The Force Awakens trailer was released 12 months before the movie came out

The Force Awakens trailer was released 12 months before the movie came out.
The Rogue One trailer was released 8 months before the movie came out.
The Last Jedi trailer was released 8 months before the movie came out.

The Han Solo movie comes out in 5 months.

They're probably still shooting this trainwreck.

all cam rips of last jedi got pulled off pirate bay

pretty sure it got pushed back to the fall/winter.

they are doing reshoots again

Wasn't the trailer for this train wreck supposed to come out last Monday?

Was it extremely painful?

>Quick! We have no trailer ready even though the movie comes out in 4 months so put out a two sentence plot synopsis. Surely they will think everything’s going smooth with this movie
This is going to bomb so fucking bad

i thought tpb is immune to this

On the one hand, I want to believe that the second round of reshoots is due to the fan backlash to The Last Jedi. On the other hand, I know not to get my hopes up, and I'm not sure it would matter anyway.

The Mouse is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be Jewish.

HOW are they not pushing it back to December? HOW
What is keeping them from doing it?
They obviously know they're in deep trouble.

Here's the thing:
1) They either have no movie
2) They have no idea how to spin the backlash to TLJ a month after release

Either answer is horrible from a fan's perspective. I dont know how you can objectively look at the state of this production and see the lack of ANY PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL as a giant red flag.

>I'm in charge here!

>I dont know how you can objectively look at the state of this production and see the lack of ANY PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL as a giant red flag.
shills will always find a way to spin anything

They must just know the movie is fundamentally fucked. After Lord and Miller's shoots, Ron Howard's first round of shoots, and now this second round of Howard shoots, they must have just looked at it and realized it's objectively awful, and that there's no saving it. But they've already spent all this money making it, so they might as well put out a trailer that lies to people, trick as many people as possible into seeing it, and try to get some of their money back. Not all, but some.

Between this and TLJ, though, this puts a ton of pressure on Episode 9.

>129 days
>until Friday May 25 2018
>a Friday 4 months and 9 days from today
It's not even 5 months

Find a woman user, you wont care about this bullshit anymore

Watch Disney pay off the critics.
Watch as the paid shills inflate the scores.
Watch that disparity between audiences and critics resurface once again.

>I can't be assed to check things myself

I agree with every word you're saying but WHY put so much pressure on the movie, the reception AND the production by sticking by a MAY release? Is this really just all about stocks?

What happened to him?

Because Gigantic being cancelled fucked over the Disney schedule. They need a strong summer release.

They're saving the marketing budget because they've already predicted it as a loss. I'm not sure why they approved it in the first place, what were they thinking?

They got Infinity War which will be the movie of the decade.

I hope you mean in terms of box office because otherwise


If they really think this they should cancel the movie. Destroying the brand further with a shit movie will hurt more long run.

I really can’t understand how Disney are messing this up so bad. The franchise is getting tarnished on two fronts, not only are Lucasfilm screwing the pooch hard with the films and having ridiculous amounts of director issues but EA are causing problems with the games.

It's a fucking write-off at this point dude. Infinity War will cover the loss they eat on this

It's already paid for, shot and the trash outlets have been running non-stories on it for months. They can't cancel it unnoticed.

Brand confidence among braindead critics is still high enough that it won't be critically panned, so they'll probably just release it, take the financial hit and use the reviews as a shield against remarks about their handling of the brand.

Blind dumbass fans will defend it and the press with throw around sexism claims and call it a toxic fan base.

They’ll be fine, but restructuring is on the way.

Sometimes Disney looks so unstoppable that we forget it's still a Hollywood studio, and Hollywood studios are filled with morons. Kathleen Kennedy is a prime example. Competent producers and executives are extremely rare.

He became so dependent on foreign markets, the only thing he feared was losing his Chinese theater showings which eventually of course he did.

>This is going to bomb so fucking bad

But just think of the fun we'll have shitposting all over its grave.

Feige must be the golden child at Disney, Kennedy is doing her best to replicate their formula but it’s sure as shit not working for them.

They got rid of Ike for Kevin.
They adore him.

Admitting defeat and canceling it would be the bigger damage at this point. Better release it during summer and hope the attention will shift towards Infinity War.

Feige is going to be the most powerful man in Hollywood by the time the MCU is over, simply because he's one of the few who actually knows what he's doing.

