Anglo who spends more than a year in Hollywood is going to develop a bottomless disgust toward Jewry. It just happens, okay?

I have never seen a Woody Allen film.

Where do I start?

Play it Again, Sam is where I started. I think it's a great bridge between his two "eras". You can then watch either Annie Hall or Manhattan to get into his more artistic endeavors or his early, funny ones like Sleeper or Bananas.

Also recommend Radio Days and Purple Rose of Cairo.


be honest, you all liked woody's movies when you were young(er) and they was a maximum comfy factor in 'em

well... that's one way to look at it!

some of his movies (yes, made for TV), like Take the Money and Run, are accessible to children really

Literally me, except I have no redeeming qualities. Even this post and sentence are to make me appear humble

Well, I like his films, except for that nervous fella who's always in them.

deconstructing harry and mighty aphrodite are the top 10 of the 90s, prove me wrong

do balding, ugly, neurotic, jewish manlets really get laid that much?

Pleb opinion, whatever, but I still think Mel Brooks is the funniest director I've ever seen in my lifetime.

It's a shame Hollywood killed the parody genre with the half-assed "X Movie" shit


Because Orson saw too much of himself in Woody, a self Orson thought he had long buried and he is angered Woody doesn't give a fuck about hiding it

>Space Balls
>Loaded Weapon
seriously, those shit parodies killed one of the best comedy genres

This is the most pathetic copypasta 'gotcha' amongst all the inherently pathetic copypasta gotchas brainlets use to justify their poor taste. Think for yourself and articulate your own ideas. Cunt. Woody Allen is kino.

>Sweet and Lowdown
Underrated Woody. One of those ones that sort of slipped through the cracks. I don't think it even ever got an official DVD release, much less bluray, and probably didn't have a proper run in theaters. It's Penn's only appearance in a Woody movie, who he was always eager to work with, but Woody will only hire actors he thinks are right for the parts, and he never could find the right part for Sean until this. Sadly it has gone mostly forgotten, or maybe not known in the first place.

thank you, slap-stick Woody fan here, can it be retired at least temporarily?