>Wachowskis after The Matrix
>Wachowskis after midlife transgender crises
>Socially disproportionate character diversity
>All recommendations say nothing of substance about it
Is it a steaming pile of garbage I assume it is?
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yes. dropped it after the first episode. i'm not Sup Forums but the lgbt propaganda in this was unbearable.
Based and wise OP.
Yes, really trash. Not super bad, but still a waste of time.
The idea is really cool and execution is interesting visually, but the plot is terrible.
Yes, it's pretty shit, although the extreme diversity isn't the problem; it's more that the storyline and setting is pretty slender. You have these people who are telepaths, there are eight of them and they experience each others experiences. And..... yawn....... there's a shady government (???) agency trying to track them down, blah blah. It's nothing you haven't seen before in a dozen other turgid supernatural soap operas, and it's kind of hard to care about a gay mexican's emergence from the closet or a trannies' fight for acceptance when presented with a high concept like group minds, astral projection and secret government conspiracies.
It had some cool concepts and had strong potential to be interesting but way too much gay stuff. Like even the straight men in the show all have an orgy with each other for no reason other then Watchowski's fetish. And the tranny was a really obnoxious gurl-power 1337 haxor stereotype that really brought the show down.
I'm not anti-gay, there's lots of movies about gay characters I enjoy but this was so forced about it even gays hated it.
If you're not a walking Sup Forums cliche in the form of a pent up ball of anti-social-justice rage then it's worth a watch for sure, gets better the further in you get
Its good, but If you're an easily triggered alt-right pussy with a predisposition to cry about literally everything, it will be kinda hard to watch.
That's like saying if you don't watch gay porn then you're a angsty alt-right SJW. Movies these days are literally sending the message that you have to be bisexual to be normal and straight men are literally nazis.
how's the second season? I kinda liked the first one, minus forced faggot stuff.