
>Wachowskis after The Matrix
>Wachowskis after midlife transgender crises
>Socially disproportionate character diversity
>All recommendations say nothing of substance about it
Is it a steaming pile of garbage I assume it is?

Other urls found in this thread:

yes. dropped it after the first episode. i'm not Sup Forums but the lgbt propaganda in this was unbearable.

Based and wise OP.
Yes, really trash. Not super bad, but still a waste of time.

The idea is really cool and execution is interesting visually, but the plot is terrible.

Yes, it's pretty shit, although the extreme diversity isn't the problem; it's more that the storyline and setting is pretty slender. You have these people who are telepaths, there are eight of them and they experience each others experiences. And..... yawn....... there's a shady government (???) agency trying to track them down, blah blah. It's nothing you haven't seen before in a dozen other turgid supernatural soap operas, and it's kind of hard to care about a gay mexican's emergence from the closet or a trannies' fight for acceptance when presented with a high concept like group minds, astral projection and secret government conspiracies.

It had some cool concepts and had strong potential to be interesting but way too much gay stuff. Like even the straight men in the show all have an orgy with each other for no reason other then Watchowski's fetish. And the tranny was a really obnoxious gurl-power 1337 haxor stereotype that really brought the show down.

I'm not anti-gay, there's lots of movies about gay characters I enjoy but this was so forced about it even gays hated it.

If you're not a walking Sup Forums cliche in the form of a pent up ball of anti-social-justice rage then it's worth a watch for sure, gets better the further in you get

Its good, but If you're an easily triggered alt-right pussy with a predisposition to cry about literally everything, it will be kinda hard to watch.

That's like saying if you don't watch gay porn then you're a angsty alt-right SJW. Movies these days are literally sending the message that you have to be bisexual to be normal and straight men are literally nazis.

how's the second season? I kinda liked the first one, minus forced faggot stuff.

The LGBT stuff is characterized as yet another means of division between people in sense8.

I am a literal faggot and I can confirm I hate shit like this. It's like they exclusively give the job of writing non-straight characters to people who are exclusively defined by how faggy they are, so every time there's a gay or lesbian character they insert some queen who dicks everything or some softball dyke who constantly munches carpet.

It's basically like if they asked an Asian to give them an Asian character, and the one Asian person they hire is a fucking loon and out of touch with society. And then, when people naturally get annoyed that Pingpong the karate master always talks in proverbs and is zero character arc outside how Asian he is, the knee-jerk response is to label criticism as bigoted and any Asian-criticism as "internalized racism" because all they know is namecalling.

The premise doesn't hold up without the novelty of the first season.

>"You'll like it if you don't have a strong political standpoint I dislike", says the samefag with an equally strong political standpoint
OP here, this is exactly what I meant when I said "All recommendations say nothing of substance about it." It's like when normies say "The Walking Dead gets really good if you stick with it" or "this season Game of Thrones got really good again", they're just saying empty bullshit to justify their garbage tastes. Don't tell me I'll definitely like it if I'm not a Sup Forumsack, tell me why it's worth sitting through.

Its pretty terrible but Tuppence is hot as fuck so I dunno.

The thing is, the show is about gayness and intolerance. It's a fair criticism of media in general, that gay characters are too often defined by their sexuality/ blatantly characterised by it in an overt way.

But this show is explicitly about that stuff. That's not inherently wrong. The issue with Vito, that gay actors have to stay in the closet and lead sham lives with fake girlfriends, because the film industry demands straight sex symbols is a very real one. It's not something that's often talked about (if ever), and it's a good thing for them to focus on in their show. It's not a purile nonspecific empowerment message, it's actually culturally constructive and positive. Neither Vito or his boyfriend are particularly camp either.

Cloud Atlas was a great fucking movie. Prove me wrong faggots. I fucking dare you.

The people who make and write characters like that are the types totally divorced from the types they're tasked to represent.

I'm gay and didn't find it memorable


>you'll definitely like it if you're not a Sup Forumsack


>Socially disproportionate character diversity
lol complaining about this is even more obnoxious than complaining about lack of diversity.
You are implying all shows have to be 'socially proportionate'. That's an Orwellian nightmare.

I'm gay and I thought it was fun, the tranny was insufferable at times though, but I figure that's true to life.

its pretty clear the tranny is supposed to be insufferable

Exact quotes go in quotation marks. That's why you can't find it again verbatim.

>get called


the entire thing seems thought up by a highschooler, bunch of ideas with little coherence or point. the cast was actually not nearly as bad as it could be for a liberal circlejerk show; star wars has a much worse cast.

