Why don’t actors go all lewd-bros in films anymore like De Niro and Dépardieu?

Why don’t actors go all lewd-bros in films anymore like De Niro and Dépardieu?

>Americans will never understand this

Because this is America and male nudity is disgusting and repugnant.

I kind of hated this movie but certain scenes stay with you. The scene with Donald Sutherland and the boy is one of the few moments in film to genuinely shock me.

Bertolucci had Brando assault Maria Schneider during Last Tango in Paris to get genuine reactions. Couldn't get these guys to get their dicks hard for a scene though. What a shame. Takes me out of it to see De Niro so excited to get his soft dick rubbed.

this but unironically

unless they have an erection , then its obscene.

>Hollywood pushes the limits of sexual degeneracy
>wonders why there’s a sexual assault “epidemic”


I completely forgot Depardieu was in this.

I always wondered how he became a sex symbol. He's like the French Brando.

>who's Alain Delon

Depardieu was a gay prostitute when he was 10 years old

Hard dick equals porn according to the law.

is that simulated masturbation?

for you

didn't know Todd Howard was an actor

Dailey reminder that Deniro is not circumcised.

>supress sexuality with no nipples
>wonders why amerifats consume the most porn and assault women

>get shot

He was always handsome.

When I discovered Depardieu he was the star of Green Card.

A great big fat monster.

What movie is this?

God this film was fucking long

>19 comments talking about the movie
>not mentioning the name of the movie
you guys suck so much

>search google for image

>One of the most respected films by one of the most respected directors of all time

>The two leads are clearly visible

I say this with complete sincerity - if you don't know what this film is, you are part of the problem on this board.



Thank you!

>enabling invaders from Sup Forums


Problem Child Deux

>hurr durr he doesn't watch all the shit I watch
fuck you too

What the fuck name of the movie?

So is it called Novecento or 1900?

Bertolucci's "1900" (1976)

get rekt kid

Acting is a respectable profession!

why is every old Italian movie about fucking?

Why is almost anything does ever is related to fuckiing?

Because Italians know how to live the good life. Also less censorship during the 70s.

Jason Segal's shown his dick on camera, Kevin Bacon. There's probably a ton more

>5 hour runtime
jesus fucking chris t

Somebody webm the good bits

someone webm me a girlfriend and a life...

Don't pretend like you have anything better to do user. Sup Forums will struggle to survive while you watch some old bullshit to see this dudes nuts.

Thomas Jane waggled his floppy dick while dancing in the dark in Stander.

>forgetting about big guy for you hanging dong for 27% of this kino

>How can I subtly hint the fascists as the bad guys?
>Put Donald Sutherland on fascist uniform and make him butthead a kitty to death for shit and giggles


>sexual degeneracy
Nudity and healthy consensual sex isn't degeneracy. Showing that stuff should be completely normal.

Precisely because Amerifats demonize nudity do you have a repressed populace that engages in such vile acts. And the porn industry is a direct response to the repressive atmosphere in the US. In Europe, where nudity and sex are seen as normal parts of human nature (which they are) there's far less rape and teen pregnancies and the like

Post-war use of the media to de-sensitize the public and create a bread and circuses atmosphere of sexual liberation to disguise the ongoing ecomonic degredation of Western nations.

Same as anywhere else.

So is the movie good?

"Sexual Repression" is a meme created by Jews like Freud and Wilhelm Reich to engage in cultural warfare against the goyim. Sexual assault was less prevelent in "repressive" times than it is now.

fooling no one, reddit

>Far less rape

Meanwhile i in four Swedish women is raped by a immigrants and the native population is declining bellow replacement.

Alot of terms was made by Frued. fuckface
Since when did he say it was OK to repress sexuality?

*Blocks your path

>Every woman around me is a slut
Civilization and how quickly it's making improvements can be quickly and easily discerned on a scale about how much women cover up. How long did it take for us to go from the invention of the bicycle to landing on the moon? When did the modern sexual revolution happen? How many times have we gotten to the moon since then?

or maybe it's because the usa is filled with subhuman niggers and spics. enjoy being a muslim country in 20 years you degenerate yurotrash scum

That’s cuz Euros are cucks.

you have to go back

They made a "One Punch" movie?

>13 hours
what the fuck

>not watching movies at 16x
kek'ing at your life m80


>raped by immigrants

Oh you naive American Sup Forums faggot, Swedish girls are notorious for being prude to such an extent that they sue for rape if you offer to buy them a drink. It’s always been like that. You’ve been reading too much right-wing propaganda

Why is it always the Americans who profess to know everything about what it’s like in Europe?

because back then the had not internet

>Why is it always [people online] who profess to know everything about what it’s like in [place they don't know anything about]?
Welcome to the internet Sven, where no opinion can be too unqualified to post in all caps.

So what your saying is that FEMINISM is the problem with sweden and not immigrants? Huh, sexual assault must have been disproportionally higher before all the immigration then there neighboring countries because feminism has been a staple of YES Sweden for so long.