Quick,claim youre waifu. Mine is pic related (note this is not a waifu-stealing thread, theres no way to steal someone already claimed) I claim these 4 beauties (Im Muslim, Im allowed up to 4 waifus)
The Mods are at lunch
if trips, you have to give me dreyfus
someone post the Sup Forums headquarters cafeteria, i've always wondered what that looks like
I claim anne hathaway I guess.
fuck off
Imagine living with all 4 in the same house. Imagine the smell
I'd rather she claim me as her footslave tbqh
>i didn't grow up with a sister so I think about this scenario positively
what do you mean by this?
my sister used to leave her panties on the bathroom floor
It's not like it turned me gay or something but her heavy discharge very quickly disassociated the reality of living with a girl from my appreciation for female bodies in porn or whatever.
what looks like poop stains and piles of pus and dried cum and blood for 600 alex
got no problem with her unique chin. and scars on her arm
wtf im a fag now
Dubs can't be wrong. Mummyfu confirmed.
Wifu claimed
Both claimed tehehehe
She's not real tho.
This explains the herpes
What is this from ?
Both are pure what are you talking about
Julia Louis-Dreyfus
Anne Hathaway
Dallas Bryce Howards
Christina Hendricks
Alexandria Daddario
Cara Delevine
Pic or it doesn't count
fuck off i already claimed hathaway
Not my waifu but she looks like an angel
Implying they don't just eat their hot pockets at the computer desk.
Aunt Cass, Big Hero Six
now THIS is a thread
this makes me want a costco membership
Jld and Anne were already claimed, and youre not allowed multiple waifus unless youre Muslim or Mormon. All your choices are null and void