What the FUCK went so wrong?

What the FUCK went so wrong?

last episode was breddy gud mang

>One free hour has been deposited in your CBS All Access account.


haha clever

It wasn't though.

I doubt you watched it.

>inb4 you search for an episode synopsis to "prove me wrong"

The whole Sup Forums takes over shit was cringy as fuck, the crap with the Kingon is shit. All just shit.

>He disagrees with me
>Y-You didn't even watch it

People who do not appreciate these franchises are suddenly in charge of them. CBS executives heard that progressive social values are in with millennials. Some corporate suit read some article or watched some documentary about how Trek is socially progressive. Eager to get ahold of that phony outrage marketing, they bought jumpsuits, hired computer animators, and slapped a bunch of ham fisted racebaiting modern politics into it and thought they were making Star Trek. It's like when Stargate Universe tried to make Stargate dark and edgy. They take whatever stupid trend is popular and ram their marketable IP's into it to see if they can make it work.

Fuck are you on about?

Yeah, it actually felt like the entire series was worth it just for that episode. Let's hope they can keep it up.

>People who do not appreciate these franchises are suddenly in charge of them.
Bryan Fuller, a guy who wrote dozens of episodes of Star Trek when he started out, is the guy mainly in charge of this show. You literally have no idea what you're talking about and are just spreading your hollow Sup Forumsitical points because you're unable to focus on the actual content of the show.

Least likable MC ever.
Least likeable crew ever.
Camerawork by a drunk dwarf staggering around from behind chairs and consoles.
Atrocious writing.
"Logic extremists"
"Fuck. Haha haha! Fuck!"
Event Horizon style jumpscares and mirrorscares.
Glaringly obvious Klingon sleeper agent.
Awful, AWFUL, Klingons.
Tech, UI, panels way out of place in timeline.
Captain and first officer violate prime directive in first 30 seconds of first episode.
Lovable rogue Harry Mudd rewritten as sadistic murderous psychopath.
Half the shit characters do just makes no goddamn sense at all.

This is just off the top of my head. I could go on but why. I'm lifelong trekkie. Even ENT couldn't put me into brand-divorce, but this did it. They will never get another damn penny from me.

I only saw the first 2 episodes. Are they going to do that thing they said that it was going to be an anthology with a different story per season or they pussied out and we are getting this crew/scenerio the whole series?

Agreed. Now that the super obvious "twists" are out of the way, I'm genuinely interested in what happens next.

It's definitely bold to put the latter half of the first truly serialized trek show (I know, I know DS9. Pretend I said "modern serialized") in the mirror universe. It's dumb to go their without first establishing characters, but at this point I'm convinced they have a plan. They'll reveal Lorca as a mirror version, or Discovery will be destroyed in the Mirror universe, or they'll wind up in the post-VOY future. The obviously thought ahead and have been listening to the constant bitching and moaning.

We're at least at the point where we don't know what will happen next. I was ready to see Ash?VoQ die last episode, so at least the show now has the capacity to surprise. I'm excited for next Sunday.

The one good character in the show except Orka.
There are non

Okay, then focus on that instead of the stupid conspiratorial bullshit where you're claiming that nobody involved in the show has any investment in the franchise.

>Bryan Fuller
Didn't he leave the series shortly before they started shooting or something?

I liked when Lorca pretended to be Scotty.

>focus on the actual content of the show

People are watching STD? I don't know anyone who didn't drop it after the pilot.

He was fired even before filming started.

>Lovable rogue Harry Mudd rewritten as sadistic murderous psychopath

This was unfortunate, and I really think Rain Wilson is miscast. He only ever plays intense madmen. Mudd should be a pleasant conman like the Wizard of Oz.

He has this habit of leaving projects after getting them started, but as far as I'm aware he's the guy most responsible for the tone, structure, and characterisation of the show.

Was he actually fired? He didn't talk about it like that.

people still watch this? why?

(((Creative differences)))

By that same token, he was the one pushing hard for the show to be a season by season anthology. We'll see there that ends up. But the plot trajectory now does seem like it lends itself to a self contained season with next season being a "Discovery" of new stories or crew. Hopefully after Voyager.

