Did anyone else here unironically enjoy the Porgs? Probably the best parts of the shitty new movie.
Did anyone else here unironically enjoy the Porgs? Probably the best parts of the shitty new movie
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OMG YASSS I love those little guys! I have a BUNCH of stuffed animals of them next to my minion posters!
I just can't help but CLAP every time I see them!
I had a dream where one of them activated the laser sword and killed luke skywalker on his sleep then one of these started raping his dead body and then rian johnson suddenly stopped the picture and pulled down his pants..."Hey Rian what the fuck are you doing"...."Sorry Mark but I have to do this."" "NOOOOOOO"
>I said to Rian, "we have to think about the fans, they don't want to see you violently raping me on film," but he said "no, we have to think of what's important for the story"
>Audience claps
Lolled hard
They were alright in the movie but then I realized that since Rian had them nest in the falcon they have to be in the next movies to come
Wrong image
I mean this movie was so shitty TPM looks good by comparison, so you're forgiven.
I didn't watch promotion materials or read cynical prerelease takes before watching the movie and it's pretty obvious to me that the porgs, like allot of "problems" with the movie, were incredibly exaggerated by hopeless manchildren on the internet.
I mean where in the movie are they even called "porgs"? Tell me off the top of your head, and no googling.