Lucasfilm Infos

Hi, we're back again with some new infos.
One of us got to read the last script for Episode IX. If you remember correctly ( ), we had various plot points that came from the first two scripts, using thrown away notes (and then, scripts).

So we did our best to write down what the person who read the scipt remembered. This might not be 100% accurate, but the big elements are. Sometimes we tried to be as close to the remebered script as possible. And this may still not be the final script. LFL has announced that the script was finished around Christmas, but that was just a PR stunt.

We have no new infos about the state of Rian's trilogy this time.

So here is the summary of the last known script of Episode IX.

The first proposed titles are "Knights of Freedom" and "Knights of the New Republic"

The crawl talks about the state of the galaxy, that freedom has been crushed by the First Order, but that the Resistance have grown in power, and is the last glimmer of hope of the galaxy. It is now led by Poe Dameron.
On the planet Votum Rex, Rey, The Last Jedi, have been trying to use her newly acquired Jedi knowledge to find a way toturn the tide and help the Resistance win the war.


Four Troop Transports emerge from space, and enter the atmosphere of the planet Kalser, a military outpost of The First Order. The Stormtroopers divisions are back after having accomplished a mission. When asked to do a report to a lone General, the Leader assaults him and neutralizes him. He removes his helmlet, and we see that it is Poe Dameron. He contacts other Resistants with his comlink. It is revealed that the Stormtrooper has almost entierly been replaced by Resistants.

On Votum Rex, Rey is seen in a cave building herself a new lightsaber. She felt that her friends were in danger, and is preparing herself to help them. She hasn't used a lightsaber in five years.

Fake news

The Resistance, with Finn, Poe and Rose, infiltrate the base and destroy it by planting bombs on the generator. One of the Stormtroopers they had captured ran away and contacted other First Order unities from close bases. The Resistants escape the explosion, and no Resistant died. But First Order backups arrive quickly in a Star Destroyer, and the Resistants are trapped on the remains of the base. That's when the Star Destroyer slowly falls. Rey is here, and she crashes the Destroyer on the planet, permitting the Resistance to escape. Some Troopers debark while Rey is crashing the Destroyer, and all the main heroes are here to fight them. After the fight, she quickly salutes Finn, Poe and Rose, then go back to Votum Rex, saying that she isn't ready yet.

She goes back to the planet on the Falcon, along with Chewbacca, R2D2 and the Porg Family. This planet was where the Force first appeared, and she is searching every way possible to acquire new powers to face The First Order and Kylo Ren. The ghosts of Luke and Yoda appears, and warns her that her search for power could lead her to the Dark Side, but she doesen't listen. After rereading the Sacred Jedi Texts carefully, she prepares and realises a strange ritual that seems to morally break her.

On the Resistance Base of Naboo, the heroes cheer for their victory, but quickly stop. They are informed that Leia has died. Finn keeps leaving Rose's love unanswered. On Coruscant, where The First Order's main base is installed, Kylo Ren learns his mother's death through the Force. He seems indifferent, then let go a tear. Then a voice speaks in his head and torture him : it's Snoke. Ren screams, then quickly turn back to normal. Inside him, Ben Solo is fighting Snoke's influence. He seems to have grown mad. Hux enters Kylo's Throne Room. He mocks him, and inform him of the crash of the Star Destroyer, saying that "the girl" was here.

A funeral is organised for Leia. Rey felt it through the force, and assists to the funeral from far away. Finn joins her and they have a little talk. She doesen't come close because the Resistance sees her as a "Witch", a dangerous person. After the ceremony ends, she comes to visit Leia's grave, and sees that two other -empty- graves have been made next to her; one for Luke, and one for Han. She falls down and cries. She is once again visited by Luke's ghost, who comfort her. She says she has failed, and that all these years of preparation have led to nothing. We are led to believe that her ritual hasn't worked.

On Coruscant, Hux is shown plotting against Kylo Ren. We learn that most of the First Order's decisions have been taken by Hux, as a result of Kylo's constant madness and inactivity. Hux brings The Knights of Ren, a small pack of force sensitive individuals, to the Throne Room, to try to overthrow Kylo Ren, promising them power. Ren kills most of them easily, while Hux and some others escape. He learns that the coup is general : everyone in The First Order wants him dead. That's when Ben Solo comes back for a moment, and decide to turn himself in to help the Resistance, and, most importantly, Rey.
(The person who read didn't remember the exact reason of his turn)

>Naboo, Coruscant

Yep, totally fake news.

