Is Daisy Ridley really a transsexual...

Is Daisy Ridley really a transsexual? How come she hasn't come out with this yet like all of the other attention whores in Hollywood? I'd still love her regardless of how she was born since one's chromosomes doesn't define who they are as a person or their gender, but this speculation seems misplaced.

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no, she's not

>male body
>conveniently can't have children
>doesnt look very feminine
you arent fooling anyone """Daisy"""
Davey Ridely is a trap

ok buddy whatever you say

Oh god I hope so, that would make her so sexy

Should I feel like a degenerate if I want this to happen too?

No. Traps are a perfectly natural, heterosexual fetish. The feminine penis only makes it better.

she is qt

she's a CUTE

>asking if liking traps makes him a degenerate
t. newfag who eats too much Sup Forums

she has talked about having endometriosis several times. She is female.


at her age, im surprised shes not married or with child.

keep pushin it bra. if you fags keep postin it the masses might start believin it

I have this dream of meeting a cutie trans girl and showering her with love and affection. I would accompany her on all of her psychological meetings if she requires it as well as to her surgeries and procedures. I would be the first one to fuck that new boipussy too. I feel like such a degenerate who would be hanged first come the day of the rope.

Shut up nigger

Apparently she is infertile because of Endometriosis. She will never be able to have children

Not infertile it's just really hard for her to have children

she looks manish for the head size and shape and broad shoulders, but she still got very narrow shoulders/back

That's not Daisy Ridley.

If you can't tell it doesn't matter, unless they have a mutilated neovagine

take the tranpill


These guys is mentally unsound.

Top kek

>all women are trans

Why do I wish I were Daisy Ridley when I am a straight biological male currently undergoing gender reassignment?

based mrE

omg i did not know that side of youtube thanks. super exciting to imagine all of hollywood being men and cute trannies