Nazgul vs. Dementors

Nazgul vs. Dementors.
Who wins?

I don't think there's any way for a Nazgul to hurt a Dementor, and a Dementor's Kiss may be able to suck out whatever's left of a Nazgul's soul


careful, when they fuck and make nazmentors then you'll be sorry

The Nazgul are completely beyond the Dementors, as far as I know. The Nine are essentially demigods, Dementors are just some species of creature.

Fuck, it's possible the Nazgul could command the Dementors with their magic.

Shadow of Yharnam

dementors are just damaging to humans with soulsucking and making them miserable. plus there are hundreds of them, they all answer to voldemort in the end, who is a man. plus doesnt harry potter defeat like 100 of them at once when he is 13?

the nine are the most powerful servants of a literal evil god or at least angel plus they are not humans anymore, so there would be no soul to suck and does anyone really think making somebody miserable is going to have an effect on nazgul? nazgul also have a brain while dementors seem to act on instinct ar just a pretty primitive form of intelligence. being stabbed by a morgul blade and thereby enslaved to them seems to be on par or worse with soulsucking
bonus: what do you think would happen if 13 y old harry potter had to face the 9 or even just the witch king.

i always thought dementors were a watered down nazgul ripoff with them making feeling people miserable stolen straight from the nines ability of making hardened soldiers panic.

not really. both nazgul and dementors are basically ineffective against things that aren't afraid of them.
they wouldn't be able to do anything to each other.

They probably could, The Witch King fills the barrows with similar wraiths when he is ruling Agmar, even his presence and voice slowly turns people into nothingness stretched thin and enslaved to his will.

Dementors, given that Voldemort could OHK Sauron with avadra kevdavra

just no. a single nazgul is capable of overthrowing human kingdoms, commanding armies and ruling an entire realm. granted it was the most powerful one but still. dementors get assraped by teenagers

Harry Potter couldn't do shit to the Witch King because he's got a dinker you brainlet

This is going to go down as the most underrated posts about nazgul of all time

Didn't a woman kill the Nazgul leader, or am I mixing up characters?

he even got satan trips

The witch king has complete command over wraiths and spirits. the dementors will literally kneel before angmar

Everything about it is perfect...just perfect


There was a prophecy/curse by Glorfindel that said he would be struck down by no man. So he was stabbed by a non human wielding a Magic blade from the first age. One that was Ironically found in the horde of a crypt he had sent a ghost to haunt and then jabbed in the skull by a woman.

She did but only after Merry stabbed him in the back with an enchanted Dunedain blade

yeah but only bcuz he gets too arrogant, doesn´t know that she is a woman when he fights her and gets stabbed in the leg by pippin as a distraction (in the novel pippin has some kind of enchanted sword from the old wars against angmar)

achilles heel situation.

>two word spell any wizard can cast with a stick
>somehow only voldemort's crew are the bad guys

This is like if every person had a gun from elementary school

>what do you think would happen if 13 y old harry potter had to face the 9 or even just the witch king

It's not outside the realm of possibility that he could actually fuck one up. The Nazgul may not be able to die easily, but you could still set them on fire, or teleport them ten thousand feet up in the air. Harry Potter magic is OP whenever the author feels like it.

He was killed by humbling irony.

i would enjoy harry potter films a lot more if they would end with everyone in the entire series getinng their skull cracked by the wk´s mace

I'd pay for that remake


HP magic is retardedly OP. It's all based on reflexes when it should be based on power levels (like gaining natural magic defense the stronger you are)

>one can't kill a useless midget
>the other can't kill a teenage boy

i dunno man

that may be but essentially the most evil magic in the entire hp series is a dude splitting his soul via simple murder.

evil in tolkien world is literally on another level.
global scale war with gods involved and everything.

>evil in tolkien world is literally on another level
Yeah but we're talking about the Nazgul who are servants of Sauron, and are probably pretty low key compared to all the shit that's been banging around the world since its creation. I imagine ringwraiths wouldn't even measure up to some of the shit that fought for Morgoth during the War of Wrath.

