Well Sup Forums how deep does it go?

Well Sup Forums how deep does it go?

Other urls found in this thread:


Who the fuck is this soyboy?

>actor in the fake press driving wedges


Why is leftism so based?

>shill on Sup Forums driving wedges


Define “privilege”

Also, literally who?

All the way to my appendix

Why would I? What do I gain from doing that?

Why does the question of privilege scare you so much?

hi shill

sage and hide real anons

Oh look its this retard.

Not him but privilege is a myth. Like the gender pay gap.

>yfw you will live to see the Fourth Reich

>I have "white privilege" because I didn't have worthless parents who spend all their money on dope


Christ something needs to be done

People forget to look at the mother. So many Jews with classically non-Jewish names are thrown into the category of “white”.

the implication of privilege is that you're 'living wrong' when the only real difference between thinking/not thinking you're privileged is feeling guilty and making limp, weak statements about how much you owe everyone else, for happening to be born in a country that is predominantly one race. If I travelled to Nicaragua and tried to build a canoe On day 1 and FAILED, I would not bellyache about privilege. I would not blame nicaragua for having a canoe-dominated industry and most importantly I wouldn't feel empowered by my own failings and proclivity to blame others.

It's a false belief that entitled people tote to feign victimization-by-proxy. I'm privileged enough to articulate how dull I think anyone who believes that I'm holding them back just by existing is, and anyone less articulate than me can read a fucking book.

Literally who and literally what.

It's a shill talks to himself episode

hahahahhahha this must be a shoop.

Their simply can't be this many coincidences.

JIDF get out


Fucking hell. The Mick name almost threw me

Who the fuck is this user?


re-education camps when?

He means white males and not the nigger males who actually do the raping and beating doesn't he?


I never understood the check your privilege thing, outside of the fact that majority of whites are working their asses off to death and have no privilege outside of what they earned through work I just don't understand how this is supposed to change anything. If I was privileged I wouldn't give it away anyway.

I literally can't wait for some chick to reveal this guy roofied her in college

Why do jews hate whites so much, atleast 95% of the people who write this anti white shit are never brown or black. It's always jews

Honest question, why do you people pretend like privilege doesn't exist?

Honest question, why do you pretend that it does?

They already have them in the U.K.

>mandatory anti-extremist education

Doesn't apply to kids screeching about death to kuffar...does apply to kids who bring union jacks to school.

Whites are the biggest threat to jewish hegemony

Nice to hear priviledged Hollywood actors say such things. Guess what: only idiots give up their priviledges deliberately. This isn't fucking communism, dumbass.

Same reason Jewish merchants pretended their freesmasonry wasn't undermining the economcy and social cohesion of Germany between 1900 and 1933.

Honest question why does it matter? What does it actually solve?

Does that include white women?

You retards railed against Original Sin in the first place, you don't get to repurpose it under a new name for your own use.

I'd have to investigate who Matt McGorry is first lmao

>muh jews

no u, SA

Privilege does exist. I don't deny it. Non-whites in contemporary Western countries are the largest receivers of privilege in human history.

White peeps were the first ones to be woke enough look at Jewish history and laugh at it.

Turns out 5000 years of playing the eternal victim doesn't endear you to people as it once did when people finally see the pathetic/funny side of it.

do you actually think a black child of a single mother crack whore in some random ghetto has the same opportunities than a middle class white child with both parents?
it's not like anyone's trying to solve anything but in a perfect world you can compare the differences of the privileged and not privileged groups and try to close the gap by solving their problems. Still, screaming 'MUH SJWS' anytime anyone says the word privilege only contributes to the spinning of the wheel.


not an argument


>allow me to just cherry pick certain people in certain predicaments and pretend it is racist.

literally never brought up race. It's a fact that black people in america are poor, violent addicts. It's just an example. I could compare a trailer trash white person to a rich jew.

>breek da whul!
Consider suicide as a cure for your brain damage.

And there are kids with white heroin addict parents that die in a car. What is your point? Does the color of the skin really matter or not?

you ever notice its these rich people who grew up in LA are the ones spouting out about white privilege?
has anyone ever said jewish privilege outside of Sup Forums types? because that seems more real, more jewish people I know come from wealthy families with a lot of connections

>but in a perfect world

Stopped reading here

true but I just used the more commonplace as an example. The rich jew in OP's is more privileged than any middle class white person and so on. This shit show will continue forever if people automatically associate 'privilege' with race.

anything these people say is 100% projection based on their own guilt. or, if they lack shame, it's to cover their asses and shift blame.

Dude, that's not structural institutional racism, that situation of a drug addicted mother is purely that persons own responsibility, a white man having "privilege" doesn't negate other people from having the same privileges, if they choose to. If they had a child in good circumstances with a father, and not being in the ghetto and on drugs, they definitely would have the exact same fucking advantages as a white person. Even more in fact with all the negro college fund bullshit that exists now a days.

The average normie is waking up to it more, you see it on Facebook quite alot now from people you wouldn't normally expect i.e. not the Sup Forums stereotype, honestly people are getting sick of working shit 9-5 jobs and come home to find they are being constantly lectured to by millionaires and trust fund kids, if another great depression happened these fags would have to leave the country before they got openly lynched in the streets

>do you actually think a black child of a single mother crack whore in some random ghetto has the same opportunities than a middle class white child with both parents?