He escapes Coruscant while demolishing some of his troops, and tries to contact Rey with the force, but fails. It is ultimately Rey who contacts him. She has been trying to talk to him since Crait, but said she failed every time. She doesen't give him the location of the base, but he recognizes the planet, and goes there. He grew up there.

When he arrives on Naboo, he lands quietly and goes to his mother's grave. He bursts out in tears, asking for her pardon. Behind him, a voice says that he already had it. It is the ghost of Anakin Skywalker. He says that Ben has made a lot of bad choices, but that he wasn't always at fault. He was fooled by Snoke, and scared of the Jedi. He grew up being unstable. While they are talking, the Dark Side reawakens in Ben, who smashes the grave in anger, and destroys a part of it. Suddenly, a blue lightsaber blade extends right next to his head. It's Rey. Ben is still possessed by the Dark Side, but acts like he was "normal", and turns himself in. Possessed Ben is tricking Normal Ben and Rey.

The Resistance has captured Ben Solo, who totally submits himself. He is put in a force proof cell. Poe is suspicious and has an argument with Rey about the whole situation. She is forced to tell them about the bond she shares with Ben. As a result of hearing this, the Resistants are even more wary of them, questionning why she hasn't been helping them all this time. Finn calms them. Rey visits Ben, and he reveals that Snoke is partially controlling him.

Finn, Rose, and a part of The Resistance are sent by Poe Dameron on the planet Venia to find someone that could help for the final plan of The Resistance. Maz Kanata welcomes them on the planet. She leads The Resistance to the person that will help them. This person is actually DJ, the codebreaker that turned them in during The Battle of Crait. Maz and her pirates captured him. They force him to work with the Resistance, under constant control. The First Order found out about this mission and attack the planet. DJ stays true to the Resistance while they try to escape.

On Naboo, Poe goes in Ben's cell, and thinks about killing him, but Rey stops hims from doing so. Ben says that he wouldn't have killed him, but that "the other" would've. Rey stays near him and talks with him trying to understand what exactly happened to him. Poe desperatly tries to contact some people, fails, and seems pessimistic about «this plan».

The First Order chases The Resistance on Venia Maz's pirates lead the defense of the Resistance, permitting them to escape «somewhere». They succesfully escape the First Order, and use the fight as a distraction. They arrive in a large hangar, where giant ships are landed. DJ is forced to hack the Database to permit the Ships's departure. They are going to steal the ships.

Possessed Ben comes back, and reveals some things about the Dark Side while being interrogated by Rey about its nature. The Resistants are watching; afraid of Rey, they lock her in. Possessed Ben reveals that he is in fact a manifestation of the Dark Side that possesses people. When its host is killed, this "parasite" transmits itself into the killer. It can also create itself new bodies, but it is a slow and hard process. It had been present since the rise of the Jedi. It was transmitted between force users.

But when Darth Sidious killed his master and earned the Dark Side's gift, he wasn't the perfect host. So, the parasite had to create a new body. One that would be much stronger, and young, that would eventually kill Sidious. He was born through natural ways, and he ended up being another waste of time, as his body was almost entirely destroyed. The Parasite was still interested by his strengh, but he died just after killing Sidious, and the Parasite was left hostless. So it directly created itself a new body, that was limited and destroyed. He couldn't afford to loose time : he saw at that time the perfect opportunity to create a new galaxy-domining Order. During this, he also created another, younger and stronger body, that also came in a natural birth; Rey.

Shocked at this reveal, Rey tries to get out of the cell, but she discovers that she had been locked in by the Resistants. Possessed Ben taunts her. She is angered, and almost kills him in a tamper tantrum. She is stopped by Poe, who ultimately unlocks the cell. Luke was right to warn her about her Dark Side. The First Order have tracked Ben and attack Naboo. The Resistance flees the planet, so does Possessed Ben.

You have the grammar of a third worlder

Nice try Pajeet

Boring zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

that's Act 2 by the way


The Resistancts from Naboo lands on Ubellium, a planet that have been partly freed. The First Order wins a decisive battle and walks on their territory : The Resistance is trapped.

