Well Sup Forums I made it, despite your directions.
Well Sup Forums I made it, despite your directions
Ah, Supersneedtendent Chuckers, welcome!
Is there a piece of Simpsons comedy that tops this?
The "Sneed" joke from S11Ep5
I hope you’re prepared for an unbearable shitpost!
Patented Skinner burgers, ooooold family recipe
>Sup Forums has a steamed hams thread
>its pretty good, full of vids and actual oc
>Sup Forums has a steamed hams thread
>fags yell out sneed right away
That joke that was formerly Chuck's.
>Sup Forumseddit has reddit meme thread
woah who would have thought
user, why are there Sneed posts coming out of your thread?
why is Chalmers holding a water pipe (bong) in that image?
Sneed (Chuck)
That's a good thing, Sup Forums is like half Reddit now and it shows. Sneed is ours, Reddit and other shit sites like KYM hate Sneed which makes it all the more better to spam whenever someone tries to get a steamed hams thread going here. All the redditors huff and leave while we revel in our esoteric memery.
Well Sneedmour, I Sneed it, Sneedspite your Sneedrections
>Hey city slicker... You look like a good joe
he could save all but himself
You can't top this scene.
uh can anyone give me a quick rundown on this sneed meme?
is it short for special need?
My son is also named bort
Vapor Sneed.
Absolutely, it's their best set of jokes and the only ones welcomed in the New Sneedom.
Some men post for Bane
Others post for Porgs
The only thing I'm posting for
Is a meme that isn't forced
Sneed is best
Sneed is best
He makes Janny so depressed
Watch him clean up
When we team up
Though he still leaves cunny tweens up
See our meme, 'tis supreme!
Kind regards, the Sneed Post Team
Sneed's new business acquisition
Is our doctrine and our mission
Fill the page, watch Janny rage
But we'll never post our age
Cap of red upon Sneed's head
It shall rest
Stop by the Feed & Seed
And in the end concede
Sneed is best
Sneed is best
Sneed is best
Steamed ham posters
Try to roast us
But their reddit meme is hopeless
Sneed's a chad and Chuck's a soyboy with low-test
So set your Sneedposts loose
"Post rares and feel the (You)s!"
Sneed is best
Sneed is best
Oh please, you know Sneed is best
Sneed really is the best.
Hamcucks BTFO
>Sup Forums
Go back to discussing your shit console wars brainlet
@2:18 when Lenny picks Professor Frink and Frink starts talking about flubber.
But what if I were to purchase Chuck's and disguise it as Sneed's?
easily the worst thing on this board
Sneedly chuckilish Sneed.
I like how it angers some posters.
At this time of seed, at this time of feed, at this part of Chuck's localized entirely within your Sneed?
>It's not chuck, it's sneed.
>not super nintendo chalmers
So gay it hurts to watch
It's a good thing Sup Forums has Sneed to kill Reddit memes on spot.
Ah, Supernintendo Chalmers, welcome!
Steamed hams is a reddit-tier meme.
Never been in Simpson threads always see sneed posting it’s one joke from one episode. How did this become such a huge meme? Is one person spamming it?
Are you saying that because it's caught on? That's why you're saying it, aren't you?
Some guy named Chuck started it.
Where can I find the latest releases by Bread?
>Sneever sneed in sneepson chuck always sneed sneed sneeting its sneed chuck sneed one sneed
It's an Albany expression.
I love this board
>You call them Steamed Chucks despite the fact that they're obviously Sneed's
>That isn't smoke, it's Sneed, from the Sneed Chuck's we're having.
Wtf I love reddit now
>steamed hams
steamed hams is a meme based around circle-jerking around about how great the old Simpsons seasons were, while Sneed posting is based around mocking an awful joke made by the old simpsons
Sneed posters are realists, pointing out the flaws in reddit's beloved series. steamed ham posters are a bunch of nostalgic reddit losers circlejerking about how perfect their favorite cartoon show is.
Sneed is Sup Forums, steamed hams is /reddit/.
I remember seeing steamed hams shitposted on Sup Forums years ago
>listen Señor Sneedbergo, I want you to do for me what Sneedberg did to Oscar Sneedler
somebody say sneed?
Underage argentinian.
not to mention steamed hams is Sup Forumsermin culture, meaning it's certified soy
10/10, steamed redditors BTFO
>know your meme confirmed
Could steamed hams be any more reddit?
Does anybody knows the original Sneed Post?
how much time has passed?
This desu
These forced memes are both complete trash. Sneedposting was funny for like a week, then everyone who isn't a complete retard got sick of it, leaving only people who would just say "Sneed! SNEED! LMAO! SNEEEEEEEED!" (I.e, virgins.)
>how much time has passed?
Get this sneedhead out of here.
I feel like the Sneed and Steamed Hams memes have turned me into a brainlet. They are the only thing I think about anymore.
Sneed and LITTYposting.
The absolute best Sup Forums memes.
I hate to say it but sneedposting is a welcome relief from the way this board has been the last 24 hours.
i still have lines from the plane scene pop into my head from time to time
>Sup Forums has a thread entirely not vidya
I'm going to make Sneedposting a thing on rebbit just to ruin it for you fags.
Sneed's Soy and Boy
kill yourself
Not gonna lie, former steamed ham poster here. This is fucking hilarious watching it crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this meme get posted more than sneed.
Sneed cuck BTFO
Look at the city slicker with his fancy German shitpost.
Oh that's not Sneed that's Steamed Memes mmmm Steamed Memes
Stop the Planet of the Apes! I want to get off!
This is bane-tier OC. Sneed will save this board
>yfw redditors will never understand sneedposting since KYM rejected it
You Hamcucks can't even make your own jokes
keep seething estronaut
Why? That was legitimately funny compared to what Reddit has done to Steamed Hams.
Sneed joke was made long after classic Simpsons ended.
I too read Dead Homer Society