ITT: Quality Cinegrids

no meme shit

Other urls found in this thread:





>le random screenshot
>dude im directing lmao

when this shit going to end?

>when this shit going to end?

Sup Forums only gets worse, never better. I don't know what you're expecting.

don't you understand? every frame is a painting, with its own meaning


Is this movie actually good


also the thread says "no meme shit"
and you're posting capeshit lmao





really fantastic movie, yeah. its not shit on badlands, which is a big inspiration for it, but its pretty emotional and atmospheric; really pretty too.

Can someone do an Empire Strikes Back one please?



I know I'm a pleb because I don't get top right, middle right is stock and middle bottom is an actual fucking comic panel.

Middle right is not stock at all lol, those colors are so nice. What do you mean you don't get top right? Also bottom middle is uh, not an actual comic panel

85% garbage

I'm admitting to being a pleb so educate me if you want. But the graveyard scene looks like nothing, top right I don't understand what's so good about the shot at all, and the comic panel is a comic panel. It's Spider-Man No More.

hahaah@people making grids of total Hollywood shit thinking it's the same or on level with the more kino ones

Think of it this way
At least they're not calling it cinematography anymore

Here's the truth about half of these grids m8, the people that make them just put pretty colors on them, they don't select things that convey meaning on purpose. The guy doesn't get that you don't get something because he doesn't get anything from the other selections at all. They're just pretty colors.


Ah, gotcha. I made this grid years ago, so it's not perfect or anythin, but I could explain things I like about these shots, though it's mainly pure intuition and what I feel like looks good: The top right one, the buildings going into the distance give a really nice effect with the cars going in the same direction and shit, and the slight angle makes spiderman stand out more against the buildings. Plus the sun looks really beautiful. As for the one at the grave, I just love the colors, and the open space on the left side puts a lot of power and memorability to the way they're standing. I also find it strangely empathic. The bottom middle is just very iconic and cool, just like the middle middle, it was a lazy choice on my part to be sure

>Someone bothered to make a Master of None grid

not quite lol.



I'm not a number, I'm a free man!

very nice desu

good shit






whoa that girl in top right is gorgeous


It’s trash, but it’s beautiful trash.



>dirty ho

it's got fantastic fights



Some guy created a thread with "best movies of 2013" and posted Only God Forgives, Under the Skin, and Spring Breakers.

I watched Only God Forgives and Under the Skin and they were both shit, some of the worst movies I have ever seen. So I shall not be watching Spring Breakers.

explain to me why you think that.


man, you put in way too many pics



Pain and Gain just has too many kino shots. Can't leave any out.

Speaking of Bay, does anyone have one for 13 Hours? I thought that movie would make for a great cinegrid.


Nevermind, it occurred to me that I could just use Google.




That movie is like pure testosterone, I love it




this movie deserves a way better grid

Anyone got cloud atlas?

I made a cinegrid in GIMP but I can only compress it down to 5,5 mb. how do you guys get it under the Sup Forums 4mb limit?


Post lynch grids

Lower the resolution, I guess.


what movie?

Sup Forums is better now than it was 5 years ago


If anything Sup Forums is no different from it was five years ago because we are STILL Driveposting and Baneposting.

Has anybody ever made a grid of a Lucio Fulci movie?

I would like to see one

it's a collage of more than one movie

Alright, bottom left and all of the first row?

that's some good gridposting




I don't know any Lucio Fulci movies but you could try searching this sub and see if any come up.


the movie with the best cinematography in all of western movies and those are the best screenshots you came up with?

also you didnt include any of the winter shots

[theme song intensifies]

Lucky Encounter; Seven Years Itch; The Fun, the Luck & the Tycoon
My Left Eye Sees Ghosts; The Royal Scoundrel, Fat Choi Spirit
All About Ah-Long; Help!!!; Lifeline


post skyfall one


How's the music in this movie?

10th Victim


You've got two of the same shots on that grid.

Opinion of this show sure has turned around since it first aired. Did it have a particularly great episode later on or something?

hit an miss. literally. learn to reply the right post

2x2 cinegrid