>Grumpy old lady acts like a child
Well this was fucking shit
But her daughter was RAPED and MURDERED. That gives her a right to burn cops alive just because they couldn't solve the case.
i found it odd how at the end she made light of going to kill someone who wasn't even truly guilty
then people fucking clapped at the end of the movie and i was in a high end british kinoplex
this was worse than tarkin i thought my contact lenses were bugging out
Martin McDonagh confirmed worst brother
isn't he the director?
anyway there too many jokes and a lot of it felt overly dramatic and contrived as fuck, I can't believe this won a golden globe
>I can't believe this won a golden globe
really? you cant believe the stronk independent woman movie won a golden globe? and yes he is the director & writer
He is guilty. Just not of killing her daughter.
He wasn't though, just because he was drunk and telling a story in a bar doesn't give them probable cause to murder him.
Such a strange movie, all the characters were assholes but it had a light funny tone that made it seem ok.
He is guilty of the crime of having a penis.
>He is guilty
innocent until proven guilty
he was just bragging to his friend in the bar anyways that's not enough to go on
It's weird that the sheriff was the only character that generally seemed like a good person in the movie, but he was the one that whole thing was suppose to be against.
They didn't even explain why the cops didn't solve the case, if they had no evidence to convict anyone then I don't get why she's so angry at them.
> I don't get why she's so angry at them.
She is angry at the world in general. She wants justice but didnt get it from the institution supposed to deliver justice.
They are looking for an outlet for their rage / guilt. The fact that they are debating it at the end probably means they wont
Generall, a guy speaking about fucking a burning woman while deployed as part of the military or something akin to it gives them enough reason to believe he is guilty.
>She wants justice but didnt get it from the institution supposed to deliver justice.
she wants revenge, courts deliver justice police are just law enforcement. The movie is bad because it has a contrived tone where the bloodthirsty old hag is portrayed as the moral right. Also it was boring.
I thought it was great. Actually shed a tear at the cheif's message to his wife. Though it could have wrapped everything up a bit better.
Is Woody or Rockwell getting the Oscar?
I wouldn't call it boring, it was well paced and entertaining. Just had really poorly written characters.
>Woody or Rockwell
Phew ... I guess Woody because he isnt as goofy as Rockwell in the first scenes
its sure been heaven
I feel like it'll be a sort of "it's his turn" thing were they give it to Woody as he's getting on a bit. Whereas Rockwell has a few more kinos in him.
So the rape and murder of her daughter wasn't even resolved? I think I'll skip this shit.
I thought it was a solid b-minus but my favorite reviewer gave it 4 (out of 4) stars.
I'm not sure what's happening, people seem to be praising it's "message" but what message is that? Don't blame cops because they're mostly okay guys? If that comes off as a strong an important message I think i underestimated just how removed I am from the opinions of common folk.
It's not an episode of CSI, if that's what you're looking for
no it doesn't, when did the movie ever say she was right? Jesus this board is full of plebs
>things happened in movie so that must mean movie says it's good!
you're like feminists who bitch about Joi in blade runner not understanding the blade runner is a dystopian future, the movie isn't saying "this is how things should be!"
>my favorite reviewer gave it 4 (out of 4) stars.
Call me a pleb but I've been reading James Berardinelli's "Reelviews" for probably about 15 years now.
Read Flannery O'Connor. It's meant to be O'Connoresque.
Yes, thank you.
To be fair she's the protagonist. In the beginning you feel empathetic to her cause. And rally behind her, then somewhere in the middle her monologues stop making sense and she ventures into full blown criminal territory. But nothing happens to her, the closest thing to any reform we get is her flippance as to whether or not she is to commit vigilante justice.
The problem is by the end I don't like her, nor do I hate her, I simply don't care what happens to her or Dixon or any of them. I guess I feel bad for her family.
Was that the point?
not him but i felt similar i felt like she never got fucked up herself i really wanted someone to slap her at one point in the movie at least or break her down a little. the burning of the billboards wasn't enough for me because it just felt pathetic like a parent burning a teenagers video game console
I lasted five minutes. Hollywood actors doing shitty southern accents drives me crazy. The guy she bought the billboard from in the opening scene was so fucking cringe with his accent and weird vocal thing going on, if you're going to have sommeone talk like that get a non-actor who does, not some dipshit playing pretend.
it had tons of "funny" moments after the first few minutes. the first few minutes to me were so fucking dramatic and i thought we were gonna get a cold dark movie but then it's really lighthearted in a way after that.
it's as if the director just gave up because the actors were shit and resorted to comedy
It really seemed like her "culpability" speech backfired against her at several points. Thoughts anons?
Honestly, now that I think of it, I guess my big problem with the movie is that Mildred was just full of shit.
Agree 100%
>It really seemed like her "culpability" speech backfired against her at several points. Thoughts anons?
yh that crips and blood gang culpable thing seemed stupid to me it was supposed to be some hard hitting moment and i can see how a lot of people might not pay attention to it and like it.
To me they shouldn't be culpable that's like saying black cops are culpable for white cops killing black kids just because they're part of the same "gang" stupid as fuck
Right like somehow she was employing Reagan-era politics to take a jab at the catholic church while also implying her family and friends (like the store owner that got arrested or her hated son) are fair game when she fucks around. I feel like most were just dazzled by her snappy spunk.
That's kinda the point