The Clone Wars

Did they fuck?

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you just know

She prob gave him the succ

In my head cannon the real reason she left the order was because she found out Anakin knocked her up.

Only anal, so they weren't breaking the rules

Maybe but Rex and Cody were invited too.


I like this post.

Rex liked it but Cody...not so much.
Meanwhile Plo Koon & Wolff...

>Did they fuck?
No. But Rex and the 501st ran a few trains on her.

you tell me


And so did Denal, Doggy with Ashoka.



>*Plo koon was invited too

Vader likes cougars, nothing in his character has ever said anything else. Not his mommy issues, not him fucking his boss.

He probably loves Asoka more than Luke and Lia though

"Just trying to keep the boys inspired, is all."

What color are her snips?

It was how they initiated new members. In jedi doctrine it can't be "love" if you're being humiliated and degraded.
Weird loophole, I agree. But I don't write the laws, I just throw the jedi gang bangs.

It's not even that, he's secretly married to his waifu. Except for him it's real, and not just a sad jerk off fantasy you cry yourself to orgasm over. He's got no reason to cheat, unless you're a sexy ass Cat-Lady slaver queen who's desperately begging to be dominated by the BJC as she sends your jailbait padawan off to sub-training.
After all, jedi or not, his blood is still red.

The better question is, what's her pubic hair situation? She doesn't seem to have hair anywhere else on her body. Does she have lekku down there, too?

Rex, Denal and Ashoka had sex with each other, a trio so to speak and that’s a fact, user!

They kissed.

Vader no longer has a dick and wants to die all the time.

I wish I could feel those lips.

>orange buttcheeks


Black girls exist, user :^)

If Zoe Seldana has taught me anything its that I like black chicks look better in any other color.

Black chicks have nothing on delicious orange.

[spoiler[I agree[/spoiler[

Welp, I sure cocked that up

Use ctrl + s next time, user.

Oh no, why would you do this?

Nah, Anakin has a serious case of oneitis for Padme. I doubt he even notices other women besides her.

>plain, boring Jew bitch who he'd only get to fuck when he's lucky vs qt, flexible, teen alien who's always around and eager to please and calls him "Master"
Anakin's life sucked. Sometimes I feel bad for him.

>that clone that deserted and got to fuck a Twi'lek wife and have half-breed kids


He just needs to buff his armor with woodu hide and he'll be fine.

I need AnakinxAhsoka in my life


I need Ahsoka in my life

I need Ahsoka as my wife

She's already happily married.

So a threesome, then?


She's too pure for that

Move over, user. I want in on this too.

Does anyone have the webm of the Separatist frigates coming out of hyperspace and attacking Yoda's ship from the very first episode?



>putting horny teenage girls together and telling them not to do anything lewd or else they'll become evil space wizards
Every padawan's lightsaber can also double as her dildo. Just make sure to use the right end and stay the fuck away from the red button.

She munched barris and ventress's boxes.

Do I watch this or the 2003 cartoon

Watch both

2 girls doing lewd things is no problem unless a guy is with them as gay as that sounds. With no guy then it is a pure dark hole of degeneracy, no redeeming factor.

Yeah but let's say in a few days I'm going to get hit by lightning, and a fortune teller told me I was going to get hit by lightning so I know, and I only have time to watch one of them

Uhm nigger, watch both in a basement where you can't get hit by lightning.
Fucking gypos.

3D CW and if you have less time follow the chart but honestly people should watch the whole thing

user is right though, watch both

is this worth watching? i have it on netflix

Yeah, when its good its really good, even the dipshit filler is ok for the most part.

The 2003 one is like an hour long. Just watch both.
Absolutely. IMO it's the best Star Wars thing that isn't one of the movies. If you love Star Wars, the Clone Wars is required viewing.

Chronological order best order, though.

Kissing Anakin is probably like headbutting a slab of meat.

Cold, lifeless, with the muffled hums of hating things.



No because she was like 14 and he was a pussywhipped autist.



Perfect, thanks.

that's not Anakin...

The way that ships enter/exit hyperspace in this show gives me a huge boner.


The Republic committed just as many war crimes as the Separatists on this show...


Hyperspace/lightspeed/FTL in general gives me a huge boner. This show just does it so well.

It's not a war crime if you win.

Two simple questions answer yours;

1. If you were her, would you fuck him?
2. If you were him, would you fuck her?

The only "mystery" is how they ever got anything else done.

It's how things should be done. The new films fuck up hyperspace, both scientifically (in the logic of the universe) and aesthetically.


There's a scene in Rogue One when a Star Destroyer comes out of lightspeed and destroys a corvette, pure kino.

History is written by the victor

It's just fast enough that there's no reaction to it but just slow enough that your brain thinks you can. It's intimidating as fuck to be attacked that way, which is what it should be.

but thats not anakin you dummy

Kino pre-action scene.

This webm loops

Literally buckets.
I also love the sound they make. It makes me smile every time I see it, no matter what.


That or they fooled around and she found out he definitely would pick Padme over her

>[Eurobeat intensifies]



The Umbara episodes are pure warkino


That’s Lux “slamming orange butcheeks for 52 weeks” Bonteri you nerd, not Anakin.

>i have it on netflix
>have it
Enjoy it while you can. Won't be long before Disney pulls it (and everything else they own) onto their own streaming service.

is it spiraling out of control or did that shit intentionally give the enemy the biggest surface area to hit


>it Ain't Sheev starts playing
so good

God, Fives was based as fuck. Best cloneboi.

>Heart of Darkness with Pong Krell as a Kurtz stand-in, using clones as his sacrificial lambs
>Waxer’s death
>clone-feels our the ass
>Dogma’s character arc
>spider tanks
>fucking centipede tanks
>Head-case’s sacrifice
In the end Krell was right about everything. The Vietnam In Space arc was amazing.