Really, Arnold?

>that feeling hen ywn take Eliza Dushku's first time

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ha ha, nice edit.

lol at "bet her ass"

>you bet her ass

so...are they actually going to do anything now? confront the stunt coordinator perhaps?

i mean, since they believe her. it would be weird just to tweet once and that's it.


Poor arnold. His ESL status is still showing despite years of being in politics

Boneheads. It's shopped.

fucking raped that dear too, what a piece of shit

One of the best movies ever made

>it’s rape when a white male being accused!!!

actually means black ridge.

Man, that movie is fucking amazing. I really need to watch it again.
>Listen here, John. We have your daughter, you're going to do exactly what we say or we're going to kill her. Got it?
>Arnold shoots him in the face

surely you mean coneheads?

I still haven't watched commando. I think i'm going to save it until i get my dream gf and watch it with her.

what videos do you think (((they))) have of young arnold? it's a well known fact that bodybuilders pimp themselves out to rich old queens all the time.

I watched it with my best buddy while sleeping over in a tent in his backyard, back when I was like 12. It's one of my fondest movie watching memories, and I pity you for missing out on the experience of a silly murderfest like Commando when you were a kid.

A woman would fall asleep 5 minutes in.

Google the gay escort/soft porn movie rumours him and his bodybuilding buddies were up to before he made it bigtime

One of the allegation is he had sex with a 16 year old in North Caroilna, which the age of consent is 16....

I already watched american psycho with my better than imagination first love snd the experience made it my favorite movie. Can't wait for this one.

you forgot the part where you sucked each other dicks

what could they possibly do? give me realistic answer

So why hasn't the guy been arrested or lynched yet?

It is not for women. They will NEVER understand it. Watch it with your boys.

Because there's no proof, dumdum
especially since she threw other parts of her story into doubt by claiming he was responsible for breaking her ribs on set

time for my weekly viewing of Commando

nigga it's /testosterone core/

Women will never understand it

>the director originally want Arnold to actually hold sully over that cliff
>Arnold made them get a crane because he feared for Sully's safety, and didn't want to risk dropping him


But they didn't. The on-set guardian confirmed they all knew and nothing was done.

He denied it. Her parents, James Cameron, the crew and her legal guardian didn't report it to the police.

So it may as well be bullshit.

I'm surprised Arnie would open his mouth. Because he will be just as smeared by this as anyone else.

>Arnold talking anything about sexual assault
Kek, remember when he came to Brazil and sexually assaulted every women he came in contact with? I do.

>tfw oldfag

>tfw pubescent boy in the early/mid 90's

>tfw entire Prime Era Arnold and Sly was available to rent on VHS and fueled every saturday night sleepover

Only disadvantage was that the vidya wasn't as good (was still a few years until N64 Goldeneye) and no DVD.

I was a bit later, we caught it on TV after spending the night playing Gex on N64 and getting pissed off at the janky controls.

Can I get a quick rundown?

That's why the Chinese will one day rule the world. Not only would Jackie done it without a crane, he WOULD have dropped the guy to possible death and certain maiming to get the shot for the credits blooper reel.

touching sluts when you're a big guy who's cumming all the time =/= raping 12 year olds in a hotel room

Wasn't aware of the actual story, only google it after posting.

>Sup Forums on a date

According to his book, he either thinks it's supposed to mean "black farmer"


Yeah kinda surprised nothing has come out in Arnie yet, no way all he's done is bang the maid

if only

Based Jackie. I still remember when he put that fake shoe over the cast on his foot in the bloopers for Rumble in the Bronx vut that was pre pro-PRC Jackie. These days he would rather do crappy CGI movies with has been Hollywood actors

>look 50
oh dear

>especially since she threw other parts of her story into doubt by claiming he was responsible for breaking her ribs on set

did that turn out to be false ?

I know she said she told her agent at the time and she confronted the producer. I think thats been verified.

>she confronted the producer.
If the only person who was confronted was a produced, it makes sense that no one else would have been told about it. Part of their job is to make sure the production runs smoothly, and the easiest way to handle a story about molestation is to bury it (the stereotype of the sleazy producer exists for a reason). That's especially true on a movie being directed by James Cameron (and angry control freak known for doing outlandish shit for people he cares about).

The producer was James Cameron

>Arnold will never defend your honor
>Arnold will never be your strong and protective daddy

based arnold wouldve wanted to have been first

that scumbag stunt giy didnt deserve it
IMAGINE arnold taking her virginity


God, I really need to watch Commando again.

Democrats released a photo of him literally smoking weed while finger banging/pussy grabbing a waitress at a restaurant.

People were like;

>Ha ha, typical Arnie

It's why his Trump hatred is so funny. They so similar.

He wasn't the only one. According to IMDB:

>Stephanie Austin - producer (produced by)
>James Cameron - producer (produced by)
>Pamela Easley - associate producer
>Lawrence Kasanoff - executive producer
>Rae Sanchini - executive producer
>Robert Shriver - executive producer

Plus, a few other production management roles. Any of those people besides Cameron could have been the producer told, and they could have easily tried to keep it quiet to avoid the hassle of finding another stunt coordinator (for a giant action movie), and the public/internal shitstorm. Cameron almost punched out Harvey Weinstein over how he treated Guillermo del Toro; I can easily see someone trying to keep a story about a teenaged actress being molested away from him.

Cameron was the producer.

If the producer was told, Cameron knew. Not only that, she intimated that many on the set knew.

Arnold plays ball. He shittalks trump and supports liberal nonsense like gay rights. He's a puppet for the kikes. As long as he keeps that up, he'll be fine.

So it's either Stephanie Austin or James Cameron. I find it hard to believe his co-producer didn't tell him what went down. Not that that matters, because they said "he". Stephanie might be a French guy I guess.

I think his career is pretty much over. He has Arnold Swartzenegger threatening to beat him up for being a rapist.

what a cunt

you haven't even seen it

>when he came to Brazil
>not "went to Brazil"

BR nigger fuck off

>unironically me

probably because he's fucking old

>Only disadvantage was that the vidya wasn't as good

You are a complete moron

What is courageous about getting dry-humped?

>when you're a big guy who's cumming all the time

You motherfuckers. I'm genuinely saddened and pissed off for what happened to Eliza, but can't help laughing with these threads.

Why is no one mentioning that her parents told her to shut up?

All the test he did is turning arnold gay like bruce Jenner. No man especially a chad like arnold was uses the word courageous. Thats classic female redditor language

It's almost like 99% of celebrity twitters are not actually operated by the celebrity themself.

these quads of truth have gone unchecked for too long

uhhh. Hmm. Well anyway, what happens after this?

>Arnie can actually be filmed feeding a live deer
>modern day every onscreen deer is CGI
What the hell happened?

muh animals rights

brahs is she next??????

What happened? Who was a scumbag now

nothing will ever beat seeing commando for the first time as an adolescent boy

Why did no one ever tell me Alyssa Milano was in Commando? I'd have watched it years ago if I'd known.

>tfw you have never seen Commando NOR any of the Rambo films despite growing up in the '80s because your overprotective mother wouldn't let you watch "violent" movies