So in the ST anyone can use a lightsaber...

So in the ST anyone can use a lightsaber? I thought the implication was that they were so light and dangerous that you had to either be very carefully trained or force-sensitive to avoid chopping off a limb when you use it.

So why don't the melee TR8R troopers use lightsabers? Surely there are many lying around

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Nah Storm Troopers are trained to use very specific anti-lightsabre batons just in case they come across somebody wielding this now-defunct ancient weapon.

>I thought the implication was that they were so light and dangerous that you had to either be very carefully trained or force-sensitive to avoid chopping off a limb when you use it.

They're actually heavy to wield, at least in the original lore.

you made that up.

Star Wars Featurette: The Birth of the Lightsaber

I thought that was just because Lucas told the actos to act like the lightsabers we're heavy to mimic old black and white Japanese samurai movie fights?

The old canon/legends treated them like they were some kind of extremely mystical weapon that required intense training to use at yet obi-wan still let Luke fuck around with Anakin's and Yoda let a bunch of toddlers use them in the prequels.

Honestly making them just laser swords that anyone with some melee weapon competency can wield to some degree is one of the few good changes Disney made.

t. non-soywars-fan

look at this you idiot:

also Solo used a lightsaber for a couple seconds in ESB

Obi Wan literally gave an untrained Luke a light saber and Han used it no problem in ESB.


You wouldn’t be able to use it effectively against someone with a blaster but against anyone without a lightsaber you wouldn’t need to do anything fancy, the real danger to yourself would be if you tried to do any of the fancy, unnecessary spins, flourishes and flips the Jedi do. Try going full stars wars kid with a flashlight, if the beam even touches you, you just fucked yourself up, but just keeping the blade out in front would be perfectly effective against an opponent who can’t block the blade or shoot you.

I see no reason why some random nobody couldn't pick one up and do simple swinging attacks. You would just need to be force-sensitive to deftly wield it and to do the flashy shit like deflect blasters.


Why are people so retarded about star wars. They can't remember what they watched

Luke wasn't even aware of the force, obi wan casually hands him a lightsaber and trusts him not to fuck up with it

Han uses it to to cut guts out of an animal like a normal cutting tool because people can use cutting tools

>So why don't the melee TR8R troopers use lightsabers? Surely there are many lying around

Did you see many lying around? No. Then there's your answer.

Did you see non-trained and non force sensitive characters use them? Yes. Fuck off with your dumb question.

he was trained in multiple weaponry usage. read the fucking books.

TR-8R was unironically the best part of that whole movie though.

A shame he didn't proceed to lynch Finn.

The actual hilt of the lightsaber is heavy, the blade itself has no weight to it at all, that's why it's considered unwieldy

common misconception. the saber has a weird gyroscopic effect going on. So it's effectively weightless but requires alot of energy and control to move it where you want it to go. Basically the spinning of the plasma makes it to move.

yet in the movie, he acts like it was his first day on the job.

youngling lightsabers are non-lethal

I thought it was because Kyber (?) Crystals were better used as fuel than as sword rocks

>Luke wasn't even aware of the force
But he had the force potential even though he was unaware of it.

>Han uses it to to cut guts out of an animal like a normal cutting tool because people can use cutting tools
That’s not the same as fighting with it. You can hand a gun to a child but that doesn’t mean anyone can use a gun properly.

This nigger was a soldier trained since childhood.

Han uses Luke's in Empire

Lightsabers are heavily production limited because you need to be force sensitive to make one.
You don't need to be force sensitive to use one but good luck going up against the precognitive telekinetic space wizard with no powers and a sword for long. Similarly they offer non force-sensitives no defence as you can't block blasters with them.

Being a soldier, it would have been cool if he were a bit more straight laced and humorless. Sure he’d be grim but it would contrast well with Poe.

>So in the ST anyone can use a lightsaber?
They can pick it up, but they can't use it if they don't have force power. Just like Finn, FN2199 used baton to beat the hell out of Finn even though Finn had lightsaber. Then it became a joke since then because before TFA, every thought Finn was a Jedi, lmao

Yeah, the potential to wound at the slightest graze is what makes them so dangerous. I’m seeing conflicting reports on whether the blade supposedly had weight, but having no feedback from the blade with only the handle weight would make it extremely dangerous to the weilder, though an extremely agile weapon in trained hands.
Anyone who’s worked with a chainsaw should be able to appreciate the danger involved, and a lightsaber would be way worse than a running chainsaw.