Why would Disney release it a month after Infinity War. It doesn't make sense.

>The Han Solo movie comes out in 5 months.
4 months.

Is it possible to learn this power?

Disney literally had the new trilogy delivered to them by George Lucas themselves. In addition they had decades of EU material they could literally copy pasta and make a fortune. Instead they burn it all down for reasons that defy all rational understanding. This should’ve been easy but they turned this into a colossal failure.

Of course it can’t be cancelled unnoticed. They can still Cancel saying it doesn’t meet standards. I would respect them for this.

would the kikes would have to pay royalties to the goyim that created those characters?

Most companies haven't yet learned that feminism doesn't sell at all yet. Videogames had to learn it the hard way. Now the movie industry will, as well. It's like communism. They keep trying it, it fails, and no one learns a thing. All these "force is female!!!" cunts never buy one ticket to the movie they demanded to be made. They'd rather go see capeshit that would otherwise be "blatantly mysoginistic" in their eyes if they weren't following their crush's plans.

Yeah hopefully they will do this.

I was debating whether or not to write to the head office at Disney advising them that this would most likely be a bad idea and to either cancel it completely, or push it back as far as possible.

They made reshoots after the TLJ reception. Third round of reshoots.


They probably haven't decided how to edit together the three movies they have at this point yet.

>Big budget movies that waited until 5 months before release before showing any marketing material
Jonah Hex, Ghostbusters femake, Dark shadows
>Big budget movies that waited until 4 months before release before showing any marketing material

Anyone got any more movies that waited until 4 months?
Holy shit this thing must be bad.

Not from a Goy

Guardians of the Galaxy trailer was released five months before the release

Guess what? The third movie has a release date now. Wow, what a bomb!


capitalism works when you accept any and all money.

it falls apart when you target away from the money

Guardians of the Galaxy was on no one's radar before release. Every minute of footage in a Star Wars trailer gets hundreds of hours of fans dissecting it on youtube.

fair point, but you and I both know Solo is going to be dogshit

Yeah but at least GOTG had posters and stuff. There's been absolutely nothing from Solo, other than the things that leaked. It's like the movie has leprosy.

oh no no no

>Between this and TLJ, though, this puts a ton of pressure on Episode 9.

>TLJ kills the franchise for its actual fans
>Solo delivers the killing blow for the casuals
>Episode 9 bombs completely

Feels good

Who the fuck cares about GotG? Normies don't really like it, so who is going to see those trash movies? Is it just horny teens on dates?

>Normies don't really like it
what rock are you under? even normies who don't like capeshit like GotG.

The last one with the planet dad was generally viewed as awful by the normalfags I know who like soywars

>Normies don't really like it

Apply yourself

Guardians of the Galaxy had footage/trailer release like a year before at Comic Con. And it wasn't subject to repeated re-shoots, director changes and a main star that needed acting lessons halfway through filming.
Stranger things than Solo succeeding have happened but based on all the shit that's happened behind the scenes combined with no trailer, marketing or anything 4 months out is a big red flag.

Digits confirm. Pushed back to Christmas; probably a trailer on May 4

That movie is being pushed to December, believe me.

Wasn't a trailer meant to drop today?

You know, my opinion of the prequels is still pretty low, but I have newfound respect for the actual production of them. Bitch about the green screens all you like, but Lucas got that trilogy made without any drama. Ever since the Mouse got a hold of the franchise it's been a shitshow.

That's because of Twitter and other social media bullshit. I'm sure all the prequels, and every movie, is plagued with drama. There was just no platform to bitch to.

I'm pretty sure that's the actual reason.

>Wasn't a trailer meant to drop today?

Um, because it's a disaster?
It's been shot top to bottom TWICE with reshoots coming next week.
It's going to be the most expensive movie ever made, and fail so bigly, it'll make even the most die hard NuWars fans weep for the franchise.
Screencap this.


At this point the entire Star Wars property has become a NASCAR wreck. The carnage, the ruin, the destruction--it's all just so big and loud and ugly, you can't look away. That's the reason we have so many threads about it, I think.

The movie is gonna blow one way or another, might as well give as much time as possible to get people hyped back up for 9. Should help with Star Wars fatigue too.

I know I'm suffering from it.

no, they weren't

It's beautiful, just what George wanted I'm betting.

>tfw George was Sheev all along