Would a movie based on your life be entertaining?

Would a movie based on your life be entertaining?

pretty sure, yeah


It would be a tragedy of Shakespearian proportions.

There's already a documentary that's entertaining as fuck.

only the first 12 years of it

Absolutely not

It would leave the audience hoping for a happy end but it never comes.

only the part where I was held hostage in a gas station robbery and the police killed the hostage takers


the unremarkable and lonely life of a poor east european man

it would basically be every east-european arthouse film ever made after the fall of the iron curtain

>study hard and get an MS in Engineering Physics
>get a good high paying job
>never had a gf
>fuck high end escorts about 2-3 times a month
No, but it's pretty comfy.

were they black


Sure. Mostly for the dream sequences.

I've had a movie based on my life, it was called...

>weirdo virgin becomes a cop
guess it could be made entertaining

Got 1 and 3
2 soon to come...

>guy watches movies and studies dark souls lore, occasionally binge drinking and nearly dying

it cause people to kill themselves

The Feelbad Movie of the YEAR!

It'd be the quintessential Sup Forums movie.

You can make a movie on just about anyone, honestly. Depends entirely on how you frame it. I’ve had a lot of interesting experiences, like being in a hospital for the better half of my childhood and befriending a kid with cancer that never lived to reach double digits. Even the little things like sitting on a shitty frozen bench during winter with my dad as he talks about how beautiful the world is could be a heartfelt movie moment. I think a lot of people on this board feel as though their lives aren’t story worthy, maybe because they think they waste a lot of time or aren’t achieving the kind of success that they want. In reality, you have more experiences than you’d like to believe and those experiences are entirely personal to you. Nobody has seen what you’ve seen, user. So show them!

Hope that isn’t too gay of an answer.


>only ever talk to my mother face to face

It would be a smash hit.

>the amazing history of the man who posted 16 hours a day on Sup Forums

It would be good drama, but without definitive ending and audience would leave dissapointed that I haven't killed myself

Maybe if you like niche porn plots with boring backstory.

I think so, but probably mostly for a niche audience of shut-ins/channers who can actually relate, or wannabe geek normies who pretend they relate.

Also simply presenting my political views non-judgementally to the mainstream media would cause an entertaining leftist/liberal shitstorm regardless of whether the movie was any good.