Han uses a lightsaber in ESB


Instead of breaking out of his shell gradually over three movies until he finally escapes from his indoctrination the very moment he bailed Poe out of that FO ship in TFA he immediately went WHOOP WHOOP AW HELL NAW as he was blasting away his former soldier buddies.

That's just more retroactive bullshit to explain away technical shit. Like Lucas saying it was always a trilogy, or Greedo shot first.

You have to be a woman.

Fucking this. It's just a weapon.

It's like saying cops are the only ones who can use pistols.

you need to use the force to make a lightsaber otherwise you blow your face off

who cares about continuity or canon in shit wars. luke swings it around like a baseball bat in ROTJ.

Han had no problem cutting open the tonton

Luke never used it in combat until ESB and Han only used the lightsaber to cut a hole in a dead wampa which is a far cry from using it in battle.

please get laid

Finn is force-sensitive. It was displayed in TFA that he could hear the cries of the people about to die on the planets Starkiller Base was firing upon. He might have had training with a baton which might have helped him. Who knows what those electric batons do when they touch the skin. They may just act like tasers yet be able to deflect lightsaber strikes. Han used a lightsaber to cut open a camel thing in ESB, although Han might also be force sensitive seeing as how he had a Jedi training drone on his ship and can predict where to shoot at people with his blaster without actually looking at them.

I've heard that they're going to discover a new power greater than the Force; the Plot Device, wherein the Plot Device is capable of doing whatever magic it needs to do to further the will of the Plot.
Moreover, we will be introduced to a new Plot Master, Deus Ex Machina. She will be a CGI/puppet hybrid who dies in her first scene, after eating Bontha poop and trilling incoherently like a schizophrenic hobo.

anyone can use a light saber, there is no point in any of the movies saying that only elitists can use them which would be a violation of standards since it would imply the Jedi are a special class when in reality anyone can be a jedi because diversity is strength which is proven by looking at how the Jedi are a multi ethnic group.

>I thought the implication was that they were so light and dangerous that you had to either be very carefully trained or force-sensitive to avoid chopping off a limb when you use it.
This was never the implication.

>This nigger was a soldier trained since childhood.
if he was a "soldier" why is he so out of shape?

why didn't han kill the ton ton before slicing it? seems pretty cruel!

soldiers have to do maybe 20 minutes of jumping jacks on a given day.

>I thought the implication was that they were so light and dangerous that you had to either be very carefully trained or force-sensitive to avoid chopping off a limb when you use it.

Fucking dumb explanation, It's literally like using a flashlight without shining light on yourself which any retard can do

>why didn't han kill the ton ton before slicing it? seems pretty cruel!
Cutting it open did kill the ton ton though?

That or Id guess the reason is that he wanted to use its warmth and in those extreme conditions every second would count.

Was he a soldier or a fucking janitor? These movies never want to make their fucking minds up about who Finn fucking is

it had already died. I swear everyone on this board is DUM

King nigger was shoe horned into Star Wars just to further ruin the lore

I've done 0 reading on it, but the actors always acted like the lightsabers give feedback as if they were solid. That could just be because of the props though and not actually intended.

His return would have been more compelling than Phasma's to be frank.

>I thought the implication was that they were so light and dangerous that you had to either be very carefully trained or force-sensitive to avoid chopping off a limb when you use it.
When is this ever implied?

he got clean up duty for a DUI and possession

>This nigger was a soldier trained since childhood.
then why arent the other soldiers all fat like him if they got the same training?

Animated series isn't relevant, besdies that dude could've had training in it.

Han literally just turned it on and used it as a carving knife. Finn engaged in several long fights with it, and survived against Kylo for a bit

>Hurrr durrrr obviously you dont need the force to turn a lightsaber on XD

That's not what OP is saying fuckwits, Han carefully cut something, he didn't fight with it