Do you honestly think a white child born into a rural trailer park has the same advantages as a wealthy Jewish child?

I already said I believe in privilege. There is no more privileged group in history than non-white people living in contemporary Western countries.

I think it SHOULD be rectified.

Another rich celebrity telling me that I am privileged.
>$1.5 million net worth
Still a lot, he and his family could live comfortably for the rest of his life working some cushy part time job given by his industry contacts.

>You have more stuff than me!

Can the people whining at least be honest instead of doing this roundabout "privilege" nonsense?


They get to pontificate and gain status points among their friends, work colleagues and so on by repeating these nonsense ideas.
Of course it's these kinds of people who talk about white privilege that are insulated from the negative effects off a multi racial society. The only kind of non whites they have to deal with are the ones doing some low paying service for them or perhaps working with Will Smith on some shitty movie. They get to be seen as generous, big hearted and morally righteous while they bear none of the costs.

Based Hitler poster.

Strictly coincidence. Nothing to see here.

nobody is denying privilege exist but race privilege is contextual at best

if you're 12 year old timmy living in a shack in the appalachians to meth addicted parents being white isn't gonna do you any good

if you're applying for college being black will benefit you

It's a shill talks to himself episode

That nigger shouldn't be living in the same society as a white person in the first place. Western societies and institutions were created by white people for the benefit of their descendants, not for you low iq shit lib faggots to throw it all away by turning our countries into nigger factories.

Just another coincidence.

Wokest bae

>do you actually think a black child of a single mother crack whore in some random ghetto has the same opportunities than a middle class white child with both parents?
Yes, by law. Is a medical school going to say "sorry says here you're from the ghetto" if he gets good grades?

You literally did you dumb cunt.

I'd wager the faggot invader is the owner of a dildo and there's more than one of his kind hanging around shitting up the board.

You don't have any arguments jew.

Investigate how to look at something with both eyes simultaneously faggot.

Found another jew.

Just got my white privilege check last week.

Been getting it every 2 weeks for about 10 years now.

>hello (((fellow))) white people
Every. single. time.

T H E W E B S I T E L I E S. I T' S A M E M E

I suppose I was born with all this intelligence and work ethic. Thanks genetics. Being white is great.

It's an unscientific political belief trying to pass itself off as objective scientific fact, and the metric for what determines a person's privilege arbitrarily changes depending on who you're comparing to straight white males at the moment.
It's a vague concept with so many exceptions that it becomes completely meaningless, and it does nothing but give people an excuse to ignore the opinions of anyone who's seen as higher up on an imaginary hierarchy.

>He is Jewish (halachically by his mother),

Why are you picking on God's chosen people, user? You insecure, or something?

or simply, it's an anti-white conspiracy theory literally dreamt up by jews in academia to attack whites

Do you think a white child with a single mother with an opid addiction in a poor section of arkansas has the same opportunity as a white kid with both parents in a wealthy area?
If you say yes drown yourself plz

White privilege is original sin, along with internalized misogyny and internalized racism or whatever other internalized _____ they can bullshit up. So they have to cuck out as penitence for being born white

You know what's funny? The jewish concept of genders.

>Zachar/זָכָר: This term is derived from the word for a pointy sword and refers to a phallus. It is usually translated as “male” in English.
>Nekeivah/נְקֵבָה: This term is derived from the word for a crevice and probably refers to a vaginal opening. It is usually translated as “female” in English.
>Androgynos/אַנְדְּרוֹגִינוֹס: A person who has both “male” and “female” sexual characteristics. 149 references in Mishna and Talmud (1st-8th Centuries CE); 350 in classical midrash and Jewish law codes (2nd -16th Centuries CE).
>Tumtum/ טֻומְטוּם A person whose sexual characteristics are indeterminate or obscured. 181 references in Mishna and Talmud; 335 in classical midrash and Jewish law codes.
>Ay’lonit/איילונית: A person who is identified as “female” at birth but develops “male” characteristics at puberty and is infertile. 80 references in Mishna and Talmud; 40 in classical midrash and Jewish law codes.
>Saris/סריס: A person who is identified as “male” at birth but develops “female” characteristics as puberty and/or is lacking a penis. A saris can be “naturally” a saris (saris hamah), or become one through human intervention (saris adam). 156 references in mishna and Talmud; 379 in classical midrash and Jewish law codes.

pure coincidence

I come from upper middle class white parents yet I have nothing to my name, and find it hard to hold down a job because I suffer from mental illness caused by by being molested at very young age. I guess it's just another example of white privilege.



>you can compare the differences of the privileged and not privileged groups and try to close the gap by solving their problems
What does checking one's privilege solve then? A lot of poor urban youth are raised in a culture that promotes gang violence and drug use, which keeps people from escaping. That culture needs to change, but I am not a part of that culture, and no amount of "checking my privilege" will put me in a position to become a part of that culture and/or change it. I can vote to spend more money on education in cities on growing industries like tech, but that's not always an option and it won't magically wipe out all the gangs and drugs. Change has to start from the inside, not from pointing your finger at completely different people and reminding them to "check their privilege."

Well I guess that means we should listen to him

Nah bro he's just acting.