Rey follows Possessed Ben in the Falcon and flies to Coruscant, without being found, using the Force to hide the ship's signature. Possessed Ben takes the control back from Hux. He chokes him to death. Rey and Ben meet in his Throne Room. He seems to be «normal» Ben. They exchange angry words, but are interrupted by the remaining Knights of Ren. Rey and Ben team up to defeat them. But Possessed Ben tricked Rey into thinking he was the «normal» Ben, so she'll fight for him, and she'll be exhausted. Possessed Ben ordons for a total wipeout of the Resistance on Ubellium. Rey smiles and is seemingly arrogant. That's when huge Resistance ships enters the atmoshpere of Coruscant; all fighters of freedom from all systems have been gathered. Only a small part is trapped on Ubellium.

Most of The First Order troops leave Ubellium, permitting this part of the Resistance, led by Poe, to completly free the planet. Rey reveals that she deactivated a lot of The First Order's base functions. Possessed Ben attacks Rey. Finn and Rose are participating to the Battle of Coruscant. Rose sacrifices herself for Finn, who does not realise what she is doing. She knew she will never be with him, so she did the only thing that could have helped him : she saved his life, once again. Finn, broken by sadness at the death of his friend, goes on a rampage. DJ dies while protecting him. Chewie flies The Falcon and actively participates to the battle.

The Battle rages on the grounds and space of Coruscant while Rey and Possessed Ben are fighting. Sometimes the normal Ben comes back and tries to demolish The First Order ships. Possessed Ben kicks back in and tries to destroy the Resistance ship in the same manner. Ben fights on the inside, so hard that he successfully destroys a lot of First Order Star Destroyers by just making them explode with the Force. He is bleeding from his eyes, nose, mouth and ears. His eyes are split between the Yellow and the White, all being riddled with blood.

Severely diminished, Ben seems to calm down and set his knees down. Rey turns off her lightsaber to check on him, thinking she has won. But Possessed Ben is still here, and slashes Rey's left arm (Cutting it entierly orpartially cutting it). She continues to fight with only one hand. They end up face to face, and a destroyed Ben Solo begs Rey to kill him. She impales him with her lightsaber. He smiles, and Possessed Ben impales her with her lightsaber, before leaving Ben. She seems to be dead, and Ben, mortally wounded, cries asking for her, completly blinded by his blood. That's when Rey wakes up and get up.

She knew Ben was possessed because she actually succesfully contacted him when he was possessed, but he forgot that. Rey learned how to survive to a possibly mortal wound. The Force heals her, while she is standing next to a dying Ben Solo, who begs for her pardon. She weepingly gives him her pardon while trying to heal him, but he dies before hearing it. The heal had no effect on him. The Resistance destroys what's left of the First Order. Rey sits on the ground, next to Ben's body, and happily looks to the victorious sky while crying amidst the ruins of Coruscant.

Her trick has worked. She was dead, and the Dark Side parasite did not consume her. Finn searches for Rey and finds her in the middle of a destroyed Coruscant. They share a tender kiss . We see a montage of peace in the galaxy being restored. The graves of Leia, Luke and Han have been rebuilt, and are now completed by a memorial dedicated to the Skywalker/Solo family. Shmi, Padmé, Anakin, Luke, Leia, Han. Ben. Rey insisted on the presence of his name, as the real Ben Solo helped the Resistance during the battle. He was just a lost kid. We see Luke talking with Rey about a possible comeback of the Parasite, that she needs to prepare the future fights, and that he fully trusts her.

Some times later, Rey is seen in a building talking to some kids about the Force, and the legends of the Jedis. This is her Jedi Temple. Well, not exactly Jedi. It is a New Order, founded on the balance. The kids are distracted by something happening outside, and Rey permitts them to leave. She rejoins with Finn at the top of the building, while they are holding hands and looking to the kids. We discover that this temple is set on Tatooine, right on the old Skywalker Farm. BINARY SUNSET KICKS IN (written in the script). The kids align at the edge of the cliff to watch the sunset. Behind them, the ghosts of numerous Jedis (Luke, Anakin, Obi-Wan, Yoda, Qui-Gon, Ben Solo) watches, seeing that their legacy is alive.

wait, rey dies, then rey is back turning off her lightsaber?

