I still can't figure out, in-universe, why Leia wouldn't be the one to go and get Luke from Ahch-To. Why in the fuck would she send some nobody that she herself had just met an hour ago, Force powers or not?
I still can't figure out, in-universe, why Leia wouldn't be the one to go and get Luke from Ahch-To...
Let the past die...
She is leader of resistance and it's about to start full evacuation, can't just abandon her post like that?
This, please pay close attention to what is actually happening in a movie and you will be able to understand why things are happening in it.
She wanted to send her daughter to her father.
because she's a general and has to stay and be in charge of the military.
>the leader of a resistance can't go on diplomatic missions to retrieve war assets and she certainly can't leave her second in command in charge while she's gone
Was the Resistance evacuating at the end of TFA? I don't think it was. Everyone just calmly waves goodbye when the Falcon takes off.
Pretty sure leaders are allowed to go out and do things and have seconds and thirds in command for just such occasions.
as if the Resistance is a big deal
they got like three capital ships and 50 people between them, whoopdee doo
not to mention that distances don't even factor into anything, she can zip to Luke and zip back to the fleet like Rey did in no time
Leia could've gotten Luke off that planet in five minutes. She would've called him a little short to be a washed up hermit, kissed him, and off they would've gone.