>You are implying all shows have to be 'socially proportionate'
Just because I don't want one thing doesn't mean I want the radical opposite. I'm fine with a diverse cast, but when almost everyone is a snowflake it gets retarded; if I wanted that shit I'd go watch Power Rangers or something.

>If you're not a walking Sup Forums cliche in the form of a pent up ball of anti-social-justice rage then it's worth a watch for sure, gets better the further in you get
>Its good, but If you're an easily triggered alt-right pussy with a predisposition to cry about literally everything, it will be kinda hard to watch.
>Don't tell me I'll definitely like it if I'm not a Sup Forumsack
Where's the strawman?

It's got a lot of social justice messages, and they put gay people, love and gay sex on display pretty heavily. It's not my cup of tea, but i didn't find that stuff triggering. If you do, you'll hate it.
Aside from that, it's got several masculine straight white characters that are honestly pretty badass, it's got two serious qts, it's got a very bro-tier african sideplot, it's got some extremely good action sequences, and it's got a reasonably interesting sci-fi concept. A lot of it is shot on location globally, which is interesting to watch, and they do some quite ambitious set pieces. In general it's a very good show, well executes & the kind of content you know the wachowskis can make. It's not brilliant though, and it has flaws.
>The story isn't as rich, or well conceived as it might be, and the central conceit isn't amazingly utilised. It's not amazing tv, but it is good.
>Some of the storys are quite weak, the korean's especially, and do not move in time with the others, but just stop and start
>the black guy is replaced by a less charming black guy because he triggered the tranny
>it's often quite hamfisted
>The central 'this is the core story' bits are repetitive
>the romantic chemistry does not carry how heavily they rely on 'love'

Ultimately though, the central idea is very cool, most of the characters are very interesting and likeable, and for all its flaws it's very well made. It's ambitious and quite original. It's worth watching if you're not a precious snowflake.

>but when almost everyone is a snowflake it gets retarded

This looks like you're saying you want more bland characters. People without something identifying or special about them, who can''t be distinguished from one another.

>the cast was actually not nearly as bad as it could be for a liberal circlejerk show

the poo in the loo girl is a total qt

no one said you'd definitely like it you dumb fuck


This is how you write gay characters right

>When you called people out on low-effort political cancerposts you phrased a small part of it a way I didn't like
I think you need to look into what constitutes a strawman argument.

>my korean waifu in this degenerate shitfest

No, why you keep being friend of these degenerates, why ;_;

>white tranny
>white british straight guy (manly, not an emasculated numale)
>white german straight guy (manly, not an emasculated numale)
>african straight guy (brave, but a bit of a softcunt)
>indian straight qt
>Scandinavian straight qt
>korean straight qt
>gay south american guy who is an actor, not a fighter or anything

Honestly, what the fuck are you talking about? How would you make up the cast of this show? 3/4 of them are straight, you have two straight manly white guys, you have a few qts, and the black guy doesn't cuck anyone. How the fuck does this trigger you? Remember this is set globally, it's not set in a 90% white place in the west.

Picture of the tranny?

>Remember this is set globally, it's not set in a 90% white place in the west.
It's almost like I haven't seen the show and would naturally assume it'd mostly take place in the US like 95% of US TV shows.

I think you just need to learn to read.

Im basically a nazi but i really like the wachowskis so i gave it a chance
The sjw stuff doesnt have the typical antagonizing slant to it but its still gross, i could get past it but honestly the show is a waste of potential
It never really gets going

>Eight strangers around the globe
That's the first sentence of the tagline when you google it. You looked up a picture of it and you said
>All recommendations say nothing of substance about it
implying you've read much more than the first sentence of the tagline


Even if it was set in the US, what is wrong with being socially disproportionate? Is it wrong to have a show that's all white people?

Or wrong to not have any gay characters in a tv show?

according to modern hollywood

>That's the first sentence of the tagline when you google it.
Google images yields images, not taglines. You tend to use images to start threads, even if they're just generic ones, because it's more eyecatching and it's an imageboard.
>implying you've read much more than the first sentence of the tagline
I've not read anything about it, but I've heard about it from others because I'm not a recluse who exclusively interacts over the internet.

the issue with gay characters is how does where a person sticks their dick/tongue affect the character?

It's shit. I couldn't believe the creator of Babylon 5 was in on it.

