What are some films about irreversible change?

What are some films about irreversible change?

Monsters Inc

Not a film but “I am Jazz” is about a change most irreversible



There's a TV show about Jaron Bloshinsky, who, encouraged by his attention-starved mom, a money-greedy reality TV producer, and a sociopathic doctor with an agenda, is forced into a journey to change from a normal, healthy little boy into a 400-pound shemale monstrosity with a micropenis, while the entire nation gets to see the Kafkian trainwreck as it unfolds, culminating in his inevitable mental breakdown and suicide.

It's great TV. You should watch it.

>Bigoted slurs, immigration bans and racist ralies can't change that

Not so fast

Aren’t climate and weather conditions what created humans with white skin in the first place? Is it not possible that, over a period of many generations, new white skinned people will eventually be born?

>yfw the jews win


Shame they didn’t get all of them.

This is downright kafka-esque

the new pussy ass janitors are here to pander to reddit, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and tumblr



The Incredidles is quite kafkific


Reminder that nobody is pushing for diversity in nonwhite countries.

Why did we have to be born in the wrong time line? Do you think we will live to see ww3?




>depiction of interracial couples stars and ends with black male/white female couples so that's all you see
Seriously, why the fuck is this the choice when depicting interracial couples even though they're almost all white/hispanic?

I cant wait until liberals have no more food.






I'm admittedly just a layman, but that's not how evolution works senpai... by that logic Europeans would have become more like native americans overtime since they lived in their environment right? A group's traits are dependent on environmental conditions throughout that group's history, and you can't replicate thousands of years of history. The US is basically going to become Brazil, unless genetic editing becomes widespread and then everyone will just be born a white person with a black dick





>by that logic Europeans would have become more like native americans overtime since they lived in their environment right?

lol you dumb fuck

Amerimutts are dark and swathy and gross as fuck, they've adapted to their (((climate)))

Scandinavian countries do a pretty good job at keeping out shitskins with a lack of heat, but they keep importing millions each year so only some have to survive to stay.





>Is it not possible that, over a period of many generations, new white skinned people will eventually be born?

1. It takes millions of years. Humans will not be around that much longer.

2. Natural evolution among Humans has stopped. It is no longer the strongest gene that survives, thanks to social welfare, technology, etc... adaptation to the environment is now irrelevant.



Holy shit the Los Goblinos meme is fucking real

You're a fucking retard



Why are skimos brown then?

any movie with a good arc.


I think they're starting to doubt that now. Apparently DNA science and new discoveries in archeology are poking holes in the Out Of Africa theory.



lol you better be in middle school kid, because if not you're one retarded adult


it's not change, it's genocide



The idea that humans originated in Africa has been shaken recently by some ancient humanoid remains found in the balkans iirc that pre-date the African stuff.

That and whiteness is pretty confined to Europe, cold conditions elsewhere didn't produce similar results.

that Kaitlyn Jenner doco


Im going to make a film set 300 years in the future where its been consistently over 160 degrees every day for a century thanks to global warming (in the regions on the planet where people can still live) so all technological advancement has been geared towards coping with the new hellscape.

As a result, everyone sleeps during the day and works/lives at night since daytime is deadly hot.

Also, everyone is miserable since their circadian rhythms are fucked.

It will win best picture since it’s about global warmong, and I can have a jumping off point for my film adaptation of Ernst Junger’s Storm of Steel.


