What is some good space kino?
What is some good space kino?
Event Horizon is pretty damn good for space horror.
Pandorum. Moon, too.
Flash Gordon
Flesh Gordon
The vacuum of space would preserve his body it wouldn't rot
>in space
Sunshine is good. The last bit kind of goes off the rails, but until then it's great
>the director didn't want there to be any sound in the scenes taking place outside the ship, but shareholders disagreed and said the audience wouldn't get why there isn't any sound, so he decided to make the sound as obnoxious as possible
It's the only kino Star Trek. The others are flicks.
Maybe he got electrocuted.
This movie is shit, but it's so fun. Not very "spacey" though.
On Topic:
>This movie is shit, but it's so fun
then it's not shit you faggot
Absolute kino.
It's more like a space cop story
can u explain whats wrong?
t.too smart
I guess the appropriate word is "campy."
The composite shots are pretty bad, the story is absolute cornball, and the general impression is that it's dumb, dumb, dumb. But hey, it's still fun! Lighten up.
True. But for a "space movie," I assume yo uare going to want a few things:
-space ships
-cramped metal interiors with lots of blinking lights
-sweaty people
and Outland checks all the boxes!
not shit at all. High Noon in space. Good showdown. Manly stuff.
People like you make me sick. Stick to Romper Room reruns you inbred hick.
Wait, are people thinking I was calling Outland shit? I thought the quote made it clear I was calling Flash Gordon "shitty, but fun."
Star Wars.
Jason X
I don't know if I'd call this "kino", but it's definitely a fun if schlocky sci-fi movie riding off the Alien boom. Wait for that fuckin' robot reveal in the trailer. Awesome!
Just think of the millions of dollars they spent on those sets!
Man it's been forever since I've watched this. I liked it then as a kid; maybe I'll like it more now that I am far more versed in sci-fi.
there's no calcium in space
but really he would freeze and the bacteria or whatever that decomposes bodies would die
Wing Commander Academy
new one is better
just watched Star Trek TMP, really good if you dont mind the slow pace
Star Wars Episode 8: The Last Jedi