>could get past it but honestly the show is a waste of potential
>It never really gets going
Yeah, i agree. I really enjoyed it, but it could have been a lot better. I think part of the reason was they hadn't secured funding for a S2 off the bat, and they wanted to do a S3 but couldn't get funding for that either while making S2 so they were never able to do the big picture planning that would have properly realised it.

>sense8 thread
>easily triggered alt right pussies who cry about literally everything coming up with excuse after excuse to not watch it


Is this related to dial8?

yeah, and according to you as well faggot, because you're fucking complaining about a show being socially disproportionate

>co-created and written by J M Straczynski
>mfw he could have made a new babylon 5 show

>>Socially disproportionate character diversity
Are you implying that the majority of the world is NOT gay or tranny? Um, sweetie...

The idea was stolen from the video game Killer7. The only reason they weren't called out for it is because it's obscure as fuck, but they both know the game

i didn't complain about anything mr. autist

One of the problems is the show's central thesis is how just about every aspect of modern society exists only to keep people divided so they're easier to control. This isn't something you can really solve and still have a show.

I'd give my left nut to see him do it again. That was proper sci-fi, none of that new age shit we get today.

there's no god damn way JMS did much work on this

So you've heard about it, but you haven't heard the central premise or setting? You've heard enough to complain about how inaccurate what you've heard about it is, but not enough to have garnered information even the most basic of conversations about it would have inevitably given you?

You fucking did if you're OP, you posted a list of things that are reasons why the show is probably garbage. They are things that you are talking about in a soley negative way. You are literally complaining about them.

autism speaks

Well it is Sci-fi. The point of sci-fi is to draw attention to issues within our society, and often they do it by exaggerating them. It doesn't have the be taken quite literally.
That's not a totally outlandish idea either. Noam Chomsky discusses it in Requiem for the American Dream and he's an academic of very high standing.

>proper sci-fi
you mean commentary on contemporary social issues buried under technobabble and latex makeup?

lol that's sort of what sci-fi is

whats enjoyable about sense8 is it doesn't really exaggerate anything. Its got a gimmick that it uses to explore mostly fact based contemporary situations and realistic characters.

>It's this show by the people who did The Matrix.
>There's a bunch of people connected telepathically, and some evil organization trying to stop them before they get too powerful.
>There's sexy stuff in it, some of it gay and kinda forced.
>The cast is really diverse, and there's a tranny too.
Like I said, it's a show that was summed up to me with no mention of how it's on a global scale (which is very easy to do), and which sounds like it has nothing of substance in it and can easily be mistaken for something that just takes place in the US.

I'm not an ameritard, so I'm actually capable of looking at things without the need to bring racism or politics into the picture. You are incapable of doing so. For you, everything is either racial, or political, there is nothing else in your sad pathetic frame of reference.

Yeah whatever cunt, take this moment to examine how identical your bullshit is to the people you hate, you're even fucking co-opting their language. Stare too long into the abyss

I guess I'm trying to mock the idea that he/you only like/s social commentary when you can ignore it.

>you mean commentary on contemporary social issues buried under technobabble and latex makeup?
>proper sci-fi
You're making Asimov spin in his grave, please stop.

>I'm not an ameritard

man, I'd really love to know what I posted to give you that impression.

together we'll solve the puzzle


sounds like you've never read asimov

>Noam Chomsky discusses it in Requiem for the American Dream and he's an academic of very high standing.

I was under the impression Babylon 5 wasn't a shitty space opera

No, but I saw I Robot and it was pretty good.

Forget how implausible that is, and what it says about either you or your friend's comprehension, and forget the fact Sense8 actually is reasonably 'socially proportionate'.

Fuck you for caring about whether a show is 'socially disproportionate'. You dumb motherfucker. You shitcunt.

sorry, the fact we're talking about a left wing show made me forgot we were on Sup Forums and left wing thinking was cringey

Just curious, have you read any Chomsky or seen any of his films?

>when you're very easily disproven and resort to namecalling

It's the Wachowski Brothers and you know it.
Jupiter Ascending was better than this show, at least that movie fell into the "hilarious trainwreck" genre

that always made me think. JMS had his name attached to the project but it is like nothing he has ever written, tv or comics.

fuck you

It's a cancelled Netflix show. Netflix has 3 separate shows that are still running despite the leads being accused of sexual assault.

This isn't a debate whether or not they did anything, but the fact that Netflix still produces them but cancelled this should tell you something.

title tells everything

The actions are nice tho, and the baseplot is interresting, but sadly its just a plotdevice to make a diverse cast and get them fuck eachother.

