>2 weeks into January
>4 months t'ill release
>Still no trailer
Ok, it's safe to say this will be shit.
>2 weeks into January
>4 months t'ill release
>Still no trailer
Ok, it's safe to say this will be shit.
Other urls found in this thread:
it was destined to be shit the moment they picked this literal who over Anthony Incubator or whatever his name is
>Ok, it's safe to say this will be shit.
you could have said that in 2015 faggot
The Lando guy looks pretty spot on aside from the retarded haircut, but the Han guy looks like he should be playing young Leo DiCaprio, not fucking Harrison Ford
>starring emilia clarke
>Emilia Clarke does the Kessel run
>"Wow! You're amazing!"
>"I've had my fair share riding beasts."
WHERES THE TRAILER? they promised monday wtf I need a laugh
>The Lando guy looks pretty spot
oh fuck off he was terrible casting
>star wars will be a disney channel t.v. show within 3 years
calling it
Hahaa@anyone that still cares about Star Wars
*winks at the camera
>never tell me the odds!
>umm, excuse my sweetie, did you just presume to tell me what to do?
>you're right and I want to thank you for starting a conversation
eeh its been a disney channel tv show for several years already you dumdum
I don't know him much as an actor, I'm just going off the physical appearance
who would you rather have cast in his place?
Isn't that obvious?
Idris Elba
even chewie looks like a faggot
Sup Forums made a bingo board. Do you think we will win?
What is Luv doing in this poster?
>look up Bloodstripes
>find out Han served in the Imperial Forces for a time
Character went from meh tier to bretty cool tier for me.
I'd rather this piece of shit never existed.
Editor here (I worked on the it comes at night trailer, among other smaller indie things), what you are seeing here is most likely classic case of what we call "comping," not to be confused with the more popular definition of "compositing video".
This comping refers to when editors are asked to put together something that doesn't properly reflect the product. It a borrowed word from music, when singer-songwriters cover a song that they don't really know aside from the chords and lyrics and put together an improvised arrangement as they play live.
Please understand that this trailer most likely won't reflect the movie if it's being delayed this long, this is Disney saying they have no faith in the movie and are hoping to trick as many people into seeing it as possible.
>it comes at night trailer
you fucking bastard, that was you? my sister made me go see it with her because of you
Fox just moved Deadpool 2 again - to one week before the release of Solo.
It's going to get fucking crushed.
Horrible casting. Glover is a comedic actor and very non threatening.
The Han kid is a flamer too. Clarke is an awful actress. Just fuck this movie and Disney.
He's awful casting. Worse than the Solo guy by far. The Solo guy can at least act (although he doesn't have that Harrison Ford vibe - he's more like Steven McQueen or something).
But the guy playing Lando is mind boggling. It's like casting Woody Allen as James Bond. I have no idea what the fuck they're going to do - originally the film was being handled as a comedy. Now...god knows.
I'm saving this. We'll see after it comes out but I feel like this just described the exact movie we're getting.
obviously. i'm printing it out when i see it
>Disney saying they have no faith in the movie and are hoping to trick as many people into seeing it as possible.
they are gonna to run their franchise into the ground if they try this, what a bunch of retards
>editor talking about how to mislead the public
>edited It Comes At Night trailer
you magnificent bastard.
>It Comes At Night trailer
You know you're going to hell for that one, right?
>hurr I don't like her cuz she's popular for normies
It probably made sense when they had the original directors involved. They make comedies after all.
But as a serious Star Wars film, or at least a "Star Wars" film, it's really odd casting. I just can't buy him as Lando Calrissian. I have an easier time with the other guy as Solo - sort of. He also doesn't have that Kurt Russell/Harrison Ford vibe.
Or they're gonna push it back
Someone explain why the salt right is crying about this one? Still butt devastated from ''muh white role model''?
But seriously I agree. I think if anything the trailer will be good because they cant afford another gut punch. Then all of reddit will go crazy saying 'Muh Star Wars is back!'
Thats the point. They want it to get overshadowed so they can justify why its not topping the box office, and it can get lost and forgotten among the other movies. That's literally how bad it is. They sunk the money and have to release it, but are lining it up to fly under the radar as damage control
They probably coordinated with Disney, given the planned merger. Disney wants to bury this turd and make people forget about it as soon as possible.
Here's the final version if you're wondering
Nigger, Fox and Disney are different companies
Finn and Rey are *awful* casting so it's no surprise to me.
This is why you're called the salt-right, you know that right you fucking pussy shit?
Not him, but no one here likes her because she's fat, obnoxious, has a ridiculous face and is an amazingly lazy and bad actress.
>only nuwars film with a white(to most audiences inb4 >white) male lead
>it's flop will be used to justify more stronk female leads in EVERY Star Wars media going forward
get back in your general hole
Only for the next couple of years. Disney bought Fox and are the in the process of making the merger legal. I don't know if that's why they moved Deadpool, but by the same token Disney WOULD have the power to influence Fox release dates now.
