Movies about humanity going extinct?
Movies about humanity going extinct?
More like imagine the female orgasm doesn't exist because there's literally no reason for it to and everything you've heard is a load of bs
I feel bad for both of you. And Erin's many boyfriends.
I guess I'd be able to get girls pregnant. It's really not that complicated.
even nature btfos women
Here is the thing, white ''men'' wouldn't exist.
Good thing no one cares about female pleasure.
Mankind would eventually evolve into an entire species of Chads and Stacy’s if women had to gasm in order to get pregnant.
I would say that all movies would become stupid capeshits and romcoms but that’s the way movies are now, and everyone is ugly.
Children of Men
doesnt this imply that men are the dominant species since the needs of the woman are secondary in nature?