I used to hate-watch it to get material to troll the /std/ thread but it got so fucking awful I just couldn't do it anymore. First time that's ever happened to me.

I'm hoping for a TOS movie era setting for those sweet uniforms and 80s starships.

>You literally have no idea what you're talking about

You're pinning the show on a guy who got canned in its infancy and you're claiming other people don't know what they are talking about? Fucking lawl. Even Fuller was thirsty as fuck to talk about how muh women of color to inspire muh colored people. Why do you think CBS is letting their actors get political in public? It's outrage marketing, you fell for it.

And of course I don't watch the fucking show. I dropped it after the second episode like everyone else in the world.

i really wanted to give the show a chance. yeah, roddenberrytrek is highly post-sjw and that's fine, but they blew this by virtual signalling it to death. i endured it until the klingons came up with the matriarchs, it was too much to bear it anymore. she-michael was also highly unbelievable as a character and the writers obviously didn't bother to read into the history of the star trek universe, namedropping elon musk, who probably never existed as we know him since he would have had founded paypal in the middle of the eugenic wars.

the show might be actually watchable if it wasn't labeled as star trek. it's like someone at cbs watched the expanse and remembered they had the rights on tv trek.

>namedropping elon musk

Haha, really? That is ridiculous.

When you make a prequel you tie your hands before it begins....

Too much of an agenda with the main character and an actress who can't rise above the material.

"I'm smarter than any Vulcan, better at science and diplomacy than Spock, Sarek blew a ton of his political juice helping me through life because I'm so awesome and other characters exist primarily to tell me how awesome I am at everything!"

The show would ironically be improved a thousandfold if they'd centred it on Rekha Sharma's character and had the Klingon War started by Lorca because he wanted the Federation to be batlle-tested since it had gone soft with so much peace. Everything else could stay the same. If they wanted to make it absolute kino, make Lorca the primary character.

ST has always been liberal but other than that, pretty much. It's a show designed to appeal to the biases of focus groups and marketing first and foremost rather than to tell a story.

The annoying thing is that Burnham is a Canon Sue. They could have made her a compelling and flawed character, but they didn't.

It took until they went to the Mirror Universe to get interesting and this week's ep was a momentum-killer after last week. Looks like the writers blew their load on last and next week so maybe it can clamber out of the abyss again.

The actors playing Lorca, Cadet Titty, Gay Mushroom Man, and Saru (plus Michelle Yeoh when she's around) are doing their absolute best to hold the show together, with strong support from Ash and L'rell (who I'd add to the list but they aren't really in it enough).

The problem is that the main character is just so annoying and flat. It may be that she's just getting shit scripts and direction to try and sell her "emotional human battling with Vulcan logic" thing but the result is that it's extremely difficult to connect with her portrayal, and that's what everything in the show is connected by.

i was out as soon as michelle yeoh died

Come back for the next episode then.

is she back permanently? cause'd i'd need to marathon the season

I kinda like it, but Michael is insufferable and she seems to survive too damn well trials, mistakes, an entire ship full of Klingons, etc.
I know she's the MC but Jesus, she seems invincible, never in a real danger.

Not permanant unless they stay in the Mirror Universe.

yeah, he got mentioned in a line of space visionaries.

She can't act. At all.

But you can't say that or you are instantly "Racist!" "Misogynist!" "Nazi!"

So everyone has to pretend she's wonderful.

can't agree more.

then fuck em

>>She can't act. At all.
this. she basically plays the same character she had in TWD, but now in space.

they hired soapie writers who never saw a single sci-fi show to create a non-canon relationship drama aimed at soapie female viewers

they don't look like klingons they look less klingon and more like blue-skinned africans with enlarged noses. and they don't talk like klingons. they talk like drunk humans who are still learning klingon.

Her and that chick from Westwood/Thor 3 are both absolutely awful. Can't act a whit.

But they are untouchable because if you say they can't act you are KKK. So they just coast from role to role stinking it up.

all of y'all are full of shit, her acting is fine and you're just nitpicking

I disliked the entire cast except the alien dude with the long head. I thought Jason Isaacs would save the show but I was wrong, he is very disappointing. The worst part though is of course the unbearable shitshow named Michael.