So what can Harry do against the Nazgul? Probably quite a few things.

HP magic is not retardedly OP it´s just retarded. there is no scale on what is difficult and why as long as you say some retarded words and wave a wooden stick in your hand

the truly patrician way for a villain to fall.

>ywn witness the full glory of melkor wading across the oceans with his head in the clouds

sauron as prob the most powerful maia was the second in command to the most powerful valar.

nazgul are his second in command. i wouldn´t say they were lowkey. they were 9 of the most powerful humans at the time when they got the rings and got stronger over thousands of years since then. they should be more powerful than every being in the HP universe.

>sauron as prob the most powerful maia
Sauron's power lay in trickery and fear, not martial strength.

He couldn't even beat a fucking dog.

Sauron is the most confusing character. He basically turns evil because he likes efficiency and the best way to be efficient is to have power over slaves. But why does he trick people into thinking he is Melkor and that they should practice cannibalism in his name? Just to be a dick?

just think about the possibilities. deathly hallows 2 fight in hogwarts. wk lands in the middle of the battle and starts giving everyone the business. no differences made. showing that amateur voldemort how it´s done with style and without a gay wand. would be the greatest possible thing to happen to the hp franchise esp if they reboot that with niggers only

>Shatters voldemort's wand just by looking at it
>let's his fellbeast rape him
Truly kino

>nazguls inneffective against shit that aint scare of them.

Source thy ass.
do you even know their lore?

>A morgul blade is ineffective against someone who isn't scared

yeah couldn´t defeat a dog blessed by more powerful gods to only be defeated by the greatest wolves.

where does he trick them into believing he is melkor? even in numenor he just tricks them into worshipping morgoth and sacrificing humans in his name.

He never tricks anyone to believe he is melkor, the numenorians worship him as a god because he flips the vala off while taking lightning bolts to the face sent by manwe himself.

Sauron implemented the human sacrifice as another finger to the valar because he managed to denigrate the "chosen people" and reduce them into base cucks. He also hated the numenorians

>they were 9 of the most powerful humans at the time when they got the rings and got stronger over thousands of years since then. they should be more powerful than every being in the HP universe.

>Throws torch at Nazgul
>Heh, nothin' personnel, kid

what? where did you pull that from

Meant to reply to

>comes back again

>throws a bigger torch

his power has been weakened at that point after expending it during battles with the valar and creating his creatures (it's stated in silmarion that a portion of his power goes into his creations) so he decided to use trickery/guile and pretended to surrender to numenor and stayed with them and pretended to give advice and after several generations was able to successfully whisper into their ears that the valar is cheating them of immortality.

>they should be more powerful than every being in the HP universe
but what about fiendfyre and pyromancy of this scale?

yeah but he doesn´t pretend to be melkor. he just pretends to be an ally.

>comes back again
>this time riding on his fellbeast

desu the witch king accomplished more than voldemort ever managed

>appears out of nowhere in angmar >decimates angmar into submission
>founds a kingdom in secret
>immediately wages war on the three kingdoms of arnor
>overthrew all three and summoned ghosts to inhabit the land so no one could occupy it ever again
>meddling elves ruin his plans for total domination
>goes behind the allied lines and with the ringwraiths alone over throws the city of minas ithil
>turns out everything before was just a front so he could fortify mordor for sauron
>accomplishes his goal and sits in his new throne of minas morgul
>taunts the king of gondor until he comes to have a 1v1
>cucks the king of gondor Would you watch a trilogy based on the single greatest character from lotr?

Huanfags please go

>Amazon show's MC is wk
I will eat my shoes

Sauron could have been save too, he was going to repent, but was afraid of punishment so stayed hidden in middle earth after the war in heaven. He tried healing the damage to the world he felt the gods abandoned, and grew bitter.

He did jack shit in the actual movie


but why not demenguls instead?

SUPREME autism

there is so much they can write concerning the fall of arnor. witch king is literally a sauron lite

cucked gandalf in rotk, no big deal just the white wizard. kills gondorian soldiers the entire time with his crew and mounts. kills theoden.

