Was it rape?

Was it rape?



Better question
Who will play her in the inevitable biopic?


I don't know, did she consent?

>Female "people"

what drives grown women to molest young boys

Who was in the wrong here?

>what drives grown women to molest young boys
Meth, probably. Meth makes chicks horny, but like "satanic horny", not "hey thats pretty hot" horny

same thing that drives men: being molested as kids themselves

Why... why would you film it...

the father of the victim

if that was my daughter, I beat the shit out of the nigger monkey


dumb Sup Forums invader

Most women have pedophilic urges. They're just like 90% more successful at suppressing them than men. I've caught my own girlfriend in the past masturbating to adult women/little boy comics. Probably some warped motherly psychological thing.

>Classmates have since described Valaree as a 'unique' student who 'spoke her mind'.

>She filmed YouTube videos about causes she believed in, including one in which she slammed Donald Trump and called his presidency 'tyranny'.


Yes it was rape a four year old cant even mentally perceive sexual pleasure.

But is is kino?

a man probably asked her to. Anything involving sexual misconducts is always a males fault somehow.

It's good to know this story has a happy ending after all.

>fucking black devil bitch
nm burn in hell roastie whore ;)

What a roller coaster of emotion

Put down the pitchforks fellas this one had it comin'

>I've caught my own girlfriend in the past masturbating to adult women/little boy comics.
Oh wow that mustve been so gross haha

black girl bullies and stabs to death white girl. Was it a Hate Crime ?

trump effect strikes again

>Defend niggers
>Get killed by niggers
Every time lol

>20 years

That's just stupid. It's not like she killed someone

Whiteys btfo

Why does the male version of this thread get deleted so quickly? Sup Forums janitor and his childish fetish again?

>being anti-Trump is pro-nigger
That's funny, because Trump is a nigger himself.


Reminds me of American History X.

>nigger blows smoke in your face
>blow smoke in his face in return
>get shot



Umm shes a woman??! You fucking virgin

back to /r/The_Donald


wh_te "people"

Her surname indicates purely germanic ancestry (swabia is in southwestern germany)... God i hate niggers

>20 years

Murders get less time than that. Meanwhile the Chad 4yo is banging bitches in the elementary restrooms.

>Leaves prison a barren 45 year old roastie
>Her victim, now a 24 year old Chad God, pays her back by going in balls deep unprotected.