Jake fans winning again! express.co.uk
Jake fans winning again!
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jake pls no
stay away from Jake with your train wreck DC jesus christ
These. I don't want my Jakey tainted by either comic book universe and I'll fight anyone who tries to take him.
His eyes are too close together for the cowl.
hahahahaha of fuck. if Ben needed a voice changer then what will make have to do?
>based Jake grabbing cash off a burning train.
Dumb phoneposter
I am really not biggest fan of the DC universe so far but I liked how the portrayed Batman so far.
He's not stupid, so he won't do it.
i really like ben as batman, he plays him alot more mature
He's too good for capeshit honestly.
as someone who didnt like any of the DC movies I agree. I think Snyder and Ben wouldve a fine standalone batman, just wasn't a good fit for superman or justice league
Well the DC universe is shit but I whould be a good Batman I guess.
If Jake becomes the new Batman it is him who is retarded, not the studio
The first awkward b-b-batman?
But Affleck was amazing in BvS. Why change him?
Rumor is Bale is going to play Batman again
selena kyle, 'what's your name?'
, 'Bruce Wayne'
selena kyle, 'sounds like a superhero name'
Bruce, 'How do you know I'm not?'
selena panties instantly become flooded and drop like a brick
this, too jewish
You know what I would love to see? Him doing an adaption of The Dark Knight Returns in a few years with maybe Aronofsky as the director.
Don't even suggest that. If it happens it's just typical Hollywood brainwashing because THEY know he's too good to get involved without it.
the role made him try to drink himself to death
Really? He was a vindictive, borderline psychotic and angsty in BvS and a sappy little bitch and at the same time quippy in JUSTice league.
Ben fits the role, it's just the material is a a fucking burning shit pile.
Aronsky was originally was to write and direct a Batman Year One movie, which became batman begins
>Bubble Boy becomes Batman
That sums it up.
Keaton is jewish and did a pretty good batman
Reeves bat kino will save DC and be Ben's salvation. Screencap this post. Marvel will be finished once and for all.
damn know I remember that. say what you want, he would most likely maje a good Batman movie. Especially regarding the psychological motifs
It cant be worse than Affleck
He would just rip off Japanese anime like he's done with every movie he's directed. Would much rather see a true surrealistic auteur tackle Batman.
>He would just rip off Japanese anime like he's done with every movie he's directed
Well some of the animated WB adaptions are pretty good....
My dream would be a live action Batman which captures this comic as 1:1 as Rodriguez captured the asthetic of Sin City.
Look up his ideas.
No he wouldn’t
>retards thinking this would 'hurt' Jakes career
DC sucks, yes, it doesn't sink careers.
Who're you quoting? Literally no one said that. I legitimately wasted my time looking for an example of anyone saying that. People are just saying they don't want to see him being in a shitty comic book universe because they think he's above it, which I hope he is.
I think Jakeman will be good.
Ok,now that this is set can we go for Pual Dano for the Joker and Villeneuve directing?
If Snyder had done a Dark Knight Returns movie after a couple of Justice League/DCEU flicks, it would probably have been the best capeshit ever.
What kind of fucked up mental gymnastics is you brain working on?
I'm sure you can find another project that will pay as much and wont tarnish your career.
Incoming fanedit that puts in Ledger's Joker scenes in an attempt to make Brokebat Mountain.
Batman's mom is jewish.
keaton is white and christian
>Thinking the guy's being serious
Do you know where you are?
please not a jew... flash and wonder woman is enough
On top of that I'd argue that Keaton could be the best Batman based on his overall performance. In his Bruce Wayne scenes you could practically feel his past on his shoulders, and he was always looking around ready for anything.
you do realize that the original creators of Batman and Superman are all Jews.
>same goes for the top marvel superheroes
>according to a source
Hey cherida, want a cigarette?
>brother starring as Batman in the next DC kino
>sister starring as a used up crackwhore on HBO
what went wrong?
Above it? Lol. He was in a fucking shitty video game movie, wake up
>studio is SOUR on Ben Affleck
Kek. Ben already said he was done with this franchise. He's sour with the studio not the other way around.
Nothing, The Duece is good.
I wish they would get Jai Courtney. He's great
>making Boomerang the next Batman
>Thinking that guy you replied to was actually serious
Uhmm excuse me sweetie you must be lost
I was just picking someone shitty. He was boomerrang? Thank god i skipped that shit
What's he even done since Nightcrawler?
Why can't DC just get its shit together?
based creep is going to fix batman
Ok but reset the DCEU.
Maybe they should just stop making capeshit for a while
Please let Affleck get one solo flick. He is hands down the best movie Batman and deserves one moment to shine.
DC should for sure. Marvel just keeps getting more and more successful movie wise
Based jew dropped user.
The jew genes weren’t kind to her.
Christian Bale is the best Batman by a wide margin
Keaton isn't a Jew.
Not at all. He just happened to be in the best Batman movies. He really wasn't that great a Batman.
he didnt seem like a great martial artist or fighter in the burton movies
Assuming this source is correct, I hope this doesn't happen.
what exactly makes a great Batman to you? Ben afleck is ok but his fairly crappy movies have so far given him little to do other then the great warehouse fight scene in Batman V. Superman
I'd watch capeshit directed by Jordorowsky, sure.
That it's dumb to complain about Jews being in things made by Jews just because they're Jews.
>studio thinks they can just replace a major super hero actor with another for their trainwreck universe.
Being a jew with a vagina on screen can only take you so far.
>studio thinks they can just replace a major super hero actor with another
They literally can though. You said it was a trainwreck already so what difference does it make?
Keaton is a great actor period. he stole the show in Homecoming. most memorable capeshit villain in years
worked for marvel with the Hulk. Batman is obviously alot more important to DC though
he's more of a nightwing
He's also set for The Division movie, can't wait for another video game movie.
I'll admit it's all subjective. It just really comes down to me preferring the type of Batman he is playing. I get the same vibes from Affleck that I do from Conroy. Bale is fine but I always found him to be one of the least interesting parts of the TDK trilogy. I always felt more invested when the villains or Gordon were on screen.
someone please post the webm
I bet that is why warners wants to do the Flashpoint movie so they can reboot the DC universe and bring in Bat-Jake to take over
As a Jake fan this is a loss my dude.
You whiteys are just mad because Jews are just white people but better.
i love everything that faggot's in. that's why i refuse to watch okja because it's probably gay.
>directed by malick