I just want to see him direct another movie. I don't even care if it's not Star Wars at this point. Come back to us...

I just want to see him direct another movie. I don't even care if it's not Star Wars at this point. Come back to us, George.

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Go watch strange magic

i have never seen a thin person drinking diet coke

He does. But you won't see them. He said in an interview ater sellling Lucasarts that now he's gonna direct movies just for himself and his friends and won't release them to the public.

>rich billionaire
>still eats Chinese food
>actually worse than that, mall Chinese food

God the Mad TV skits were dead on

I've never seen a brainlet not parroting this retarded line.

fatty detected

To be fair it was originally said by a retard.

lol manlets
will they ever learn

post body pics carb lover

Was it kino?

morbidly obese one at that. ironic. almost like it's a coping mechanism for actual fatasses who can't lay off their sugary jew

I'm sorry George

I'd have a plate of noodles with George and thank him for AG and SW. Why do his fans hate him? He was still passionate about his work, even though he kind of "ruined" it for some of them. Sir Alec was right.

In numerous interview, George has claimed that he’s making “experimental films” that aren’t meant for the public. Only he and his friends will see them, apparently.

What if George is doing the most insane artistic experiment in human history... What if he is spending his billions from the Disney sale on making an esoteric, unlicensed Star Wars sequel trilogy? What if he’s got Daniel Day-Lewis on board to play a new Sith Lord? What if all the original cast are returning, only they’ve all signed lifetime NDAs, the agreement being that not a frame of it is shown until 70 years after George’s death?

What if George is playing the long game, trying to create something beyond mere commercial entertainment? It might be his Sistine Chapel. What if the prequels are revealed to be a practical joke? A commentary on global capitalism and merchandising?

What if right now, in a private studio, George is shooting the actual follow-up to “Return of the Jedi”? Gosling plays our new hero, the son of Luke Skywalker. He is the rightful heir to the legacy, but nobody knows it.

George has become such a master, has ascended so far beyond the world of commercial filmmaking, he’s forcing soyboys and nerds to eat Disney’s diversity dogshit while he creates his masterpieces. And we will never live to see them.

No. He made red tails. Never forget this.

He donated all the money from the sale to charity.

He isn't making films. He's just saying he did as a sort of "neener neener" to people who chased him out of the film industry.


I apologize. We were wrong about you George.

no, stay away, George, drown in your pools of money

>his friends
code for no one and they would hate it but go yes man on him.

He should get the rights to Flash Gordon.

Holy shit. He would literally be the perfect filmmaker for that.

Did you ever hear the tragedy of George Lucas the Wise?

It's not a story a Disney would tell you. It’s a cin emaphile legend. George Lucas was a brilliant filmmaker, so powerful and so wise he could use the imagination to influence the campy space opera setting to create... art… He had such a knowledge of the filmmaking, he could even be the last auteur in Hollywood while creating prequels, one of the most commercial movies of all time. He became so powerful… the only thing he was afraid of was losing his legacy, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he sold the rights to his apprentice, Kathleen Kennedy, then his apprentice betrayed him after all paperwork was signed. Ironic. He spend his whole career fighting against soulless corporate moviemaking, but in the end soulless corporation bastardized his lifes work.

musicals are not my thing



Is it possible to learn this power?

NOT from Hollywood.

This foodcourt is in my city. Hello Adelaide!

We all know the real films are Rush Hour type action comedies starring Jar Jar and that alien who ran the diner.

>By da Force! Heesa no gonna be in Rush Hour 3!