Dropped after season 1. As did the nigga actor, whitch says a lot. He had to be replaced, because he didnt attended for all the literally faggotry that probably happened in s2

What I hated most was the ridiculous gay plotline. Yeah there is some homophobia in Mexico, especially rural areas, but in general the society is not that backwards on the issue, especially in the film industry. In current year if an actor was found out to be gay then it would be about as career ending and life ending as a Hollywood actor being found out to be gay. It's like they wanted to have this be set in Iran or something, but they already had the brown person quota filled with the Indian and they needed a Latino, so they just merged their ideas even if it stopped being realistic.

>if an actor was found out to be gay then it would be about as career ending and life ending as a Hollywood actor being found out to be gay
So, basically entirely career ending. Hollywood sells its films around the cult of celebrity. Movie Stars, male and female, are sex symbols. It's not bankable to have a blockbuster with a gay lead. There is a very strong tradition in Hollywood of actors staying in the closet so they can work, and leading fake public lives with fake girlfreinds. That plotline in sense8 is entirely realistic. Look at Ellen Page, her career basically ended after she came out. Why do you think Kevin Spacey stayed in the closet for so long?

I watched like 3 episodes when it came out and gave up after seeing it wasn't for me. The most enjoyment I got from this was the SJW tears after it was cancelled;

It's amazing how out of touch you people are.

You're right, it's been absolutely devastating to Neil Patrick Harris, Ian McKellan, Jim Parsons, Stephen Fry, Zachary Quinto, and of course a bunch of lesbians. I think the idea that you're fucked in modern times for coming out as gay is bullshit, are there many actors within the last decade or so who have had their careers ruined by coming out?

>It's not bankable to have a blockbuster with a gay lead.
Their entire career is built off pretending to be something they're not. The mediocre Star Trek reboot movies had a whole thing with Spock and Uhura despite Zachary Quinto being a fag because that's what acting is you moron.

>Look at Ellen Page, her career basically ended after she came out.
1) Doing smaller movies and not doing things you watch doesn't mean her career is over. Go look at her wiki page, she's still pretty busy. 2) If anything kills her career, it'll be the fact that she's bland as fuck.

>Why do you think Kevin Spacey stayed in the closet for so long?
He's always been a private person, and the fact he came out the exact same time he made a statement about being a gay molester was clearly an attempt at misdirection and diffusing the situation. "Straight man is alleged gay molester" is bigger news than "gay man is alleged gay molester", just look at how nobody cared about Bryan Singer accusations.

If you can get passed all the gay shit, the first season was entertaining. The 2nd season is shit. It went from a "hmmm that's interesting" plot to being too overcomplicated in season 2. I stopped caring when more people showed up with their own clusters and the reason for powers is that they basically were a different species.

Not only that but besides the Mexican guy and Korean lady, the story of the other characters sucked. The African guy had a decent story until season 2 when they made him autistic with that dyke gf of his.

Season one African was probably my favorite storyline.

they say there is a christmas special episode as well. did you watch that too? small action, big orgy

>Neil Patrick Harris, Ian McKellan, Jim Parsons, Stephen Fry, Zachary Quinto
None of those people are movie stars, except Ian Mckellan. Ian Mckellan didn't come out until he was well over the hill for sex appeal. This is not so much an issue for actors in general, but for movie stars expected to carry large budget studio films.
>Ellen Page
I mention her, because i watched an episode of her (shitty) vice show where she visits Japan and she talked about this phenomenon quite in depth, how coming out had killed her career, and how many actors were closeted because of it.
He came out because he had to.
>Their entire career is built off pretending to be something they're not... that's what acting is you moron.
I'm not saying actors are incapable of playing the role. I thought i explained this to you already and the phenomenon should be pretty apparent, but ill try again. Part of the reason films sell, especially blockbusters, is because the audience wants to fuck the stars. People go and see Blade Runner 2049 because they want to fuck Ana de Armas. She manages social media, and media appearances, and roles she takes to propagate this desire and increase her currency as a sex symbol. It's not a coincidence that movie stars are all good looking. Anons cast her as their waifu, and they will see anything she makes. Well, this phenomenon doesn't just extend to anons. Hordes of women in the 90s would see any movie Leo is attached to, because they want to fuck him. This does not work when the actors are known to be gay. They are no longer mainstream sex symbols. Women will not hang posters of gay men on their walls. user will not make a lesbian his waifu, or atleast, many anons would not.

Many many current stars are rumoured to be gay, including, Hugh Jackman & Dwayne Johnson and many past actors have been uncovered as gay. The Wachowski's have been in the centre of the Hollywood system, and they would know. Better than you or I.