>unleashes bad breath

Nazgul already do what the dementors do, and they don't need some faggy 1 on 1 soul sucking, just being near them makes people dispair to the point that they just fall down and die, even if you avoid instant death you get "poisoned" by their precense and die after a few days anyway, and all the nazgul had to do was fly over you for a few seconds

That's bullshit m8

the dog had a silmaril in him. it was the power of the silmaril that sauron could not overcome.

on that point, i agree. the numenorians knew who he really is. the first two or generations were probably on guard against trickery from him but later generations who were born and grew up with him walking about numenor started to listen to his whispers.

this. every new hp spell, magical item, potion or whatever else is introduced for one of two reasons: a) plot device or b) gag. continuity and worldbuilding be damned

Its actually true. Its called the black breath

this, did no one watch extended edition, it's all so clear

Nah, it's true. Although the effectiveness of their Black Breath is directly proportional to Sauron's strength. During Fellowship they're only strong enough to scare people. By RotK one shriek is enough to bring an entire army of Gondorians to their knees.

That makes sense

>we'll never get a better wizard duel than Dumbledore vs Voldemort

It isn't fucking fair!

This is like Dr. Pepper vs. Dr. K or something.

Carcharoth was the one with the Silmaril. Huan messed Sauron up when he and Luthien showed up to save Beren, no Silmaril required.

What would a Nazmentor/Demengul be like?

>but later generations who were born and grew up
the king that imprisoned sauron was the same one that was cucked by sauron. The process from prisoner to advisor didnt take that long and dont forget the numenorians had extended life

The same fags that saw him as a threat worshipped him as a god by the end

>Dr. K
This here's a Mr. Pibb board, stranger.

It was a curse called the black breath, it is why Éowyn spent so long in the infirmary.

Grindelwald vs Dumbledore in the upcoming movie, hopefully

Why not use the insta-death spell that can't be blocked? Why spend 10 minutes summoning some faggy fire serpent? Why didn't Dumbledore do fucking anything while Voldemort is creating the faggy fire serpent?

Why are wizards in the HP universe complete fucking retards?

>This is like if every person had a gun from elementary school
u s a

Not going to happen. After the final Harry Potter movie I don't think they'll ever leave the beams and concussion blast style of fighting


>Why not use the insta-death spell that can't be blocked?
in the books, Dumbledore animated nearby statues and spells either ricocheted off of them or broke them. His phoenix was also there, taking the brunt of the killing curses and the phoenix would simply resurrect after. Voldemort was forced to try something different.

In the film, it didn't translate well because they had Dumbledore block the curse with some spell that should only happen if wands share the same core (his and voldy's dont)

Either way, Dumbledore was also trying to get Harry out of harm's way while dueling

Is what it is illiterate friend they call it the "black breath" and if aragorn hadn't shown up to cure them a whole bunch of people would have died due to "falling under the wraiths shadow" including Faramir and Eowyn

the king didnt really see him as a threat, he cucked sauron just because he was a megalomaniac. for the exact same reason he started listening to sauron when he got old and tried to become immortal. i mean it makes sense, sauron is basically immortal, so he should have some information and if your time is almost up, what do you have to lose? same king was insane enough to sail his fleet against a pantheon of gods. sauron just played the guys fear of death and insanity to his advantage.

like me

oh i conflated/combined huan with carcharoth.

you're correct. my memory was in error.

What's wrong with the Hound of Valinor?

desu that sounds really nice


Thanks for the warning Satan

awesome villains from a great franchise vs third tier villain creatures from a soy franchise. clear choice

That was Peter Jackson fuckery. They basically just sneaked in, stabbed him, and sneaked out.

Dementors can't even beat children

>reading war of wrath in sillmarillion
>holy fuck this is awesome
>"valar came over and slaughtered ocs with such ease, killed most balrogs, killed a dragon then captured morgoth and went home . the end"

why would they leave us high and dry like that?

>Why are wizards in the HP universe complete fucking retards?
Characters can only be as smart as the author.