It tries to be BSG and succeeds only in being shit. Definitely isn't Star Trek. Actually Discovery has made me appreciate Voyager a lot more, as many problems as it had, it was still Star Trek. Discovery is not, it is fan fiction.


She's so genuinely bad it sometimes makes the show legit feel like fan made. Like I don't know if you have seen Renegade? Half the cast in that was better than her.

Mega links where???

>soap opera shit is unique to DIS
Worf and Troi
Chakotay and Seven
Odo and Kira
That Vulcan chick and the non-character from ENT

Soap has been a part of Trek sind almost 30 years now. I hate it but that's a fact.

The pilot was bad, too much of an action movie.

It's been decent and improving since then.

Don't watch this shit dude.

It's bad for you.

haven't seen that so I can't dispute your point but I just don't find her that terrible, in fact both of the gay characters and that security chick that they killed were worse. Literally every klingon is painful to watch and the admiral chick that lorca was porking is atrocious. She might not be meryl streep but I feel like everyone's overstating how bad she is

I feel like they've got literally everything right

EXCEPT the writing.

The story isn't even that bad. It has its moments. But the plot and connective tissue leaves much to be desired. It's like the writers were given a week to shit out a script and never given the chance to give it a once-over to smooth out the wonky bits.

A lot of this stuff, like Ash being Voq, Lorca's moral ambiguity, and even Gorgeau being the Emperor could have made for singularly amazing moments, and the basic concept of the Spore Drive is Star Trek as FUCK, but they botched it in the execution in ways that could have been amazing with a few very minor tweaks.

yeah, but back then at least the rest of the show delivered.

I never saw her in TWD because I never watched it. So maybe if she was good there (?) then you could blame it on her trying to act like a Vulcan and just mangling it? I dunno. All I know is in STD she stinks it up.

i agree, the general plot is cool and has some fun moments but i feel like they're trying to focus on the people a lot (which is a common complaint about start trek not being character driven) while the plot arc suffers. It could be much tighter but I guess the characters are more real/human than previously

>I never saw her in TWD because I never watched it.
Me neither so *shrug*

Yeah, DIS needs to do more. I am on the side saying it's decent tho. Especially when compared to previous first seasons.

Nothing post TOS was true star trek. You're just so used to that beige shit that you don't see it for what it is.

>trying to act like a Vulcan and just mangling it
Yep, that's the reason.

I think the Ash/Voq thing had potential but they shat the bed by doing the reveal this early on. There's nowhere left to go with him now because nobody will trust him, he despises the Federation but can't go back to the Klingons since he's both a spy and a human, and we know he's gone 100% genocidal Klingon and isn't struggling with his personality any more.

They even had a template right there - the Boomer thing from BSG. Just do it like that where HE knows he's really a Klingon and so do we but he can't remember anything much except his fake human persona, and he's struggling to do his job and so on.

Fuller wanted to make both Michael and the Discovery captain black women.

How many STD episodes have you watched?

For one season

Fuller wanted an anthology series set in different times of the Trek Universe

The studio said too expensive
So Fuller walked

Lifelong Trekkie wants Trekism to die; would prefer to spend his meagre credits elsewhere, like some traitorous scum. With my last breath I spit at thee.

Good riddance. We don't need a serialized feminist black panther in space.

>Tech, UI, panels way out of place in timeline.
>Captain and first officer violate prime directive in first 30 seconds of first episode.
Now I know you haven't even watched 10 seconds.

I like you.

>muh insecurities

The aliens saw both of them walking to the well sir.

And I don't remember Kirk using Siri, holographic communicators and Windows 17. I remember him using knobs and switches.

Better death than this hideous, grotesque mockery of life. Better to burn like the heathen kings of old.

They caused the issue on the planet the first place, they were there to fix their own fuckup.

>I don't remember Kirk using Siri, holographic communicators and Windows 17. I remember him using knobs and switches.
We ALREADY surpassed that level of technology decades ago and first and foremost this is a sci-fi playing in the future. STD didn't fuck up continuity, TOS fucked up continuity by being more antiquated than current technology.

Well, for Stargate it worked. People were pretty pissed off they cancelled the show.

This is the worst part of STD.

