Post yfw pic related is Spielberg’s comeback film, becomes a classic, and BTFO all of Sup Forums


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It still won't fix the fucking leg, Steven

Listen, we all know it'll be utter shit and that Speilberg has lost it

I just hope Toho, Toei, Gainax, etc. actually let the final mech battle happen

Is 2018 the year of sci-fi?

I mean there’s a Gundam in there and I didn’t think they’d make it that far

will this book be able to stand the test of time?


That’s meant to be a joke but that shit’s gonna be unironic once the movie comes around.

>a page referencing timeless art

This is how you know Spielberg's a pedo

There had to have been blackmail involved to get him to adapt this

> referencing

You stupid shit that's not a reference, that's a fucking list

An entire page of better works does not make a good book

the book, RP1, was very poor, first.
So why would you expect anything from this movie?

every year is the year of sci-fi

Why the hell would Spielberg even choose to adapt this? Even Jaws seem high brow in comparison.

Because the target audiences are complete morons.
This book had good sales figures. Spielberg probably thinks that if they like that trash he can just shit on a plate, jangle some keys and add a bit of glitter for them to flock to it in droves.
Depressingly, he’s probably right

I have yet to come across an excerpt from this book that didn't invoke a powerful cringe response.

Will this movie be the most blatant LE EBIN NOSTALGIA PANDERING movie ever?
TV already has The Big Bang Theory for that.

that just leads me to this question. why do humans natural cringe in response to certain stimuli? what's the evolutionary advantage?

You stay away from behaviors that would keep you from reproducing

Is the book more reddit than reddit itself?


hey, remember stuff that came out in the 80s?

remember references to stuff you've seen before??

>reddit doesn't know what quads are
lurk more, or better yet: go back

IIRC, it pretty much emerged along side the most truly cancerous aspects of it.
I doubt it’s a coincidence

What did they mean by this?

How would it be a comeback, if Spielberg never left and is already releasing the Post

I personally can't believe this film is happening

My guess is that it's going to suck but will be a major financial success.

> Satan Trips

> oh hey look Overwatch is popular now right? Let's put her front and center for the trailer shot

he wants millennials to like him

Don't you dare gif Anton Chigurh at me. I've written extensive essays picking apart that movie's symbolism, motifs, themes, social and existential commentary, etc. I've spent countless hours studying the art of visual storytelling. I've seen Mother! more times than you've been with a woman user. I. Know. My. Sh**. I've got half a dozen screenplays in the works, one of which is being looked at by Scorsese, another of which is being seriously considered by Nolan. I am Kino incarnate. I am cinema. I am the future. Enjoy gifing with strangers on the internet while I enjoy parties with the top 1% of Hollywood.

lol obvios here none of the stable geniuses of tv have read the book

I read the entire book and I regret it.
this video pretty much sums it up

>kingdom of the crystal skull and onward dont exist

Why does reddit like to hate certain things just because of a bandwagon? All the shit on here, but crystal skull draws the line

animals stay away from odd members since they might be sick or infected, plus you need a stronger sensation than sexual lust or you might accidently reproduce with a genetically damaged member of your species. And that sensation is cringe.

>I've seen Mother! more times than you've been with a woman
so once?

(From Chapter 3)
""You must be stoned!" I shouted, 'Ladyhawke was directed by Richard fucking Donner! The Goonies? Superman: The Movie? You're saying that guy sucks?'
'I don't care if SPIELBERG directed it' he said. It's a chick flick disguised as a sword-and-sorcery picture.'"

What did Ernest Cline mean by "Spielberg"???

>trailer shows a huge ass car chase.
>there was no car chase in the book.

The movie is a gonna be a fucking failure.

The book was a failure, in my opinion. And any changes the movie can make to make that dreck more palatable will only be an improvement.

Adapted disgust response to humans displaying aberrant social behaviour. The sensation of cringing seems to be tied most strongly to the act of witnessing lack of comprehension that the act or behaviour is mocked, or considered only appropriate in parody.

>t. psychfag

(after a lengthy description of how much Wade the Virgin knows about useless 80s pop culture)

"I nodded. 'The prizes were all mentioned in the Swordquest comic books that came with the games. Comic books which happened to be visible in the treasure room in the final scene of Anorak’s Invitation, by the way.'
The crowd burst into applause. I-r0k lowered his head in shame."

this is literally neckbeard fanfiction. Ernest Cline's book is nothing more than an insult to trees everywhere.

Failure in quality, definetly.
Financial failure, I don't think so.

>What did they mean by this?
We all died at some point and are living in the same hell together.

I literally put the book down after this.

I am pretty excited to see the Delorean, max’s Interceptor and halo assault rifles in the same movie. I agreee the theater is going to be full of soyboy man children tho


what a waste of quads

Gundam was already shown.
Ultraman is replaced by Iron Giant.
Warner are making the American Godzilla movies so they probably have the rights to put Mechagodzilla in.

>full of soyboy man children
Well of course, you're going.

trailer made it look spectacular but the novel was just so fucking WEAK

Seems extremely reddit.

>Make the movie 5 hours long with 2 hours being the movie Wargames and 1 and a half being Holy Grail but with the main characters replaced by the character from RP1

I read this book and was fucking astounded at how many five star reviews it got. It's literally just a list of 80s references. For 300 pages

>protagonist is overweight, pimply and an autist in real life/only confident behind the mask of the internet

That's the point you retard. Cline purposefully wrote the book as cringey as possible. He's mocking the overweight neckbeard internet culture for what it is: autists that are 100X braver in their online avatars and worthless knowledge of whatever scifi/fantasy world they'd rather be living in than they are in real life. You're SUPPOSED to cringe and ridicule. This is the greatest social commentary of our generation.

That CGI is so fucking distracting and pointless

Mainly because half of the descriptions necessary in the book vanish the instant you present them visually, which allows Spielberg to focus and expand upon the story.

And I suppose you occupy your free time with only reading Milton or Dostoevsky? F*** off back to your high brow butt buddies on /lit/. This is a perfectly entertaining novel about a VR universe that could very well become reality. Not every novel has to be Melvillian or Kafkian.

tfw IQ to low for rp1