Roasties are really getting scared hahahaha yes we're winning Sup Forums!!!

Roasties are really getting scared hahahaha yes we're winning Sup Forums!!!

>A Nigerian name, particularly Igbo. Onyekachi is a bisexual name, so it can be used for both male and females. People with the name Onyekachi can be very fun and outgoing but also very quiet at times. They are extremely caring and warm hearted. They have an unexplainable drive and determination to be successful in all they do. They leave an impact on everyone they meet.They are like a walking paradox, outgoing and concerned yet care-free and nonchalant.
>"Onyekachi is a wonderful person"

Not yet!

Agreed this is why we need sex robots.

>Can sex doll cook your meals
UberEats and/or learn to cook basic shit, not that hard
>Can sex doll have your kids
>>Having kids
>>Implying Krypton breeding isn't already happening
>Can sex doll wash your clothes
No, that's what the washing machine is for. Two very different appliances, not sure how you get them confused
>Can sex doll make your home
Mexicans make homes

Why would you feel threatened by some virgin buying a sex doll. This isn't Chad Thundercock removing himself, this is some weeb who can't talk to women. You've lost nothing. It's kinda bitter

Can a millennial woman?

not yet but in 20 odd years, who knows

>Women should Cook us meals, wash our clothes, keep our houses and give us our offspring.


if she is asking the kind of people who WOULD buy a sex doll, then she doesn't realize they are already alone and have to do that shit themselves anyway


>spend decades telling men you won't do any of those things because you're a strong womyn who don't need no man
>suddenly offer to do all of those things the moment you get any competition
This is why capitalism is right.

As if she knew how to, or even wanted to do all these things, lol.

One thing a sex bot can do that no woman can never do is nag and udermine the husbands/father's authority

My last gf did none of that.

She really makes a strong point....

If a modern woman would do those things without bitching then she might have a point.

Women bitch about doing all those things she listed all the time

this is the best shilling money can buy?


This desu, in exchange we won't develop sexbots

people wouldnt be looking into and trying to build sexbots if modern women were interested in doing any of those things

>finding women that cook

oh wow I really hate women now!!

Thanks for reminding me Mr. Shill!

Arent all those things women used to and feminists shamed these things for being sexist and patriarchy.

>No, and neither can you.

Not like a modern woman can cook, wash clothes, or make a home.

Kids is the only reason why a modern woman is useful.

Women don't do any of those things either.. sooooooooooooooooooooooo

Who do you think is paying for "anti-women shilling"? I'm genuinely curious about your thoughts on who's behind it all.

about time

you can fuck off any time now

weak b8 even for a shill thread

>millions of feminist spent decades actively dismantling the housewife role
>All immediately undone when someone makes a silicon fuck-hole

If no sensible man will be interested in that why are women so concerned? Really makes you think


>modern women
Governments love importing immigrants because modern women don't want kids. women can't do anything right.

someone who's interested in driving wedges....duh

Faggy fedora whiteknight fuck off

Can a modern woman?

Wait... I thought women were no longer supposed to be homemakers. I'm confused

Criminally underrated post.

Talk about uncanny valley
I believe jap sex dolls makers are much better at their job

>tfw he hasn't taken the synthetic pill

I bet this cunt does none of that either. So, she has the same functionality as a sex doll, with bonus options, like endless nagging, demanding money, and eventual cucking


you can fuck off anytime nigga

>someone who's interested in driving wedges....duh
So the same people who enabled women to turn into pic related are also interested in "anti-woman shilling" on Sup Forums? Really


>at just the mere thought of sexbots, women are ready and willing to go back to the kitchen

>we're winning
Who's "we"?

Who cares
I'm not a baby
I'm not a pig

I think sex bots are a little nuts too, but this is silly.


when did the shills get so retarded and desperate?

You are desperate, aren't you?

Will a western woman cook my meals?
Will a western woman want kids?
Will a western woman wash my clothes?
Will a western woman make my home?
At least the sex doll won't say it has a migraine.

full on bot or team of retards?


Seriously, I can cook better then 95% of the college woman I deal with.

Most do not know how to even make pasta from a box. They only know how to microwave shit.

Go home Onyekachi


can we speak to your supervisor?

Don't forget ramen, every modern basic bitch can at least make that.

