Netfix Witcher Andrzej Sapkowski is not working on the project

Original interview for those who speak/read Portuguese.

Google translation of the crucial piece(sorry, me no hablo portugal):

>In all adaptations, be it the first or the last, I am never involved in its development. From my point of view, the book is the book and adaptation is adaptation. As Kipling said about East and West: "This is East and West is West, and the two will never meet." The adaptation and the original will never be found. Never. Adapters must be fitted. That's all I have to say about this because, as you may know, Netflix has signed a contract with me where it is explicitly listed that any production information I disclose will result in a severe financial penalty. Which is good for me, because I do not know shit. So I can not say anything.

Seems his "creative consultant" title was just a sham. Netflix hacks are going to make it on their own, as they please.

Before anyone comments "b-but he wasn't involved with the games, desu." Games were made by Polish company, with Polish directors. Not by hacks who bend over for anyone.

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"This is East and West is West, and the two will never meet."
No wiser words were ever said. I'm sick and tired of Western cucks thinking that Slavs are just dumber poorer version of themselves.

He wouldn't have made it good anyway, he has too much pride.

CDPR should have been heavily involved. Instead, one of the greatest fantasy stories of modern times will probably get the Marvel treatment. Great.

What you where expecting somting good ?

who and why should I care?

Because there's a good chance a negro could be Geralt.


Mr. Elba is GOAT


Seriously, as pole I don't give a fuck about this

Our old low budget series was at least so bad it was funny, this will be just insulting

You get it wrong. He's actually joking:
>I had to sign NDA
>It's fine though as I don't know shit
It's actually pretty typical for his sense of humor. And it was already confirmed that he works closely with Tomek Baginski.
And he's not working on 'adaptation', because he has no interest in this. His role in the team is creative consultant, not a fucking writer, so when somebody in the production wants to talk to him he gladly does so.

You were expecting he's going to write the show? Are you fucking dense?