ITT, characters that flyboys will NEVER understand
ITT, characters that flyboys will NEVER understand
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kek is that really in the movie
What is punishment for mansplaining to her?
>kills self 5 mins later
>gets 90% of crew killed because she didn’t want to tell Poe the plan because the temporary power she was given went to her head
I understand perfectly
If you're in a starship can't you see stars in space all of the time
That doesn't make any sense. You can survive the night regardless of whether or not you believe in the sun. It'll literally show up a couple of hours later.
>believing in hope
terrible writing desu
The least inspiring inspiration that ever dared to be so useless.
What the fuck is the reasoning behind not telling everyone about the plan?
Not just Poe, but the entire crew. There was never a mention of a mole or anything. What kind of a leader fails to tell their followers what they're doing?
i'm sick of seeing that cunt's face on here
>"What's your name?"
>"Fuck you, Poe."
The scene where she says this is ridiculous. You can tell that not just Poe but the entire crew has started to doubt her. Instead of explaining her plan to somebody, anybody, she spouts this bullshit. What a stupid thing to do.
Words cannot express how much thankful I am that I didn't pay any money to see this movie.
It's so stupid I can't deconstructed why its so stupid.
She really just say be hopeful ALL the fucking time, and don't think about the future. Which you should be doing in war.
i hate this fucking forced hurr durr we are so oppressed bullshit
these fuckers had decades to built an army that would prevent the evil empire from making a comeback and these faggots did nothing. they are not the underdogs the empire is/was and they truly deserve to win and kill all those fucking faggots for good
Opened this shit thread just to say this
um sweetie Luuke lived with bi suns.
i literally don't believe you
2 heels on each ball.
I always got that impression that they really wanted to say "a new hope" at one point but didn't do it because they knew it would be really tacky. So instead they come up with ham-fisted lines like that.
Yeah, IT will show up later, but you won't, because you panicked and made a brash decision that got you killed because you feared you wouldn't see the sun again.
Get it? It's not about day not coming, it's about you fucking up.
lmao some dipshit really thought they were deep when they wrote this flaming crap
Would people on here complain about her nearly as much if she had a natural hair color?
That and if they wrote her character to where she isn't a bitch for no reason which causes her crew to mutiny which could have all been avoided if she just explained her plan first instead of just being antagonizing for no real reason.
I wish he was lying
She might as well be wearing a lynyrd skynyrd shirt while rocking a mullet. It's not a compliment to her character that we wouldn't complain.
Same thread every FUCKING DAY
>Someone I used to know said hope is like your car keys.
Why would you only believe in the sun when you see it?
The word "Hope" doesn't even make sense in the context she uses it, since the entire point is that you "Hope" for something, not possess it already.
You don't have a car and say "Gee, I sure Hope this car". You say "I hope I get that car" when you don't have it.
How do you even believe in Hope? It's a verb, and when used as a noun it's describing a verb.
How can someone write this badly?
I DON'T get it.
If I don't believe in the sun, it makes no difference. It still rises. What rash decision are you going to make? Not waking up?
Yep. Still retarded and unlikable. I really hope people don't hold this role against Laura Dern
Yeah, still sound retarded.
Consent is like the sun.
It goes away after 12 hours