>hahaha life is meaningless I'm just gonna have sex with as many guys as I want, I'm never gonna have kids, no man can keep me down! fuck the patriarchy and fuck gender roles!
>W-wait don't buy sex dolls! I'm better than them! I'll cook you dinner!

I'm not sure what I did to make you think I'm a bot or retard, but alright, mate.

>w-women are blameless
>it isnt their fault that they became sluts who wear "CUTE BUT UNSTABLE" shirts
>its the fault of the same people who want you to hate women! also if you hate women you're a shill (tee-hee we're co-opting that same memery that the alt-right uses! aren't we smart?)
>so um like yeah if you hate women and if you think women arent completely blameless and puerile then ur a shill cuz um like "ThE pOwErZ tHaT bE" want us to hate women cuz like um reasons
The left can't meme.

If you can’t cook or clean up after yourself you aren’t even a man to begin with

>Krypton breeding
What's that?

Apart from having kids 90% of grown ass men have to do this shit these days anyway

If I'm bringing in all the money into the house, the least they can do is cook and clean


>Can sex doll alienate your friends?
>Can sex doll spend your money?
>Can sex doll gossip behind your back?
>Can sex doll withdraw consent?


Jesus fuck
Why is this somewhat true? None of my ex gfs could cook at all. It's all been bland shit.
Im not a very experienced cook, would eat simple meals. But i started making actual good eats. How hard can it be for them if I can pull it off?
Women. So dumb lol
Stupid bitches i killed them all and ill kill again


What fucking woman even does any of this in [Current Year+3] anyways?

It's this one singular group of lefty/pol/ femcucks who've started pushing this nu-logic line of thought on Sup Forums. Basically "if you hate women, y-youre a shill! or a bot! or a shillbot!". They're pathetically trying to co-opt what they perceive as "The Alt-RIght Online Playbook". So basically if you espouse an opinion that they deem unsavoury or that runs counter to their (liberal post-modern feminist) didactic, they call you a shill.
>t. knower

I had one or two screw that up.

heaven forbid you give them raw ingredients and say "Bake a loaf of bread"

Roasties BTFO

ALL shill thread

sage hide


can a robot penis raise your kids?
can a robot penis pay off your mortgage?
can a robot penis protect your family?
can a robot penis fix your car?

Ain't no sensible woman buying that shit, right?

Even Chad will go full sex doll unless women renounce divorce and alimoney payments which will never happen so Chad will eventually see even nerds are having a better time than him and opt for the better deal.

I bet Amish girls still do. Other than that, I wouldn't bet any money on it.


I know I'm asking about the rationale of hysterical feminists here, but what are they accusing anyone of shilling?

>cook you dinner
>tee hee I tried to make dinner but I burnt it. Now you get to take me out!
>tee hee I tried to do your laundry but I accidentally bleached your favorite shirt and ruined it? Why are you yelling at me?! You’re such an asshole!
Yeah I’d rather do these things myself


>can your sex doll do these things that we constantly say we don't like and men aren't entitled to
feminists are ill

Who would pay me to insult women online? How do I apply for this job?

Can a sex doll write a symphony?



Also I use the wash & fold at my local laundry mat. Same day pick up. Clothes come back looking great for only 95 cents a pound

Average millenial woman can't do any of those things. Kitchen jokes are utterly obsolete, because they in no way reflect current situation.

What additional features will you add to your sexbot lads? I'm going to add a feminine penis.

kino stuff here

Reminds me of Chief Keef posting this image macro on his instagram with this pic.
Text said something along the lines, "can you even create anything with artistic merit" or some shit.
And the image had the text, "CAN A NIGGER?"

This describes my ex to a T
>tfw not gay
>tfw doomed to dealing with woman until I die

hahaha okay


>Can a woman?

According to Cherry 2000, yes.

Is there a more unrealistic ending to a movie? Sure, I know he had to ditch her to lighten the plane. But, c'mon. Who'd pick a bitchy, hormonal roastie over a robot?

Can you?

>Don't have to pretend a girls cooking is at least average
>I may never want kids
>No one has washed my clothes for over 15 years so i'm good
>what does this even mean

Sums up the modern left pretty well, literally a cancer that has to keep spreading and use other ideologies ideas to make any head way to prop up it's dying corpse.