Who would you cast in the movie?

Who would you cast in the movie?

Not a single nigger

Edris elba as link
lupita as zelda

Ellie as Link
Elba as Ganondorf

I'd rather have a Shigeru Miyamoto biopic. Structure it with the development of Mario/Zelda for the Famicom intercut with developing the N64.

>Casting a chink to play a gook.
Racist much?

What if Zelda were a girl?

Nobody cares.

zelda is a girl

maybe that ugly kid from stranger things

What if Link was white

It would be animated, this is the only way it could be good. Who would the VAs be?

Casting threads about child/teenage characters are usually shit. Then someone will say something interesting "Steve Bushemi as Gannondorf" and the kids from Sup Forums will say something like "Oh the guy from Mr. Deeds? lawl!"

Oh the guy from spy kids 2? lol

What about Ganon?

Surely we can have at least one

Isn't TLOZ just a ripoff of Lord of the Rings?

Ben Kingsley as Ganondorf

the fake Mandarin from the worst Iron Man movie? lol

Arab obviously

Zac Efron as Link, Elle Fanning as Princess Zelda

Name a better casting, protip: you can’t

What if Zelda were a grill?

Princess Zelda

Riju for best girl

pls dont

nah theyd get that bitch from the eggos commercial

>Zac Efron
Dude's pushing 40

Nobody. Holywood doesn't have the talent to make an adequate LoZ movie even though it's such a simple concept

If you do not answer Tom Cruise as Link and Tim Curry as Ganon because there already is a LoZ movie because LoZ is just a video game version of the film Legend then you are an uncultured pleb.

America’s favorite Chad doesn’t age. His face was chiseled by gods and he has elvish features already.

She's one of them

As long as Link is Asian I'm fine.


Harvey Weinstein in costume

Cast him



If Zelda was a girl. Cast Liv Tyler.


Millie Bobby brown doesn't look good with blonde hair

He'd be entirely cgi voiced by will Arnette

The Blond hair and Blue eyes makes him extra Asian.

> implying live action

> not an animated feature in that kickass realistic anime style from the link to the past manual

he is clearly a jew

mind the nose

literally no one cares


CG only