Walking animals kino

>Walking animals kino

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Homeward Bound comes to mind, although I couldn't tell you what happens in it or pick any of the animals involved out of a lineup :)

dogs are awful, awful animals. Require constant attention, they're basically like having permenant children except they will never grow to speak english, they will never grow out of shitting on the floor and they will never grow out of slobbering around the house. Disgusting, emotionally needy animals. Cats on the other hand. You put a litter box down and immediately the cats know where to piss and shit. They aren't emotionally needy, in fact, they will come to you for brief moments of consensual affection and then fuck off to do there own thing. With a dog tho, once you start petting it, it will stay by your side and won't leave. Annoying af.

man's best friend

t. Sassy
reminder that dogs rule and cats drool.


skip to 0:55

unironically marley&me and a dogs purpose

dumb emotional dog movies that just do what you expect them to do, make you feel good and make you cry

japanese kino: youtube.com/watch?v=Kz_LSe6_E7Y

>Walking animals

That cat must be a really good actor if it never freaks out when its by those 2 big dogs the whole movie.

>cats don't require attention you can just plop them somewhere and forget them
cat owners are lazy assholes

yeah, cus that's what they do the whole movie.

Cats are experts in deception.

if your life is so empty and boring that you can afford to dedicate a solid portion of your day to your dogs needs, then you must have a shit fucking life. I can leave my cat home and go away for 2 weeks and not have to worry about a thing. If I had a dog, I could never leave him alone, I would have to worry about finding a baby sitter, someone to come out and give him attention, someone to walk him, someone to clean up his poop in the backyard. Not with cats. Cats are the successful mans pet. Cats and dominate alpha males share similar traits. Where as dogs and beta males share similar traits; dependant on other beings instead of being independent, focused hard workers

>they walk the whole movie
>the key point of intrigue to and of these movies is that they sit and stay on command

>having a box full of stinking cat shits in your home
>cat hair all over your furniture, your clothes, your food, your lungs

yeah no thanks

Milo and Otis

>what is having a dedicated littlerbox room
>what is combing your cat daily, like you're suppose to do
>dogs shed much more than cats, are bigger, and slobber and drool and piss and shit instinctively

Yeah. No thanks indeed.

lol at the lazy asshole making excuses

>cats are no hassle, I can leave mine for days!
>what is combing your cat daily, like you're supposed to do


Very few dogs shed half as much as your average cat. And they only shit and piss instinctively if you haven't trained them.

>slobber and drool
people keep saying that but i've never seen a dog do that

have you ever heard of this thing called "the exception" ? where as, when I go away for an extended period of time, that is the exception to which my cat doesn't get brushed. Otherwise it's daily. Fucking mong. Jesus Christ. It's true what they say, Dog owners really are dumb.

this. but that user you replied to is probably just shitposting. anyway, it's a good excuse to post lolpics.

>have you ever heard of this thing called

Was emphasizing the fact that you are an effimenent soyboy part of your plan? Not building a case for catfags not being cucks too well.

>Dog owners really are dumb
exactly what cat slaves are trained to say

Cats raised with dogs give zero fucks about them.

Posting while cuddling my doggo :^3


So cats aren't really that low maintenance then? You have to feed them, water them, brush them, clean their shit box every few weeks, pick up the dead animals they bring inside, teach them not to scratch furniture, etc etc etc. Just say it man, you don't like dogs.

>is a slave to some emotionally needy dog
>have to walk it, clean it after it daily and feed it attention when that attention could be put towards something that could benefit your sad, useless existence
>still calls people a cuck besides being the literal definition of one

Dog fags are so pathetic.

>sits down and brushes his kitties fur

lmfao who's the fag?

Dogs are smarter than cats and they are getting smarter and smarter.
>not loving doggos and cattos

>implying I own an animal

Just weighing in with obvious observations. Stay made, toxoplasmosis.

I once saw a kid walking his cat on a leash. So cats can be trained but most cat owners are too lazy to walk their cats so claim and insist that it's animal cruelty to not let their cats roam around freely mass murdering poor innocent birds. Cat owners are psychos who orgasm at the thought of their cats molesting and murdering the poor innocent birds.

>I once saw a kid walking his cat on a leash.

An image of this would be the penultimate soypost.


these are some quality memes

I own a cat and a dog and love them both in there own way..

All three animals in that are long dead now

Post more kittys/doggos please



its extremely sad though, the only movie which really hit me, ever

cats dont have to use a ltitter box , they go outside and bury it after they finish

Cool motherfucker

Go get yourself checked for toxoplasma gondii. Or quit being a muslim. Either or.

Cat faggots are literally beta faggots.

A couple called 911 claiming they were being "held hostage" by their cat. They were too scared of their own cat.



>sacrificing an entire room for a shitbox

Essential cat kino.

thanks, although they're not mine. i do enjoy posting them whenever there's an excuse to do so.

that's a weird doggo haha

unfortunately, they love doing it on the neighbor's lawn and porches. cat poo smell so bad and so strongly even if they poo at the edge of your lawn farthest from door or window it still smells like the poop is right beside your door or window.

all of that only applies if you're a lazy, shitty pet owner, which makes sense as to why you'd want a pet that you have to do virtually nothing for and has no actual loyalty to you.

effort in = effort out. dogs require more to take care of but they pay it back in spades as long as you're not a piece of shit.