English is not my mother tongue.

It's not. J.J and Terrio already announced that IX is going to tie all three trilogies together.

She dies, then her saber turns off, I guess. The one that read didn't point that out.

>Finn searches for Rey and finds her in the middle of a destroyed Coruscant. They share a tender kiss
Yeah right. Nothing happens between them for almost 3 movies, then they are suddenly lovers. Very believable.

Kys larp faggot

Nothing happened between Rose and Finn in TLJ and they kissed.

That was so terrible, I think you gave me cancer.

Nice oxymoron, friend


No info on Indiana Jones?


TLJ also gave me cancer
This is so terrible that it might be legit.
Tell me this is something Disney wouldn't do.


who cares about star wars?

>Lucasfilm Infos
The only Lucasfilm info I care about at the moment is when Kathleen is getting fired.

The production will start this year.
No other info at all.

I have lost all hope.

... did you even watch the movies? they destroyed naboo already... you really have to keep track of the mouse new canon user, otherwise people will just make fun of you...

... even so they keep neglecting their own canon material but they don't make those sorts of mistakes...

... also, I am working with a production team with a member directly associated with Kennedy and already confirmed publicly that the script is not finished and it didn't go through pre production either...

... nice try anyways pal, i would focus on self educating at least on the main language before making a fool of yourself kid

Fuck off LARPing idiot

indiana jones already finished pre production and you don't know shit about it but you know about a movie that didn't even entered pre production...

you are a special kind of special aren't you?... can you at least google imdb?...

Dude I just watched fake leaks for 2 straight years that had no truth to them. Fuck off.

ARCHIVE THIS cause if it turns out to be true this far in advance would be interesting indeed.

I still can believe the stablishment of the new soy republic and the first order, who green lights this shit?
Why do the first order reign supreme? did they invade planets? people accepted them willingly? the whole galaxy can be invaded by 20 ships?

You what the worst thing is?

The Last Jedi killed my interest in the sequels so much that I can't even read this LARPing for enjoyment

Fuck off larping faggot

>force proof cell
Oh boy

>Votum Rex
>all those planets crammed in one movie
>Possessed Ben
>Good Ben
>"Snoke is some kind of ancient Force deity who keeps on reincarnating"

somehow this is even worse than these last two nuWars flicks. This reads like those summaries of the Sequel Sequel Trilogy from SuperShadow

This thread is bullshit. I'm showing it to my best friend George Lucas and he's laughing at how anyone believes this. LOL.

Snoke being a force deity would at least let them ret-con some of TLJ.

> force proof cell

congratulations, you're an even worst writter than the Disney hacks

As bad as it is, it's a slight improvement over TLJ, so I'll at least give it a "Plausible" rating.

But I have a bad feeling what we get with IX will be even worse.

Good I hope Rose does die.

There are a few things wrong with this LARP. The Resistance would never hate Rey, she saved all of them on Crait. Also why would they think of her as a dangerous witch when they spent all that time looking for Luke? A Jedi is a Jedi, and typically the Jedi are seen as hope incarnate for the good guys in the story.

Coruscant got destroyed in Force Awakens. Bullshit

Tell your best friend we're so sorry, and please come back.

Sadly better than the movie we'll probably get.

It's the Rebellion now not the Resistance.

That wasn't Coruscant. (((They))) confirmed that it wasn't.

I started reading all of this and realized I just don't care what they do at this point.

>somehow this is even worse than these last two nuWars flicks.

so a good end to this travesty

There are fanfic websites for this stuff user

Even though this guy is a larping faggot, you're wrong about something. They haven't destroyed Naboo.

Soy Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menorah
Soy Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Cohens
Soy Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Goy
Soy Wars: Episode IV: A Jew Hope
Soy Wars: Episode V: The Goyim Strike Back
Soy Wars: Episode VI: Return of the Rabbi
Soy Wars: Episode VII: The Talmud Awakens
Soy Wars: Episode VIII: The Last Rabbi
Soy Wars: Episode IX: Knights of the Jew Republic

it's full of smelly refugees from Hosnian Prime

1/10 larp. Made me reply.

>the Goyim strikes Back
On it

The worst part is this is probably better than what we'll get

>Her trick has worked. She was dead, and the Dark Side parasite did not consume her.

Harry Potter much?