What does this expression trying to convey?
What does this expression trying to convey?
"I'm going to bond burger the shit out of her"
the satisfying look that he finally has a beard
>I can't wait to fatten this slut up
>about to groom the perfect woman
>It's a nice start, can't wait for the ground breaking new expansion!
>implying Pierce is a faggot
You don't invest that many years into a feeder fetish just to turn around and like dick, user. You'll understand when you're older.
tfw we will never know what the original creator meant by this
Pure joy.
He truly loved her and you could see it in every photo.
>Hi Pierce I'm about to go for a jog with the girls. New Year new me
secretly pound or something
what a god
his face
>baby eat some more
her face
>pls pierce no more food ;_;
That' his "I'm imagining you about 50 pounds fatter" look
>for your thighs only
You could see that she was going to become fat without proper dieting/working out even at that age, check out her sausage arms.
No you virgin lol
I think he honestly meant to put the “your sister” between the picture of Pierce and the Hamburger, not below it. Also that he probably couldn’t find a picture of just buns so he used a stock photo of a hamburger.
So it ended up saying, “Last night I pierce hamburger your sister” when he probably wanted it to convey “Last night I pierced your sisters buns”
>The Cake Is Not Enough
>Tomorrow Never Fries
Last night I Bonded with your sister Patty
pierced and (1/4)pounded your sister?
He should have stopped feeding here, shes thicc and hot.
Sixth bond. Ninth item on the dollar menu.
I'm pretty sure she was going to lose weight once, but he said if she did he would leave her.
how can women expose their tits this much and expect to be taken seriously?
>Pierce literally cannot keep his hands off her tummy
He really is an FA, isn't he?
For those not in the know. Brosnans first wife died of cancer. By the end, she was pretty much bones. That probably fucked him making him a feeder.
This is easily my favorite meme and never fails to make me keel over