PROTIP: There's no such thing as cat breeds. They're all the same breed with different hair length and hair colors.

Personally, I like having a pet that loves me as much as I love it but if you wanna pay money just to let an ungrateful piece of shit walk all over you in your own house that's your own choice.

There is something else too because I have had Maine Coons and Tortis and their personality is very very different ALWAYS compared to a calico or tabby.

Dogs are for retards and the blind.

You're retarded, aren't you?

>different personality means different breed

cats are for beta morons like the couple in these news links

>Dogs are for retards and the blind.
That sounds like the parasite talking. Does it do most of your talking for you?

I got a second cat for my first cat to hang out with because it was so clingy with me.

You're angry and in denial, aren't you?


What should humans prefer?
>Our best friends for the last 100k years or so
>Some felines that just sorta moved in

why not both

>it's a movies suspiciously lacking the "no animals were harmed during the filming of this motion picture" at the end of the credits episode

he just giving it a french kiss whats the matter?

You're doing it wrong. Because now you'll need to get a third cat for second cat and so on. The correct thing to do is to get a chick or duckling for the first cat so the cat can enjoy hours terrorizing the chick or duckling.

Trap here, all cat owners are pathetic af. All the "tops" with cats as pets are low T manlets.

why the fuck was that bitch holding down a chihuahua?

Facebook tier memes, grandma.



I was actually agreeing with you but trying to add that not only fur differences should be taken into account.

>parasite talking
ha ha ok I honestly laughed. I actually do like dogs too but they are such a pain in the ass.

>the ultimate pet trifecta is a cat-dog-goat. Trust me if you can attain this you have all the love you need.

t. soyboy

>>the ultimate pet trifecta is a cat-dog-goat. Trust me if you can attain this you have all the love you need.
I...I don't think that is legal, user.


ha ha ok yeah I am not fucking the goat! Jesus I just need to not post I guess.

But goats are surprisingly great pets. They are more like dogs and get super excited when you get home.

for me , it;s dog Whisperer

>joe rogan shouts what the fuck for 10 hrs


Came here to post this. Even as a kid, i was really surprised it went past censors. A strong movie.

>ha ha ok yeah I am not fucking the goat! Jesus I just need to not post I guess.
So the cat and dog are still in play?

Goats would be pretty cool. I've seen a lot more people having them in their little yard farms with chickens. But I would have to worry about coyotes.


“Throw a stick, and the servile dog wheezes and pants and stumbles to bring it to you. Do the same before a cat, and he will eye you with coolly polite and somewhat bored amusement. And just as inferior people prefer the inferior animal which scampers excitedly because someone else wants something, so do superior people respect the superior animal which lives its own life and knows that the puerile stick-throwings of alien bipeds are none of its business and beneath its notice. The dog barks and begs and tumbles to amuse you when you crack the whip. That pleases a meekness-loving peasant who relishes a stimulus to his self importance. The cat, on the other hand, charms you into playing for its benefit when it wishes to be amused; making you rush about the room with a paper on a string when it feels like exercise, but refusing all your attempts to make it play when it is not in the humour. That is personality and individuality and self-respect -- the calm mastery of a being whose life is its own and not yours -- and the superior person recognises and appreciates this because he too is a free soul whose position is assured, and whose only law is his own heritage and aesthetic sense.”

Basically he's calling dogs the niggers of animals.

I saved this thread from extinction like a rescue pup and now it's all big and grown, awwww

The dog should keep coyotes away. I am against keeping animals indoors so just keep all three outside and they do all you need. The cat will mouse and the dog will protect the goat.

Also, good luck fucking a cat. Dog maybe but the rule always is to get a female cat and male dog.

Why does my car sometimes hate my dog and other times they are best buds? I don't get it?

>The Skeksis, with their hard and twisted bodies, their harsh and twisted wills. For a thousand years they have ruled. Yet now, there are only ten: a dying race, ruled by a dying Emperor, imprisoned within themselves in a dying land.
Hmmmmmmmmm MMMMMMmmmmhhh!

>Goats would be pretty cool. I've seen a lot more people having them in their little yard farms with chickens. But I would have to worry about coyotes.

That's why they put chickens with the goats. So that the coyotes will eat the chickens instead of the goats.

meant cat. Oh fuck I gotta close this thread now.

Maybe because your dogs pees on your car's wheels sometimes but then forgives dog because car enjoys being chased by dog?

the only thing this tells you is that catfags are fedora tipping dweebs who think of themselves unironically as le enlightened gentlemen from reddit


based german shephard poster


Oh sweetie

>Poops in a box

Most of the time. Even after training, occassionally they just decide they don't want to that day.


Enjoy the toxoplasmosis, soytard.

Isn't this Lovecraft?

Ironically, the vast majority of toxoplasmosis in humans comes from eating contaminated meat, not from cats.