What's next for her career? Could she actually have a future in the entertainment business?
I am Jazz
I have the strangest feeling that Jedi mind tricks wouldn't work on her.
>another Jazz thread
>the same 8 webms
>the same 300 comments
Absolute worst threads on Sup Forums
I don't get you guys, do you love jazz or hate he(r)?
i think it's taking the THICC meme a bit too far
Will Sup Forums have a viewing party when "her" Blacked debut comes out?
It would be such a culmination, the board's geist bleeding into reality.
Not even to be watched in a sexual manner, just to appreciate the fruits of two years of daily shitposting.
>when your mom tells you that eating footlongs will make your dick grow
Honestly, what was he thinking?
hes just bulking
Can someone explain who the fuck this person is? I keep seeing threads like this every day and I am completely lost.
A little boy who felt like a girl, and mommy wanted to be famous, so she called all the news outlets and publishing companies to make her little tranny a star.
David Foster Wallace once wrote a piece about David Lynch. In the piece, he coined a new term: "Lynchian". Wallace described a Lynchian tone as "the unbelievably grotesque existing in a kind of union with the unbelievably banal."
He described a husband beating his 1950s housewife to death because she bought the wrong brand of peanut butter. "I told you to buy the JIF," he'd say as he's clobbering her to death. This, he said, would qualify as almost perfectly Lynchian.
I think "I Am Jazz" enters into Lynchian territory. The .webm above shows a simple domestic scene. The women look like average suburban moms. They're relaxing on the couch. One imagines they might be discussing casserole recipes when we cut to them. But it slowly dawns on us that in the living room, with placid expressions on their faces, they're talking about the woman's transvestite son's genitals.
Despite the obvious subtext and the producers' hope to normalize this horror, the average person is totally disgusted. Nevertheless, the viewer is fascinated. We're drawn further into this. The sheer naked horror of what they're saying, the blase quality with which they're saying it, it creates this brutal paradox that almost rapes the viewer's basic sense of what is decent.
Good post user.
Guest spot on The Simpsons.
He's going to be first of the high-profile trans children to publically detransition and will probably sue his parents and the TV studio for pushing him into transitioning. You can tell that he's already starting to doubt himself and binge-eat to keep the experimental surgery from going forward.
damn (s)he is thiccening up quite nicely
Is this one a tranny too?
yeah. has the neovagina too.
is jazz a heeb? i'm wondering why she looks like a sand person
That terrifies me, because that one passes. I bet it wouldn't tell you unless you specifically asked. I could have asked that thing out, only to find out later it's a dude. I'd beat him to a fucking pulp, and I'd probably be the one who gets in trouble, but really, if I'm with somebody because I think it's a girl but it's really a guy, I would feel raped.
inb4 someone posts the piece about the last name for the millionth fucking time
i wouldnt even mind if it was a tranny but if you have one of those disgusting neo vags stay the fuck away from me.
LOL, a smiling Pence on the background.
Ashkenazi Jews are Khazar/German hybrids and not related to the Middle Eastern Mizrahi Jews.
OP, what drives you to make these threads all day?
What do you do with your life...
it's really sad to see your behavior
Solo! Solo! Too Nakma Noya Solo!
lighten up negroid
I haven't ever watched this show but I am sure you can hear it in the voice, or see it on his hands or the way he moves. Your brain knows what's up
Spin-off show when?
hopefully one day you find your way out of the sadness that surrounds you.
you really need to be honest with yourself and family, stop living in a string of endless lies.
it's ok to ask for help, mental illness is not a personal failure.
Why do trannies always pic such ridiculous names for themselves? Couldn't he go with Sarah, or Melissa?
Why is she fat again? Seriously, when you guys were spamming this show for stupid outrage and the Sup Forumstards showed up she/he was thinner. What happened? Genuinely curious.
the projection in this post is laughable, i hope you're trolling
>Jazz was put on puberty blockers when she was 4
>she has a micropenis that's 2.5 inches because of this
>she can't do a standard sex reassignment surgery because of the small size, the doctor would have to use part of her colon (and also stated for the first few months her neovagina would have a septic smell)
>to do this, Jazz has to lose 30 pounds
>after this, Jazz has begun extreme binge eating, including driving to take out places in secret with her recently acquired license
>also, she's expressing a sexual interest in other girls despite allegedly being into boys before
The ones who are autogynephiliacs give themselves porn-y names(IE Stefonknee) and the ones who are bored/crazy geek guy types tend to gravitate towards mythological or weaboo references(IE Devi Ever).
maybe the way it moves but skylar sounds pretty feminine
Thanks liberals!
she cant stop eating.
