The 46 minuet Chauvinist cut is better the-

>The 46 minuet Chauvinist cut is better the-

Uh, no sweaty. Everyone hates it. Also the fact that you made means we need even more empowering figures and moments in future squeals.

What a surprise!
The terrible sexist edit was a terrible sexist edit!

oh god they are trying to use it as a GG 2.0

Part of me wants to say this is a false flag so they can dismiss any criticism of the movie as sexist but part of me knows that Sup Forumstards are indeed autistic enough to actually do this.

What's more autistic, making TLJ UNCUNT version or making articles about it?

They’re both stupid as fuck and I wish both sides would die, just like GG

definitely making it. that takes way more effort than writing a few paragraphs on a blog based on a headline you read

Somebody made it just to piss people off, which is pathetic because it's obvious they cared enough in the first place to do it; but it obviously worked because it is pissing people off. And it's terrible, but that's the internet for you.

Most obvious false flag ever. Racists, MRA, sock puppet accounts, they all cake together to attack this specific movie that was not well received and undershot projections.

They ignored Wonder Woman and the Force Awakens though ... for reasons.

well,yes,the internet would be terribly boring without cretins fighting each other over bullshit.

>no women
>Leia and Rey are still prominent roles.

Who is more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?

yeah sure keep talking like the mouse isn't behind it
this edit screams falseflag


>no women

It's neither.

He just cut out all the boring/pointless bits.

the so called "MRA cut" is the most obvious false flag I have ever seen. Disney themselves probably did it.

The fact that they care at all about some edit that some guy made makes me think that they made it themselves just be outraged about it.

>Sup Forumstards

Fan Edits are Sup Forums now too? Poor Harmy.

a fan edit made from what? a camrip?

1. It's unironically better than the finished film
2. He only made jokes in the upload to piss reactionary liberal faggots off.
3. They threw tantrums as expected.

Yeah. He cut out the casino, all the Luke stuff, all the Holdo stuff.

As a joke he called it "The Chauvinist Cut".

SJW's reacted got triggered as expected.

>dunking on
hi fellow millenials

>Sup Forumstards
>caring about space capeshit for manchildren

You had one job OP.

>everything I dom't like is Sup Forums

Do you ever stop and actually think about what you're typing or do you just vomit your idiocy all over you keyboard and sit back in a sense of smug superiority knowing that you have contributed to BTFOing BARUPHF

Did it actually remove all the female characters though?

Sup Forumstards ARE the capeshit of manchildren.

Why does anyone give a fuck about these garbage movies? Why are people so screwed up about the politics of a fucking children's movie? Don't people have something better to do than recut a movie to exclude all the women? Don't people have better things to do than write think pieces about how Star Wars is saving women? This shit is exhausting.


le cool centrist who is le above all those dumbies

I've never seen someone recut a movie that's not even out in good quality yet... This really reeks of false flag.

You're a fucking moron. Take a step back and realise how petty all of this is. It doesn't fucking matter

There's a mind control war going on through popular culture and that's just the way it is.


Don't know why they keep saying that. It's literally a joke.

The directors credit is "Your Mom" and kills Luke with one lightsaber blast.

Like it's literally a joke cut. And as usual SJW's lack any sens of humor and think everything is super srs bsns.

This. Nothing matters, we're all gonna die. Love is just a chemical reaction. Wubba lubba dub dub!

Now you can't edit a movie without it being sexist.

You don't know what that means, retard

Honestly it reeks of another false flag operation to force controversy and bullying into the reasons why it's failing. If they'd put this much effort into their writing and directing they probably wouldn't need to beg like this.

>politics of a fucking children's movie

do you see the problem?

>It's a we have a board dedicated to politics but I'd rather ruin Sup Forums because I'm scared of the actual politics board's users episode

Please, please let Disney double down on Star Wars. This is going to be hilarious.

I meant laser blast. That scene at the end when Luke is revealed, takes all the laser blasts and brushes them off.

In this one, he gets hit by the first blast and dies straight away.

>tfw feminists are going to muscle in on the fan edit community now

Thanks Sup Forums. What hobby will they stick their noses into next.