>Starring Donglover as himself
I'm kind of tired of that character
>the salt-right
I haven't heard that one before. It's okay. Although all the Saltiness comes from liberals, so I don't think it will stick.
>t. fat virgin faggot
By the way, all women are about exactly the same at acting.
Mots women are exactly the same in almost all aspects.
Stop being a pretentious faggot
>if you don't like shit movies you are salty
Guess I'm salty.
I know she's you're waifu, so you can't see straight on the issue, but being mad at ME because she's fat, obnoxious, has a ridiculous face and can't act - well it won't change any of those things, will it?
she's a terrible actress regardless
How much of a pathetic virgin do you have to be to pretend all these things
she isn't fat. Her face is objectively above average by the standards of most non-faggotsoys like you, and her acting is average for hollywood
Cant wait for the female character to do the kessel run and the "I know" moment.
Your trailer marketed your movie as a horror movie even though it was not. You comped the hell out of it dude. It's ok but just letting you know.
that double chin in the background lol
pls be another terminator genysis
>I am a grown man who cares about the direction disney is taking star wars
Nice shop faggot. Stop drinking so much soy and you might find attractive women arousing
This. He and emelia clarke cant act for shit its gonna be hilarious
wait til you see the
now this is shitposting
You're a cunty millennial I get that; I know what's going on in your idiot Maoist-indoctrinated head; you're very angry that the nigger you voted for the first time in 2012 wasn't replaced with an international criminal but can you at least understand that making the dashing rogue from the first Star Wars movie a mumbling beta who has his entire life history handed to him by a woman written ex nihilo for a feminist agenda is a political move with no other purpose and invalidates his existence totally? Can you?
>Donald Glover can't act
Watch Atlanta.
The guy is Donald Glover I think, the guy from Community that played an extra-hipster black guy.
Lando was more suave and had a seductive air, which just doesn't sync with Glover. It's hard to think of any major black actor that could take on the role, since most young black actors are known due to rap or comedy rather than serious dramatic acting.
Anyhow movie will of course be shit as they're probably going to make Han Solo a silly young character rather than a cool rogue falling in and out of trouble.
kek thats what i was thinking
Also, what's wrong with It comes at night? haven't seen it
It takes so much effort to find unflattering stills of her, because she's naturally sexy. Even in the picture you posted she's kind of cute. You're just a low T limp dick cuck who's mad you can't fuck girls with your pathetic noodle dick
do you guys ever experience happiness?
I was actually very happy until I showed up here and your retard ass started talking.
you're right, let's stop posting selectively like cherry-picked screencaps and airbrushed photoshoots and see her in acti-pffffff AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
>and her acting is average for hollywood
fuck off faggot she's terrible. she's a pretty girl when she keeps her weight down but she's a fat slag a lot of the time
That is some impressive eyebrow acting ability, I'm not sure why you're trying to make it seem like a bad thing
top kek
I'm a different person, anonymity and all.
when will those things finally crawl off her face?
I dunno, some people appreciate a little subtlety in acting.
i hate donald glover so much since he left derrick
remember when she was the best character in GOT
Well some people can appreciate the fact that it takes a great deal of skill to be able to manipulate your eyebrows in that fashion
Well I sure felt played by TLJ trailer...
no, but I remember her gut flapping back and forwards whenever drogo took her doggy style in season 1
and others would prefer if those bushy catepillars weren't constantly trying to escape her face whenever the camera turns to her
Lola has more range than Clarke
> that Pixar eyebrow raise on Lando
This is going to transcend shitness
have you seen her acting?
it's going to be so terrible and flop so hard that Sup Forums wont be able to help itself but call it a misunderstood masterpiece. there will probably be one or two scenes that get shitposted about every day for 5 years. calling it.
Yeah November 8, 2016
Will 2018 be the year of Soloposting?
look at the top of his shirt
I don't know, I don't think most people contort their face that violently in real life.
Nigga I got EYES. I can see she's fat, has a retarded face with epileptic eyebrows and is obnoxious as fuck IRL and a terrible actress. And you know she's lazy, because look how slovenly and porky she was for Terminator.
How much of a pathetic virigin do YOU need to be to overlook all of this and waifu this hamplanet?
>Responds to a non shopped live broadcast screengrab with a heavily photoshopped professional portrait
Oh boy. Is that you Emilia? If so, get off Sup Forums and get on a fucking treadmill.
It was a fair assumption the moment Disney switched director for re-shooting it. It will become a text book example of a troubled shoot and how chucking more money to something wont fix it.
>All dat photoshop and they can still barely hide Clarke's jowls
At least we know they have McDonald's in space.