Prove me wrong.

Well, at least it's out of the way now. But yes, it's very stupid.

>They caused the issue on the planet the first place, they were there to fix their own fuckup.

They still broke the Prime Directive. Picard once said it would be better to let the whole ship be destroyed and entire crew die than break it. They broke it before the theme song played in the first episode.

>STD didn't fuck up continuity, TOS fucked up

If you are working within an established universe and you care about continuity you work with what you have, not what you wish you had.

Using old obsolete shit technology in a setting that's supposed to be about interstellar travel set hundreds of years in the future, only because the source material is over half a century old and failed to conceive of things that exist currently is called an anachronism. I'd prefer a continuity "error" over an anachronism any time, no exceptions.

You never understood Starfleet if that's illustrative of your closed off attitude.

I think the writers need to seriously reconsider the direction they are going with her character and the kind of lines they give her. Whenever Michael is given some kind of passionate speech lines about exploration or diplomacy, her delivery feels like she is frustrated or something. The kind of character they wrote her as just doesn't fit.

Lorca is a much more interesting character, along with Saru and even Tilly. Going mirror universe this early is kind of an acknowledgement that they fucked up, cause they are already jumping to a new universe to dodge their writing mistakes. This move would make more sense when you have actually established good characters on the normal universe.

Define established. I couldn't give two shits about Data in measure of a man and was more concerned with how Riker felt about the whole situation, simply because it was too early on for such an episode, the character hasn't grown on me yet.

Somehow TNG, DS9, VOY and ENT managed (or at least tried a lot) to be in continuity with 60-s Star Trek. But fucking STD thinks that it is to cool for that. Also you are a faggot.

Because out of the first half of the series, there was maybe a single good episode.

The reason why the last two episodes have been passable was because it's mirrorverse. The whole klingon war thing isn't interesting because the klingons are being pants on head retarded. Mirrorverse klingons are the only ones that struck me as true klingons. The main verse ones are just retarded, and all we're getting is filler, filler, and more filler. And it's not even interesting filler, it's literally filler presented as a main storyline.

They managed to do it because touch panels and flat screens in TNG were futuristic enough for the entire remainder of the franchise to look sci-fi you dense motherfucker. Potentiometers, levers, buttons and shit aren't futuristic at all.

>Potentiometers, levers, buttons and shit aren't futuristic at all.
More fucking reliable than you shitti touch screen. If it breaks the whole station is useless. And i'm fucking tired of seeing movies and tv show trying to convince me that that console over there is not just a fucking ipad or flat screen tv.

A better analogy in TNG is The Naked Now. The writers fucked up using that concept in season 1, and it shows. None of the characters were very well established, and if they had done that in season 3 it would have been 3 times better. The writers would have a better grasp of how to twist their characters in an interesting way, the actors would be able to play it better, etc.

About the only character that is well used in the mirror setting is Tilly, but that is only because she is the most established character in the show. (Which isn't a good thing.)

>show gets better
>"What the FUCK went so wrong?"

Also the whole ENT was full of buttons and shit you blind idiot.

>people like something I don't, how is this possible

are people really this retarded or are you just meming?

And that's why it looked like a fucking submarine instead of a starship, like it was supposed to. They fucked up the design completely.

I just can't believe there are people dumb enough that they still didn't see it coming, I mean right up to the klingon bitch in the cell trying to activate him, there were still people going ohhhh he's a brainwashed klingon spy???

it hurts.

I hope with the end of the season the war ends and next seson we can have more comfi episodes about exporing planets and space shit.
>we have to kill the Klingon Michael
Is shit for a ST story

We are 11 episodes in and they completely failed so far to establish an emotional connection between the characters and the viewer. Some are likeable, but none of them are relatable, I feel zero empathy for any of them. I feel the weight of the situation they are put in, but that's the whole extent of attachment I get to any of the events. And it bothers the fuck out of me that I can not define the issue, I just know it's present.

If you can't maintain continuity in a long established beloved universe because you want to show off your really cool looking UI then maybe consider setting your show in an era where it works like sometime after TNG or even after VOY, that way you wouldn't look like such a massive piece of shit.

You've got to let go of the 1996 Eugenics Wars.