Not what I said

Just shows how easily triggered these people are. It's just a fucking joke fanedit made by some autist on piratebay for fun. They are blowing this way out of proportion.


the better question is what hobby have they not stuck there nose into.

itt: only one user that knows how to spell sweetie.

>Seeders: 66
>Leechers: 14

this is newsworthy to the left?

>Written by this dude
>Copy-Editor, Multimedia Journalist, & Entertainment Enthusiast living in Brooklyn and working in Manhattan with Inverse

I think this board just likes to be upset over things, I can't understand how people can be so invested in this shit they get upset the movie is bad or that bunch of retards praise it

Then why don't they edit out the men? Who gives a shit? It's a bad movie no matter who is on screen.

No problem is too small to be very problematic.

It's true

>The terrible sexist edit was a terrible sexist edit!
How dare you imply that an international multi billion dollar corporation that has several billions riding on the success of this franchise would resort to previously unseen attempts of marketing and propaganda.

Is he related to the guy who plays Kylo? Both have these weird facial proportions.

>someone does something to piss others off
>this is pathetic

Man, what happened to the old Sup Forums spirit? Not the "lulz im an oldfag xD" type, I mean the alternative culture free-spirit type.

literally damage control false flag

great, now they will definitely double down on the next film and all criticisms about its legitimate problems will be met with even more strawman accusations of being misogynist or racist, etc

>implying that wasn't always the plan

You mean giving the shitposter what he wants? All publicity is good publicity.

oh my fuck

Can you guys choose a narrative already?

The Soy Gap is becoming more common than the Jewish surname at this point.

Majority of seeders and leechers are lefitsts wanting to see it so they can feign outrage on twitter.

>upset that Sup Forums isn't one person

Rian is probably genuinely afraid of people watching a pirated version of his shitty movie instead of forking over the shekels

>TLJ UNCUNT version

I've been here since 2006 and I literally have no idea what you're talking about. Then again, I spent most of 2006-2008 being called a newfag and getting accused of being part of Chanology (I wasn't) and coming from SA (I did).

Oh no that'll make the movie suck and even less people will care about Star Wars, foiling Disney's master plan to milk it for bajillions of dollars. How tragic.


This...needs to be a thing.

>being this angry people want to watch your trainwreck of a cut
Is this why you're shilling it on every board?

You know you've made a kino movie when you have to attack parodies.

Remember in the 90s when Zemekis had to attack all the Forest Gump parodies to protect the legitimacy of his movie? Yeh me neither

Will Rian Soynson make "The Last Jedi: Ultimate Cunt" in response?



the massive amount of butthurt over this makes me really hope this isn't a false flag.

Don't know what's sadder the fact that they are making such a big deal over this or that you can cut this down to 46mins, remove entire characters and still not miss that much.

>no one has linked the edit yet

wtf senpai

Its like the Jews have a manufacturing plant with thousands of these or something a real army of clones

link to tlj 'man version' or direct dl

>somebody makes ridiculously anti-women edit
>all media outlets pick it up immediately
they're lurking here, aren't they?

You mean "don't" or...?

>somebody's stopping me from posting it!

>tfw George Lucas In Love resulted in Harvey Weinstein AND George Lucas to buy up ad space and screaming incoherently in anguish demanding the virgin creator be stoned.

It's honestly not that hard now that your younger peers have moved on to twitter and facebook where they can gather likes and retweets as (You)s.

Most of them SHILL FOR FREE too

literally what are you saying

That nobody is stopping you from posting it, beggar.

I'm a sexist and I liked it

i don't have the link you double nigger

that's why i'm asking for someone to post it

>facebook and twitter is the young happening spot
>not where grannies go to look at pics of the grandkids

you're a fucking retarded pepe child lmao

With soy mouths open wide

Go find it, then. Nobody's stopping you.

what the fuck they didnt ask me. em i not a part of everyone

if it exists then someone in this thread has to have it. and i'm not about to scavenge the web for a video that might not even still be up.

>Filled under Kylo Ren Reddit and Twitter

>i'm too cool to try but i want it
Guess you're going without.

implying it actually exists somewhere

Sorry you can't be bothered to look. Better luck next time.

>...And here's why it's a problem/scary
>...And it's hella epic
Any article with these cliches in them should be deleted from the internet for ever and it's writer should be shot if they ever try to write another article.