I got slopped myself
>What's the harm if they're not hurting anyone else?
>Willow and Tara are kinda cute, too :3
>Marriage? Why not if it helps them with inheritances, insurance, etc?
>Suddenly: child transsexuals, monogamous people mocked, an app that helps people find strangers to fuck, attempts to legitimize pedophilia and bestiality
I want to go back
>eating from a mini-crock pot while in bed
A new horizon has dawned.
bruh stop it tinder is the only reason I got laid
every single tranny vid i have downloaded has this motherfucker in it
Like I said above, he's terrified of the idea of an experimental surgery to make a neovagina out of a piece of his colon but his parents are heavily pressuring him, so he's binge-eating to stay too fat for surgery.
That visible mustache
and he's bitching at his dad about getting the surgery because the dad says he should wait until he's older.
>all that shit is just under his bed
what the absolute fuck
the kid needs fucking help
serious help
but his parents are laughing at how big of a dick he can take up his neovagina
what a world
Which one is Jazz?
>yfw the final episode of the season is Jazz screaming he wants to be a boy again and a new era of reality tv kino sets in
>my 600lbs life
good job user
At least we can thank Hitler for burning all the tranny books setting that shit back 70 years.
uh, bro, that isn't photoshop...
why does (((she))) walk like a pregnant woman
or a sassy black office lady
It's B-I-G. Big.
She's actively avoiding the surgery
>A blood black nothingness began to spin
>A system of cells interlinked within
>Cells interlinked within cells interlinked
>Within one stem. And dreadfully distinct
>Against the dark, a tall white fountain played.
is she pregnant?
Wait just one fucking minute here, how is (s)he not at least bi if (s)he used to like cocks
link that
sometimes people go through something called a phase user, being gay was just a phase for that faggot.
I thought "it's just a phase" was an old conservative meme though
interesting. i wouldn't call it normalization. some pretty valid points although i feel it doesn't really say anything in the end
"You should feel sympathy for these people" is the first step onto the slope.
We saw this shit before with gay marriage and the transsexual thing. We went from "it doesn't cost you anything to use their pronouns" to "you're a bigot if you don't want to date one.
pedo != rapist/molestor tho
Please tell me she has a Twitter or instagram I need more pics to fap to
Accepting them is the first step to normalizing them. They should be treated by pariahs regardless.
Oh. Apologies for not reading it, then.
Hope this webm is not real cause it actually makes me sick
best post on Sup Forums today.
user, i...
judging people is for small minds. everyone becomes what they are because of a weird and unpredictable combination of nature/nurture.
including both retarded liberals and disenfranchised, poor republicans. even niggers, although they should definitely be managed in a more effective way. just like pedos in fact.
there has been solid research into this showing ostracizing them leads to more abuse. it's even been brought into practice, personal rehabilitation reduces abuse substantially
I'm really disappointed that Jazz threads don't immediately turn into trap threads tbqhwy familia.
Killing them reduces abuse entirely
a valid point
to me, murder is the worst crime though. the only reason anyone should be killed is as punishment for murder in my opinion
identity politics is based in maintaining less than zero understanding of the actual psychological phenomena at play in the LGBTBBQ, and its that total lack of understanding that's causing the slippery slope of mounting insanity.
Sympathizing with people who're sexually attracted to children doesn't mean you need to turn over your sons/daughters to them immediately.
The reason the LBGTBBQ is so fucked is because of the central "born that way" thesis. Which is not based in fact at all, but in political necessity to sync precedents with civil rights.
The qt ones are the top half a percent, sadly. Mostly look like neckbeards who raided the clearance rack at Target.
The ones who start out as small gay dudes do a decent job of passing, though even they usually fuck it up eventually. Blaire White was pretty cute until the most recent lip injections, now she looks like a sex doll.
But transsexuality is "were born this way and it's wrong and we need surgery to correct it"
>which is not based in fact at all
You will live to see all Tranny apologists and surgeons put to death.
Looks photoshopped.
How can Skylar be pregnant. She doesn't even have a Uterus.
Who cares. It's not like we're going to go out and fuck or marry a transvestite. It's not like we're going to go out and fuck or marry anyone.
Yeah same thing I thought, it's like deep inside his mind there is still that little boy who had his life stolen from such a young age, trying to resist as much as he can to his inevitable demise.
>Why yes, time-traveller, I would like to see more of this "television".
>No...by Heaven, NO!
>Revolution's cancelled.
except that'll never happen, Sup Forums
>The absolute shit state of Sup Forums
I want to fuck Skylar in his pink boipussy