What did she mean by this

what did she mean by this

wh*Te soyboys BTFO

She's a giant whore.

She meant that black kings are better in bed then low-test whitebois


Oh look, it's another future barren cat lady, assuming she doesn't OD or get murdered by one of her hundreds of nigger one-night stands.

So will be the civilized world.

She helps creating a new low wage slave race without father figures.

>Fucking a black just for attention

That's vile coming from a woman.

where did her eyebrows go

It means she's a dumb easily influenced bitch who believes every single thing she sees on television.

High time I added "mean by this" to the filter.

Looking forward to it :)


she means you're bait is getting fucking old. give me something else instead.

>some sad cuck cunt actually took the time to make that picture

I feel bad for that man. Seriously, he came to have sex and she is only bothered about twitter and "alt-right". What a shame.

I hope so.
Asian supremacy can't come fast enough.
Can you imagine how badly blacks will get BTFO without whites to protect them? lmao it's going to be glorious

>You can't tell me what to do DAD!!!!!

Always ends well, doesn't it?


That she's going to be a single mother

do west asians count

I can't find that tweet.

>implying she won't be a single mother parasite with multiple baby daddies

>haha alt right I'm proving your argument right what now?
Are women functionally retarded?

>shitting on women just for attention
That's vile coming from a virgin.


Gonna go out on a limb here and say Jamal knocked her up and left her in debt.

*paid for by your tax dollars*

Whitebois BTFO forced to pay for your own genocide

The toll will be paid. One way or another.



>everyone will look like their own shit in the future
why do you want this?

She's going to have to kill a lot of white people.

>fuck you roastie go fuck a nigger xD
>lmao okay
This is what Sup Forums considers a victory.


>"Single motherhood is an enviable condition and I am eager to join in."


So proud.

So brave.